Post details
Steam has definitely done more for open software in the last three years than Microsoft done in the last decade. Mainly because it's been focused at people and not increasing enterprise profits.
This content type is full of IndieWeb post types, which are all content types which allow me to take greater ownership of my own data. These are likely unrelated to my blog posts. You can find a better breakdown by actual post kind below:
Steam has definitely done more for open software in the last three years than Microsoft done in the last decade. Mainly because it's been focused at people and not increasing enterprise profits.
So before my ex, I never listened to Taylor Swift, but now she's om my common artist rotation and like the lyrics are just 🥲🥲
Why is everyone confidently asserting that Musk deleted all the tweets from 2014 and earlier with a twirl of his evil moustache when the far more plausible scenario is that the storage just shut down because he's fired all the people who knew how to keep it running, or because he hasn't been paying the bills for it?
Had an awesome job lined up. High profile editorial, Ghost CMS, tight timeline but healthy budget, awesome producer. Found out the client is a Jan 6th insurrection apologist and had to decline. I’m not picky about work right now but I draw the line at treason and fascism. Anyway, if anyone wants to do a project together, I have availability!
got my first check from a startup acquisition in my bank account. it’s not much, but I can’t lie: it’s pretty cool to get it from something I saw as the same thing as buying a lotto ticket.
I would really like to see a blog post or a talk explaining copyright stuff for personal blogs. Any recommendations?
It's several years old but my blog post on the topic may be of interest
On August 10th, HashiCorp made the controversial decision to re-license some of the popular, formerly-open source project under the Business Source License (BUSL). Bryan and Adam spoke with founders of the OpenTF project, an effort to keep Terraform operating in the open.In addition to Bryan...
This week we’re talking to Andreas Kling about SerenityOS and Ladybird. Andreas started SerenityOS as a means of therapy. It’s self-described as a love letter to “‘90s user interfaces with a custom Unix-like core.” Andreas previously worked at Nokia and later at Apple on the WebKit team, so he had an itch to do somethi...
take me down to parallax city where the back moves slow and the front moves quickly
I went to three in-person conferences this summer. All asked attendees to COVID test every other day. The first "encouraged" masks, and had a COVID outbreak. The second "encouraged" masks, and had 10 percent positivity by the second to last day, at which point they started requiring masks. The third REQUIRED masks indoors, and had zero positive COVID tests.
Posted a bikini pic on Twitter and I had def had a guy reply with “so you share it with the entire world. Nobody cares” lmfaooo I know it’s hard for ppl like him to fathom a woman being able to post tech stuff and share the fun parts of her life at the same time lol 😂 🥂
Angehängt: 1 Bild :mastodon_oops:
Attached: 3 images Twitter civil war
I think we can all agree at this point that VCs, more often than not, are actually a massive fucken problem looking at job ads like "that's not full stack, that's an entire IT department"
Attached: 1 video American **Elementary** school pulls... **just the black kids** ... into an assembly, and then does a real life Chick-fil-A Hunger Games... try to improve their test scores...? I can't even...🤮🤮🤮 **Elementary** School!!!
Ty Franck (one half of James S.A. Corey) is joined by a special guest... the Cara Gee ('Drummer' on The Expanse)! Cara stopped by to talk about her new cool Expanse Telltale game and Wes even shows up as well as a one of our patrons...
Kris Nova joins Bryan, Adam, and the Oxide Friends to talk about Mastodon. Kris runs Hachyderm, a Mastodon server. She shares her experience with Mastodon and the Fediverse.
Between and I took 5391 steps.
apparently i passed a phishing awareness test last week by correctly ignoring a fake linkedin email nobody tell my boss that i ignored it entirely on the assumption that it was a real linkedin email
Cian Synnott's writing.
Describing someone in a peer review as "a safe pair of hands", which made me realise people here might not have seen this great article from
A reminder that Trump will not see your fat jokes or other comments about his weight but your fat friends will.
man, crossposting the same joke to four platforms is rough. by the fourth repost, you really feel like you're desperately repeating the punchline for one last round of half-laughs.
Attached: 1 image ur mentions whenever you say anything bad about tailwind maybe? There are a few others mentioned on Gopher Slack
Attached: 2 images I'm definitely the luckiest person there is 💕
The promise of unlimited PTO is that you can tell your manager you aren’t coming to work next month. The reality of unlimited PTO is that you might as well spend that month interviewing for a new job.
Attached: 1 image
Hi there, if you don’t want me to hit you, please carry this sign that says “please don’t hit me” with you always. Otherwise, I can’t possibly be held responsible if I hit you. Because it’s in my nature to hit you. I can’t live without hitting people. It’s just who I am and what I do. Thank you for your understanding in this delicate matter. Sincerely, OpenAI #ai #optOut #openAI #chatGPT #bullshit