IndieWeb post types

This content type is full of IndieWeb post types, which are all content types which allow me to take greater ownership of my own data. These are likely unrelated to my blog posts. You can find a better breakdown by actual post kind below:


Liked Šime Vidas (
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Attached: 1 image On, if you want to view the nutrition facts for Chicken McNuggets, you need to allow a script from Google Maps. Google Maps as a critical dependency for nutrition facts. The critical script:


Liked Dr. Casey Fiesler (
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I keep thinking about how X Premium (#Twitter) has ✨MLM vibes✨ now because like: Hey hun/bro! 🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️ would you LOVE 💙💙💙 to make real 💰💰💰 just by doing what you’re already doing????? TWEETING!!! ✍️✍️✍️ All you have to do is get that ✅ - it will pay for itself 💵💵💵 AND MORE!!!!! Also remember only ✅ views count for that sweet revenue share 💰💰💰💰💙💙💙💙💵💰💰💰 so TELL YOUR FRIENDS TO SIGN UP! (And yes, I know it’s not an actual pyramid scheme, but ✨vibes✨)


Reposted marasawr (
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Zoomers & boomers: «IDGAF. It doesn’t affect me; everyone already has all my data—» Me: No. No, they do not. You *generate* data every time you touch that service, visit that site, patronise that business. Your data isn’t just your PII, and it isn’t finite. You are a living, breathing fountain of data that can be and is used in ways that harm the vulnerable and marginalised, even if it’s never used to harm *you* It’s not zero-sum. Limiting use & reducing dependence still counts as a good


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Attached: 1 image I’m painfully white. But for a white person I have very dark skin. Recently we were having a family conversation about how I *always* get stopped at airport security. My mum said ‘it’s because of the colour of your skin’. The thought had never crossed my mind before, and I honestly don’t think my skin is that dark, I’m firmly on the border between ‘okay’ and ‘not okay’ on the family guy meme. Maybe I’m giving airport security too much credit.


(I am not a lawyer but) in my opinion absolutely no - having it publicly accessible doesn't stop you from changing licenses on a per-file basis.

Even having a repo on GitHub doesn't mean it's actually usable - the absence of an explicit license means "All Rights Reserved" aka proprietary.

I can see your repo defaults to ISC license but just because that's true doesn't mean you can't do a per-file or post license. Several Open Source projects have subsets of different licenses in use across the codebase and as long as they're explicit and compatible it's all good.

Everything in my site defaults to AGPL-3.0 but then I've got post-specific overrides to make them Creative Commons / Apache-2.0 / otherwise as appropriate


Liked Michael Miller 🦆 (
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I’m just so impressed at the current state of #linux desktop #gaming , and how much is owed to #steamdeck and the progress it forced on #proton I’m old now, so I don’t get to play many hours anymore, but I’m just amazed how easy it is now. Anything I want to play is not only supported, but plays exactly as good (or better) than it does on windows. Zero issues with playing in HiDPI. Everything plays in 5K with no problems, even stuff released in the last two weeks. Steam UI still needs a workaround for HiDPI, but it’s straightforward enough to add a parameter at launch. Once you’re in a game, there’s no difference. Love it.