I've got a Hugo site that uses IndieWeb technologies (Micropub, Microformats, Webmention) to also interoperate with the Fediverse and Mastodon.
My site publishes an average of 50 commits a day, most of which are done using Micropub (using a custom built Micropub server).
Then I use Bridgy Fed to do the IndieWeb-to-Mastodon connectivity, sending it a webmention when I post a new thing, and it then syndicates it to my followers in the Fediverse. Bridgy Fed's rendering of content isn't maybe as flexible as you would want - I believe it's set to only syndicate specific things, but that may be something we can improve and/or make configurable!
You could use Netlify functions for your Micropub endpoint - I know a few folks have done that before (including Carol Gilabert)!
One thing to be cautious of is as you're starting to publish more content, avoiding spamming folks with Webmentions.
For the PESOS items, I've been doing it with my step counts, and similar could probably be done on Netlify with a scheduled function to grab the latest entries and publish them to your site.