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When I am planning to eat something that I really like, this sounds like a great idea to let me eat it twice. Is that it?
Ian Massingham (@IanMmmm)Tue, 04 Apr 2023 13:27 +0000
This content type is full of IndieWeb post types, which are all content types which allow me to take greater ownership of my own data. These are likely unrelated to my blog posts. You can find a better breakdown by actual post kind below:
When I am planning to eat something that I really like, this sounds like a great idea to let me eat it twice. Is that it?
Ian Massingham (@IanMmmm)Tue, 04 Apr 2023 13:27 +0000
#virginmedia @virginmedia erm... Mind leaving it switched on, rather than flicking the light switch like a 5 year old? Thanks... #VirginMediaoutage #virginmediadownAshleigh-Paul Charlesworth (@the_ape)Tue, 04 Apr 2023 15:35 +0000
We shouldn't judge people for not loving their jobs. Data: when people are intrinsically motivated at work, they see colleagues who share that motivation as more worthy of their help. Not enjoying work doesn't make anyone less moral. It's often a sign of a bad job or a bad fit.Adam Grant (@AdamMGrant)Tue, 04 Apr 2023 13:55 +0000
Doge for some reason is showing up on Twitter and I can only assume this was supposed to be an April Fools joke that took 3 days to roll out because no one knows how the site works anymore
windows 98 Tech Support (@Win98Tech)Mon, 03 Apr 2023 17:39 +0000
People think it’s soooo hot…
big honkin caboose (@itsmegangraves)Tue, 13 Dec 2022 15:32 GMT
The company claims to have not considered before launch whether their new protest and strike surveillance tool could be misused.
hello 😎 today 📆 i 👙 used 🚟🚟 an emojipasta generator in 👏 a corporate professional 😎 context 🔎
vee (@veekorbes)Tue, 04 Apr 2023 13:08 +0000
Doesn’t work when the CTO interviewed you while they themselves were draped in cats 😂 (Though seriously, she was very nice and totally understood this excuse when a couple of minutes late to a meeting)Katie Fenn (@katie_fenn)Tue, 04 Apr 2023 10:00 +0000
Shout out to everyone else with this rule: I can't come to work today, the cat's sat on me. So yeah, I can't move. It's the law.THAT @REM SHOW (@rem)Tue, 04 Apr 2023 09:30 +0000
Distributed databases are necessary for storing and managing data across multiple nodes in a network. They provide scalability, fault tolerance, improved performance, and cost savings. By distributing data across nodes, they allow for efficient processing of large amounts of data and redundancy against failures. They can also be used to store data across multiple locations
Find the right syntax for your YAML multiline strings.
When faced with command line applications people complain about all the “weird incantations” you need to know but with chat bots, that’s called “prompt engineering” and suddenly it’s the hottest shit.
Came across this fantastic website today just focussed on the quirks around multiline strings in YAML 😁
Between and I took 8902 steps.
I remember when Aaron Swartz was criminally prosecuted for downloading too many academic journal articles, but, sure, it's totally cool to scrape everyone's personal photographs as part of a commercial effort to market discriminatory surveillance tech to police departments. (@turborepo) has saved teams on @vercel collectively 55.526 years of build time (up from 30 years in jan) Every time we return a cache hit is time that would have otherwise been spent burning CPU cycles 🤯Guillermo Rauch (@rauchg)Tue, 04 Apr 2023 03:40 +0000
We are building a private space for maintainers to connect with peers, preview features, and learn from each other!
We're seeing it up in Nottingham too 😥
Well, it’s come to this. <a href="">Twitter is burning</a>, <a …(
I thought that was just us, we've had a very painful week or so of slow service. But yeah working today is gonna be hard 😬
Looks like #VirginMedia is down across the UK. Even their error reporting page has crashed!
Can't wait for Elon to change the Twitter logo into a doge or some other equally cringe shit.
