IndieWeb post types

This content type is full of IndieWeb post types, which are all content types which allow me to take greater ownership of my own data. These are likely unrelated to my blog posts. You can find a better breakdown by actual post kind below:


Liked Ergonomic Map in Go
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In many languages, on of the things I find myself doing is maping over a list to extract some field. For example, coverting a []Person to []Name. Most languages these days have ways to do this pretty easily: Kotlin: { it.Name } JavaScript: => p.Name) Rust:|p| p.Name) Scala: With generics, Go finally can do this in a type safe manner: Map(people, func(t Person) string { return t.


Liked Elisabeth M (
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Alt text isn't just helpful for the sight-impaired. By reading alt text I can identify what the OP is calling attention to in the pic, helping me get the joke or social commentary that would otherwise be illegible to me. (Without this I'm like, I see a thousand details and I don't know which one matters to you.) #ActuallyAutistic


Reposted Elisabeth M (
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Alt text isn't just helpful for the sight-impaired. By reading alt text I can identify what the OP is calling attention to in the pic, helping me get the joke or social commentary that would otherwise be illegible to me. (Without this I'm like, I see a thousand details and I don't know which one matters to you.) #ActuallyAutistic


Reposted Ethan Marcotte (
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🦊 I wrote a new book, called YOU DESERVE A TECH UNION. It’s coming out *real* soon. (I’m freaking out a little tbh!!) If you’d like to support the book ~slash~ get the word out, here’s how you can help! #YDATUbook #unions #TechUnions #1u #publishing #books #bookstodon


Liked gwil (
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Attached: 1 image Made something a bit different today: a colour-blindness friendly visual hash. In reality it just visualises bytes, with 256 possible options for each cell, so any hashing function can be used with this (or none at all, just put in bytes). Putting a little process diary for this in the replies.


Listened to Episode 128 Attention in Detail - The 9 Symptoms of Inattentiveness by The ADHD Adults Podcast
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Episode 128 of The ADHD Adults podcast covers the nine symptoms of inattentiveness in detail, giving examples of what they are. Alex reads the usual 'definitely real' correspondence. Alex get’s Welsh wrong, 'James has a diagnostic screening radiation' and Mrs ADHD thinks her glasses are too good for her eyes... Written by Alex Conner, Samantha Brown and James Brown.Produced by James Brown and JBHD Ltd.Social media contacts: @theadhdadultsMusic by Sessionz Subscribe for extra content Support the charity that the show raises money for


Liked Joe Lanman (
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In the public sector we're often told to follow what the private sector do, that they are the model to follow. In reality, we do some things better in the public sector: accessibility, user research that is not led by profit, working in the open, avoiding deceptive patterns, going slow and not breaking things. The web itself came from the public sector, we can all learn from each other.


Liked Annalee (
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Whenever news breaks of bad decisions from a popular product, there's a flurry of recommendations of various alternatives, and in that mix there's always folks extolling the virtues of hosting your own. As a person who works on security for an open source project, my spicy take is this: unless you enjoy being your own sysadmin (some folks do!), any hosted solution from a vendor that is currently reputable and currently has acceptable terms is a better, safer option than self-hosting.


Liked Kelly Shortridge (
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Attached: 1 image I am so fucking excited to bring #HotNerdSummer to Black Hat next week that I put together this super professional tour poster with all the ways you can experience the resilience revolution next week. This Barbie is gonna bring a relentless, pastel experience to #BHUSA and I hope you all join me for it. My talk is on Weds 11:20 - 12:00; follow me to the Q&A after so I can bequeath you a ticket for a *free* copy of my book I’ll sign at the Fastly booth 14:30 - 15:30. See you there ✨


Liked Security Writer :verified: :donor: (
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It’s maddeningly US-centric with its passive aggression, toxic positivity, and work-worship agenda. It’s also hilariously mis-targeted for Europeans. Having worked with people from all over Europe, the work culture is the same. “My time is MY time”. Just last week I asked a junior colleague to do something (not knowing the time) at half 4 on Friday. Their reply was leaning back on their chair and poking their head around the desk divider and saying “have you seen the time? You can absolutely get to fuck with that”. Completely the correct response.


Oh no! Yeah it looks like they opened on Thursday, just in time for them to have a busy weekend 😁


Nice 🙌🏽