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IndieWeb post types
This content type is full of IndieWeb post types, which are all content types which allow me to take greater ownership of my own data. These are likely unrelated to my blog posts. You can find a better breakdown by actual post kind below:
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Pay phones are disappearing to make it harder to escape the matrix
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I’m a software developer with a bunch of industry experience. I’m also a comp sci professor, and whenever a CS alum working in industry comes to talk to the students, I always like to ask, “What do you wish you’d taken more of in college?” Almost without exception, they answer, “Writing.” One of them said, “I do more writing at Google now than I did when I was in college.” I am therefore begging, begging you to listen to @stephstephking@mstdn.social: https://mstdn.social/@stephstephking/113336270193370876
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Happy Sukkot 🏕️! Find John & Shay at cupogo.dev, where you can find links to our Slack channel, Swag store, Patreon community, and the entire Cup o' Go episode archive.MeetupsGoUAE meetup, Oct 26Go LiepzigProposalsproposal: net/http: customize limit on number of 1xx responses (FInal Comment...
How are you planning on doing the deletion? I ended up writing a browser-based automation to delete mine a pretty basic and boring way
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This week on the Business of Open Source, I spoke with David Höck, co-founder of Vendure. We talked about switching licenses from MIT to GPL, the ways that Vendure is different from it’s competitors and how architectural decisions can be a powerful differentiator for an open source...
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Originally aired in December 2023: In this episode of the Mechanical Ink podcast, host Schalk Neethling speaks with guest Jordan Harband in a deep dive into the open-source world.
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consegui fazer minha primeira api da vida em Go usando o oapi-codegen pra um projetinho pessoal, tô muito feliz aos pouquinhos tô aprendendo melhor como estudar sozinho tópicos mais complexos (pra mim), aprendi muita coisa nova nessas últimas semanas tentando entender como fazer
Between and I took 7010 steps.
On my side I stopped using Meetup as heavily when they removed the free API, and post-lockdown, at least nearer to me, there aren't nearly as many in-person meetups.
In the #IndieWeb community, there's the Meetable project, seen at https://events.indieweb.org/ and is powered by IndieWeb tech (not ActivityPub) if you fancied self hosting, but then you miss out on network effect and discoverability of events you're not necessarily organising yourself 🤔
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Meetup’s gone from community king to overpriced ghost town, thanks to Bending Spoons. Enshittification strikes again! Now what?
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In this episode, CRob discusses the finer points of developer relations (DevRel) with Katherine Druckman, Open Source Evangelist at Intel and co-chair of the OpenSSF Marketing Advisory Council and DevRel Community. Katherine enjoys sharing her pas...
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This week on The Business of Open Source, I spoke with Eric Holscher, co-founder of Read the Docs. We had a really far-ranging conversation that included talking about why documentation is often so bad, why documentation should be a priority, but also Eric’s experience building Read the Docs and...
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overdue to put the rm into rms
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👋🏽 Co-maintainer of oapi-codegen here, this is something that can be fixed by migrating the type on the spec side to a named Schema, but will see if we've got a planned feature to autogenerate a type name here instead of an anonymous struct 🤞🏽
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Organizations often struggle to identify vulnerabilities and risks hidden within the layers of dependencies. Address it by using an holistic approach to software security.
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I should add: If your employer doesn't increase your pay by at least 4% per year, the value of your pay is regressing, not keeping up with the average rate of inflation. If your employer is aware and does this anyway, that's a pretty clear message that you should seek one that values you. #jobs #employment #pay
Maintenance. I write so much about software maintenance, but always add too many i
s and a
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Plan 9 clustering at home
Between and I took 4603 steps.
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Original Post SQLite is cool now. DHH uses it, Laravel defaults to it. Here is a list of sensible...
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Listen to ‘Making friends was always IMPOSSIBLE’ - Parul Singh details late AuDHD diagnosis from ADHD Chatter. Parul Singh opens up about her late ADHD & autism diagnosis. It’s insightful, hilarious and very relatable. Thank you Parul for sharing your incredible story with us.00:00 Trailer02:48 When was your first memory of feeling like you might have ADHD?11:45 And since you were last on, you were diagnosed with Autism too, so the second part of the question. When was your first memory of feeling like you have autistic traits? 20:36 How do you find Autism manifests itself in your social and professional life? 24:16 We had Jay Beech on the show who also has AuDHD and he said that the ADHD brain and the Autism brain are like 2 siblings pulling each other by the hair and dragging each other across the room, is this true for you?25:53 Has this more recent diagnosis made a lot of sense of previous struggles you've had in the past?30:55 Since your diagnosis, have you found your tribe?33:25 Has your diagnosis made sense to those closest to you?36:26 How do you communicate the everyday struggles of being AuDHD to those around you, those people by which your relationship relies heavily on your strength to communicate things to them. i.e friends, family and partner? 44:47 ‘Pebbling’ explained 46:08 In general, do you find it hard to draw out empathy from a person who has a brain that just thinks in a totally different way?50:16 What part does "Stockholm Syndrome" play in this? And can you briefly explain what Stockholm syndrome is?53:00 How much of your AuDHD do you think might be caused by complex PTSD?56:46 The ADHD Item segment 01:00:19 The ADHD Agony Aunt segment (Washing Machine of Woes)01:02:31 What is the difference between a shutdown and a meltdown? And why might one occur over the other?01:11:35 How have you learnt to harness both your ADHD and Autism to become a successful individual? 01:13:32 Does your ADHD ever mask your Autism or vice versa?01:14:28 What is your relationship with alcohol like at the moment and how has that journey been over the years? 01:16:10 The Alien scenario01:18:41 Most impulsive thing 01:21:01 Signing the ‘thinks outside the box’ canvas Find Parul on Linkedin 👉 https://www.linkedin.com/in/parul-parallel-minds/This episode has been produced for entertainment purposes only and is in no way meant to be taken as medical advice or advice in any way.