SystemFreez ❄️ (@SystemFreez)Mon, 25 Apr 2022 13:12 +0000
Bjarne Stroustrup Announces Null Pointers Were Literally Just a Bit
ReductRs (@reduct_rs)Mon, 03 Apr 2023 20:03 +0000
We have a puppy! Welcome L13k7nDv7p64! to the family. Her name is a little hard to pronounce but it will make a fantastic password for my kids in a few years.Jake Moore (@Jake_MooreUK)Mon, 03 Apr 2023 06:58 +0000
I have told my students 100000 times that the amount of sleep they get 2 nights ago determines their energy levels more than how they slept last night (adrenaline will make up for a sleep deficit) and yet when I’m tired even tho I slept like a brick last night I’m still like this
taco belle (@animalologist)Mon, 03 Apr 2023 17:42 +0000
this is honestly so helpful. im sure your other teammates really appreciate it
ceora🌺 🌸 (@ceeoreo_)Mon, 03 Apr 2023 19:47 +0000
I have worked with senior people who didn’t want to ask questions in public. I get the reasons but I don’t think it’s as healthy for a team.
Rich Burroughs (@richburroughs)Mon, 03 Apr 2023 20:48 +0000
It is very indicative of the team when more slack discussions happen in DMs than public channels. It is more indicative of the culture when a leader responds to a question you posted in a channel with a DM and ends up leading it to a decision/closure in DMs.
Swarna (she/her) (@skpodila)Mon, 03 Apr 2023 20:50 +0000
I mean — I hate smart TVs. How do you *think* I'm gonna feel about putting AI in everything like it's ranch dressing?
It's my favourite API to work on for many reasons 😁
me: omg why do i feel like i’m dying??? also me: *hasn’t eaten yet and it’s 4pm*ceora🌺 🌸 (@ceeoreo_)Mon, 03 Apr 2023 17:03 +0000
( me after seeing two guys in any context whatsoever) Well well well if it isnt the Blowjob Brothers
wint (@dril)Sun, 28 Nov 2021 06:18 GMT
new guide for the gamers to understand now we on hard modeVictoria Tran 🧋 (@TheVTran)Sun, 02 Apr 2023 23:28 +0000
I cant believe I’m expected to work all day and also feed myself and also arrange my move and also file my taxes and also get a passport and also medicate myself and
Juniper (@causal_agent)Mon, 03 Apr 2023 15:06 +0000
These are awesome well done 👏🏽
Attached: 3 images These are the 3 pieces I’ve created for my office, I still need to get them printed and framed, but I’m very happy with how they’ve turned out #Overwatch #Overwatch2 #Destiny #Destiny2 #ApexLegends #Art #Poster
This Chrome extension is very useful!! Twitter now doesn't show whether accounts are verified or paid, but this plugin called Eight Dollars does. Very useful in distinguishing a genuine account from the sad sap reply guys who paid for the blue check.…m (@mayavada)Sun, 02 Apr 2023 22:22 +0000
Useful extension for those using Twitter in the browser
Post details
This Chrome extension is very useful!! Twitter now doesn't show whether accounts are verified or paid, but this plugin called Eight Dollars does. Very useful in distinguishing a genuine account from the sad sap reply guys who paid for the blue check.…m (@mayavada)Sun, 02 Apr 2023 22:22 +0000
Kate Bevan (@katebevan)Mon, 03 Apr 2023 07:51 +0000
It always comes down the Grift!
Jim Hendryx (@jdhendryx)Sun, 02 Apr 2023 23:14 +0000
The increasing complexity of modern cloud-native architectures has led to the emergence Platform Engineering. This practice involves the development and upkeep of an integrated product, known as an “Internal Developer Platform,” which serves as a flexible and supported abstraction layer between application developers and the underlying technologies. Luca Galante leads Product at Humanitec and he
Wrote out my todo list; I've 8-9 boring but important things and 1 that'll be fun but is totally optional. Decisions decisions... #ADHDCiaran McNulty (@CiaranMcNulty)Mon, 03 Apr 2023 09:14 +0000
Lindsay (@DuncanDsrdrly)Mon, 03 Apr 2023 09:46 +0000
Fun fact: every time someone told me "This is going to completely transform the software industry", it didn't.
Jason Gorman (@jasongorman)Mon, 27 Mar 2023 15:52 +0000
In Paris, a new “Everything Is Fine” gif is born
Ben Coates (@bencoates1)Sat, 25 Mar 2023 20:01 GMT
Between and I took 8592 steps.