IndieWeb post types
This content type is full of IndieWeb post types, which are all content types which allow me to take greater ownership of my own data. These are likely unrelated to my blog posts. You can find a better breakdown by actual post kind below:
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Columbo getting caught in one of the closing sliding doors as he walks back into the room to add just one more thing
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Can we just abolish Sunday Trading laws already? What is this, the 19th century?
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*columbo on the enterprise* The prime directive, huh? Sounds pretty important. I'm sure you guys are very careful not to break that one.
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Attached: 1 image This is true.

Between and I took 7473 steps.
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Reminder: All APIs *have a user interface*. The user is the developer who needs to interface with that API. Understand what your users need, and make it easy to understand and incorporate into their projects.
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Exactly. The term "Open Source" is itself a commons, providing a common shared understanding, which has huge value. Right now, many different groups who may not all agree on all goals nonetheless g...

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Attached: 2 images Looks like I was pretty prescient ~5 years ago about the Hashicorp CLA being added:

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Remember that free software licenses are irrevocable - even if a vendor changes a project to a non-free license, the older versions continue to exist as free software. So while we should absolutely criticise vendors who take the work of others and make it non-free, we should also bear in mind that they gifted us the earlier versions in the first place, and cannot take that away again.
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seeing a lot of total noobs at #defcon walking around with zero protection to a widely known vulnerability, just begging to get their systems infected with a viral exploit from over three years ago 🙄 really disappointing because the patch involves wearing a wicked cool face mask like a cyberpunk, though a cheap N95 also works if you've already spent all your money on an anti-RFID wallet or some other fancy everyday carry gizmo
Got a link to the project that I could possibly have a look at for OpenAPI'ing it up? 👀
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A human-friendly (but still largely structured) slog.Handler - GitHub - telemachus/humane: A human-friendly (but still largely structured) slog.Handler
Sweet, if you check out a response from ie or see how works that may help too - may also have some insight! And I'm sure chatting with the IndieWeb and Microformats community may be a good option too
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How do you test a database without a database? Don't worry, this isn't one of those Zen puzzles. I have something more practical, but equally enlightening, in mind. Let’s use the adapter pattern to solve the riddle.

Certainly! I think originally I'd not done it that way for speed and I think there's JSON-LD so they may not have wanted both but super happy to collab 🙌🏽
Between and I took 10922 steps.
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This is a really neat CLI tool by Jamie Tanna, built using Go and SQLite but with a feature that embeds a Datasette instance (literally shelling out to start the …