Between and I took 4222 steps.
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The only thing I’ve learnt from the renewed cycle of RMS drama is that he finally changed his mind on something. Anyway, sorry to anyone who still has to be around him and his shit. Good luck?
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Attached: 1 image We know him as "Eddy", but within the pumpkin community, he's feared as "The Smasher".
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Absolutely wild how many companies are adopting AI notetaking apps for meetings. Y'all'er just chill sending your planning, product direction and revenue details to some random third party in exchange for them doing the low value task of halfassing note taking for you?
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Attached: 1 image I should definitely have been doing something else. #ADHD #AuDHD #ExecutiveDysfunction
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Finger gloves should have been called intermittens
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Attached: 1 image the problem is I build things in a way that I don't need to baby sit them - which means they get reliability as side effect. Slide from my "Cloud infrastructure for cloud infrastructure" talk
I will be attending
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Attached: 1 image Manchester was so beautiful. Missing it already. #Manchester
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Back from a great weekend at #oggcamp2024 More highlights than I can mention, but I particularly enjoyed meeting new people, the book group (that's the winter's reading sorted) and open source embroidery.
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@www.jvt.me@www.jvt.me Thank you for the notes on the discussion session I led on the Open Source AI Definition! I need to write up a summary of my thoughts on the subject and the discussion, so I will make reference to that.
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@www.jvt.me@www.jvt.me this is such an important topic. It’s 15 years since some colleagues let me know how much less than the men in my team I was being paid. The knowledge helped me to negotiate a bit, and I remain grateful for their consideration and openness.
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Attached: 1 image My new response to every invite
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Attached: 1 image Thanks everyone for attending my impromptu session about sustaining #opensource and how we’re doing our part over at STF 🙌 super appreciated talking with you all 🙇🙇🙇 #OggCamp2024
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This week, Parul Singh shares the story of how she won a legal case over an ex-employer for ADHD discrimination. Parul is a Recruitment Marketing Partner and Neurodiversity Advocate at xDesign, and an ex-tech recruiter. She was diagnosed with ADHD at aged 25 and uses her platform to awareness about neurodiversity in the workplace and in the recruitment process to build a more equitable future for neurodivergent people. In order to make a bigger impact, she created a new role at xDesign, "Neurodiversity Advocate” in which she works closely with the People Team to lead the internal neurodiversity community. We all know how important it is to feel less alone. She also feeds into internal policies, processes and supports other neurodivergent employees at xDesign. As a woman of colour, she also puts a spotlight on intersectionality within Neurodiversity and the compounding impact that being from multiple minority groups has on barriers we face” Topics: 00:00 What are your earliest ADHD memories 04:29 Unhealthy sources of dopamine 11:00 Misdiagnosed with depression + finally getting an ADHD diagnosis 18:47 Normalising ADHD in life + at work 22:38 How did you feel after your diagnosis? 28:52 Imposter syndrome 32:00 Winning a discrimination tribunal + Neurodiversity in business 38:13 What is disability discrimination? Find Parul on LinkedIn 👉 https://www.linkedin.com/in/theadhdtechrecruiter/ Here's the link to the ADHD/ND resources : https://theadhdtechrecruiter.notion.site/ADHD-Neurodiversity-Resources-1-0983dc5d52aa400d9225973d940b2287 Specific ones relating to this discussion: 👉 https://www.gmb.org.uk/sites/default/files/neurodiversity-law-guide.pdf 👉 https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/138118/Equality_Act_2010_-_Duty_on_employers_to_make_reasonable_adjustments_for....pdf Subscribe and be the first to know about Live events 👉 https://bit.ly/3KawML7 Watch on YouTube 👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_HZMBt0Fr8 Follow ADHD Chatter: LinkedIn 👉 https://bit.ly/3m1qm8Q Instagram 👉 https://bit.ly/3KuNXIr TikTok 👉 https://bit.ly/3ZxZNGd This episode has been produced for entertainment purposes only and is in no way meant to be taken as medical advice or advice in any way.
Oh that's cool - very small world 🤓
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@www.jvt.me@www.jvt.me that's a very interesting salary page. I used to work around Capital one as a senior associate but I predated you by a few years. Good idea to track it like that. 👍
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Attached: 1 image Be like @jacattell@mastodon.me.uk and buy an @openbenches@botsin.space T-shirt https://openbenches.org/support #OggCamp