IndieWeb post types
This content type is full of IndieWeb post types, which are all content types which allow me to take greater ownership of my own data. These are likely unrelated to my blog posts. You can find a better breakdown by actual post kind below:
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if you gaze into the scroll, the scroll gazes also into you
Amy Hoy (@amyhoy)Wed, 19 Apr 2023 20:26 +0000
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Exciting news! Yesterday, $86 million in settlement checks were sent out to women covered in our class action against Google. All women deserve equal pay for equal work. PERIOD. I am really proud of my role in making them PAY UP!!Kelly Ellis (@justkelly_ok)Fri, 27 Jan 2023 18:45 GMT
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Attached: 1 image Okay now I really need to block Google and Microsoft from anything I touch. It's been clear that this AI stuff is moving like a virus, but it's not like any disclosures are even given for this.

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In a conversation on reddit today someone asked if other languages have phrases like "rightie tightie, leftie loosie" to remember which way to turn screws/lids/etc. And one person answers that in Spanish, the phrase is: "La derecha oprime, la izquierda libera." or: "The right oppresses, the left liberates." (Now I kind of want to put this on a t shirt)
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Software engineer and artist
Between and I took 7086 steps.
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Attached: 1 image I paid for the whole PC, I'm gonna use the whole PC

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We really missed an opportunity to call logging, monitoring, alerting, and observability LMAO 😹

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Attached: 1 image I've always hated this and just realised my own company does it. I hate it soooo much This makes me feel we've given up on the web. It's not that the app provides a better experience, it's that we've not invested in a good web experience because "reasons"...

Between and I took 8877 steps.
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Attached: 1 image censorship

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MillerKnoll says a video of CEO Andi Owen telling employees to stop "thinking about what you’re going to do if you don’t get a bonus" was taken "out of context."

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zoom call from a ceo who cancelled all employee bonuses but took a $6.4 million bonus herself
Warren Commission Test Skull (@conzmoleman)Mon, 17 Apr 2023 02:49 +0000
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Attached: 1 image I made mango marshmallow ice cream, and it's as delicious as it sounds.

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Attached: 1 image Hey #btconf, find me if you want Accessibility Woke Platoon stickers!

I will be attending
Between and I took 7165 steps.
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This week we’re talking with Cory Doctorow (this episode contains explicit language) about his newest book Chokepoint Capitalism, which he co-autored with Rebecca Giblin. Chokepoint Capitalism is about how big tech and big content have captured creative labor markets and the ways we can win them back. We talk about cho...

Post details PetMD …or if you prefer, eating my own cooking, or scratching my own itch, or drinking my own …
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Inspired by, I've decided to resume writing. Here I explain it: This is my blog: Follow me here on Mastodon, or add me to your favourite feed reader. You can also find me on Linkedin ( I'll be super happy to hear from you.

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Touring the ORM and Postgres landscape in Go, and why sqlc is today’s top pick.
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I'll resume writing about technology and software engineering, inspired by Jamie Tanna's blog I came across recently. This is my blog: Subscribe through your favorite feed reader, or follow me on social media.

Thank you very much Manuel, this was lovely to read and hear 💜 I look forward to seeing how your blog evolves over the years!
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I'll resume writing about technology and software engineering, inspired by Jamie Tanna's blog I came across recently. This is my blog: Subscribe through your favorite feed reader, or follow me on social media.

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Inspired by @JamieTanna's blog, I've decided to resume writing. Here I explain it: This is my blog: Add me to your favorite feed reader or follow me here on Twitter, on Mastodon ( or on LinkedIn.Manuel Schmidt (@MschmNet)Sun, 16 Apr 2023 10:34 +0000
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Fake—or captive—open source can be defined as software that is released under a license that is not truly open.

Between and I took 3528 steps.
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Note: This post discusses loneliness. I'm okay. Let me say that again. I'm okay. I feel more connected than I have in a long time. With that said, if it weren't for my friends being open about their experiences with loneliness -- and the encouragement I received to talk about my feelings -- I may not have written this essay. I hope my experience below is helpful to someone and conveys one key point: if you experience or have experienced loneliness, you are not the only one. Let my post below be a testament to that.
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Attached: 2 images やった!I did it! I’ve walked a million metres in 2023 (since the start of my sabbatical) — that’s the full height of Great Britain; over 1.4 million steps. My final strides here in Ginza, Tokyo, on some kind of celebration day that has kept the streets totally devoid of cars (which was awesome and made it feel weirdly like a village)

I'm interested in attending
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recency bias just isn’t what it used to be
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In between blogging about ChatGPT rhetoric, micro-benchmarking with ChatGPT Code Interpreter and Why prompt injection is an even bigger problem now I managed to ship the beginnings of a new …

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For many open source consumers the "logical units" being depended on are libraries. However, the libraries themselves are only a product of what consumers are actually depending on: people. Y...

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Let's talk about Google's newest software supply chain product. Reading the GA announcement I had many mixed feelings. Starting with the good, compared to other implementations of "curated open s...

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So, a little while ago I did an extremely unscientific poll on login methods via Authl on this website. The results of that (measured by folks who accessed my site for any authenticated reason, not just folks visiting the login method poll):(4cb08e76-e33b-517d-9119-57f19d4f9f73)
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People didn't think girls could have ADHD or autism until relatively recently so half the population didn't get diagnosed no matter how obvious the signs
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Why are there so many undiagnosed adults who are only now discovering that they are autistic, adhd, or neurodivergent in some way? Let's break it down... \1Sensory Stories by Nicole (@sensorystories_)Fri, 14 Apr 2023 12:58 +0000
Ian Coldwater 📦💥 (@IanColdwater)Fri, 14 Apr 2023 21:50 +0000
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Own your words. Don’t pour your limited keystrokes into a walled garden you don’t control or own. Twitter is not your blog. This tweet was…Post details
We’re making improvements to the writing and reading experience on Twitter! Starting today, Twitter now supports Tweets up to 10,000 characters in length, with bold and italic text formatting. Sign up for Twitter Blue to access these new features, and apply to enable……Twitter Write (@TwitterWrite)Fri, 14 Apr 2023 00:41 +0000
Scott Hanselman (@shanselman)Fri, 14 Apr 2023 21:45 +0000
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Being invited to an event via text chat is nice because I don't have to worry about masking. I can have the immediate "WTF no" reaction, look directly at it, and evaluate whether that's how I really feel — it isn't always — before answering.

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Attached: 1 image

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Stop adding “AI” to every new product ever challenge [Impossible]
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Looks like Twitter has finally cut people off from their API access. Gonna be interesting to find out who was just cross-posting here this whole time.
Between and I took 6147 steps.
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@variety I'll still be here! All of my Heardle games will still be playable after May 5th. #HeardleHeardle Decades 💙 🎶🧑🎤🎤🎹🎶 (@HeardleDecades)Fri, 14 Apr 2023 21:47 +0000