IndieWeb post types

This content type is full of IndieWeb post types, which are all content types which allow me to take greater ownership of my own data. These are likely unrelated to my blog posts. You can find a better breakdown by actual post kind below:


Liked jesse squires 🏴 (
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Apple saying they “pay developers” billions each year is like a bank saying they “pay” people that use their ATM. It’s our money! From paying customers! All Apple did was carry the bag from one place to another, and, in the process, dip their greedy fingers in it. Apple does not *pay* us for anything. They give us our own money after extracting a tax.


Reposted Jason Gorman (
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We spend roughly 10x as much time reading code as we do writing it. A tool or technique that makes you twice as "productive" at writing code *at best* makes you 5% more productive over all. Making your code easier to understand will have 10x the impact. But that doesn't sell tools or put developers out of work, so you won't be reading about it in Forbes.


Liked KarlBode (
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40 straight years of supposed innovators whining like absolute babies at the faintest hint of government oversight, promising just endless Utopias if we embrace just two choices: either zero oversight at all, or shitty regulations they get to write that coddle the biggest and wealthiest


Liked Mike Haber (
Post details Maybe Goals and Constraints changed without the teams knowledge? Or they might have been left owning all the issues? Or they might have discovered a resource/requirements mismatch? I guess it depends how they got shafted, and who you're trying to tell.


Out of interest, which functionality are you thinking? Microformats2? Micropub? POSSE? I think we've got some with Microformats2 markup somewhere 🤔


Liked fluffy 💜 (
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Game industry job postings are the weirdest, worst things. “Requirements: Must be able to help our game achieve GOTY status” like uh. Okay? I’ll put that skill on my resume next to “able to win the lottery” and “can release a game before it will have started production”


Liked Terence Eden (
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Grrrrr! Trying to get payment from a US vendor. Their form wouldn't submit unless I had a US phone number. Thank fuck for Google Voice! Oh, and it's a good thing that I remembered "my" zip code is 90210. Why don't Americans accept that the rest of the world exists? (Rhetorical question. Doesn't actually require you to explain anything.)


Liked Jacky Alciné (
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If I end up leaving tech, it's 100% going to be the people that does it. And the industry as a whole, but I definitely stay in spite of that. I'll probably leave when I realize that the majority of tech will use every and any in favor of capitalism (and their own platform). (


Listened to Cup o' Go | Cup o' Go mugs are all the rage, Shay's an official contributor, and an interview with Applied Go Weekly editor, Christoph Berger
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A big thanks to this episode's sponsor, Koyeb!Proposal, accepted and merged: slices: add ReverseCorrection: GOEXPERIMENT=gocacheprog feature won't introduce new cache invalidation bugsNew proposal: strings.First functionBlog post: Some notes on the cost of Go finalizers (in Go 1.20) by Chris...