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"we don't do this because it's easy, but because we thought it would be easy"
Kent C. Dodds 🌌 (@kentcdodds)Wed, 01 Mar 2023 01:48 GMT
This content type is full of IndieWeb post types, which are all content types which allow me to take greater ownership of my own data. These are likely unrelated to my blog posts. You can find a better breakdown by actual post kind below:
"we don't do this because it's easy, but because we thought it would be easy"
Kent C. Dodds 🌌 (@kentcdodds)Wed, 01 Mar 2023 01:48 GMT
bisexuality is rough @UnionHallNYely kreimendahl (@ElyKreimendahl)Wed, 01 Mar 2023 03:28 GMT
"21/Feb/22" -- Fuck you #Jira./adhddd # 🍁 (@douglasdd)Wed, 22 Feb 2023 16:53 GMT
My partner and I recently watched it and it took a good few weeks despite watching several episodes a day, but it was my first time watching past the first season and it's a fun watch
I'm starting to realise that if I had not contributed to OSS, my leadership/people skills would not have had a chance to grow as much. And while OSS throws new curveballs everyday, I'm actually grateful because each one of them is a learning experience in itself 💛Nikhita Raghunath (@TheNikhita)Tue, 28 Feb 2023 17:49 GMT
It warms my heart that so many people are replying to that Tweet and saying that it makes it feel better not remember those things. This is what I shit post for. 🥹💖
Josie (@javavvitch)Wed, 01 Mar 2023 07:09 GMT
I have been a software engineer for 7 years and I will never remember the steps to adding a SSH key to my Github profile I'm so sorry.
Josie (@javavvitch)Tue, 28 Feb 2023 19:29 GMT
I helped write those docs years ago and had to reference the docs I wrote to do it 🤪
Jenn Leaver (@jennleaver)Tue, 28 Feb 2023 21:34 GMT
Handled, for folks finding this tweet ->
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Hey Daniel, we started a conversation about your support request earlier today. The package owner is engaged. This was a miss on my part not to notify you when we noticed this exceptional circumstance and engaged the owner. We'll reach out to you over email. Thanks.
Joel Verhagen (@joelverhagen)Tue, 28 Feb 2023 23:07 GMT
Scott Hanselman (@shanselman)Wed, 01 Mar 2023 06:51 GMT
femb✦t (@__femb0t)Wed, 01 Mar 2023 06:53 GMT
This company called @Microsoft runs this package manager called @nuget. They host a curl package there, that was last updated in 2013 and now contains **68** documented vulnerabilities. But there is apparently no way I can report this or make them act on this.daniel:// stenberg:// (@bagder)Tue, 28 Feb 2023 22:58 GMT
It was Plex. They exploited Plex to get into the home network, installed a keylogger on a home laptop, and got the corp vault password because the home laptop was logging into it. Targeted high value employee shortly after the………MG (@_MG_)Tue, 28 Feb 2023 04:36 GMT
i did it :)
ali is off the job market :) (@endingwithali)Tue, 28 Feb 2023 16:54 GMT
A great way way to tell you're progressing in your transition is when transphobes have to start focusing in on more and more minute details in your face to try and score a dunk on you.
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Never enough filter
Frank James ⚒ (@_frank_james_)Tue, 28 Feb 2023 11:51 GMT
Jay Exci ✊🏳️⚧️ (@JayExci)Tue, 28 Feb 2023 12:06 GMT
People be like, “I’m a staff senior principal widget factorizer with the strategic matrification team in decisilytics,” and meanwhile the absolute best engineers I know are like, “Hey I’m Tam and I run commands on remote servers sometimes.”
Vicki (@vboykis)Wed, 13 Apr 2022 22:07 +0000
I will have you know I earned my title, my oops engineering is very senior
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People be like, “I’m a staff senior principal widget factorizer with the strategic matrification team in decisilytics,” and meanwhile the absolute best engineers I know are like, “Hey I’m Tam and I run commands on remote servers sometimes.”
Vicki (@vboykis)Wed, 13 Apr 2022 22:07 +0000
Senior Oops Engineer (@ReinH)Tue, 28 Feb 2023 21:28 GMT
I think you just did
Ian Coldwater 📦💥 (@IanColdwater)Tue, 28 Feb 2023 17:43 GMT
Jerry Chen (@jcsalterego)Wed, 13 Apr 2022 22:13 +0000
"But 'Serverless' doesn't mean 'scales-to-zero'! Where'd you get an idea like that?" Your own whitepaper, for one.Corey Quinn / (@QuinnyPig)Tue, 28 Feb 2023 16:55 GMT
your mom doesn't scale to zero
Ian Coldwater 📦💥 (@IanColdwater)Tue, 28 Feb 2023 17:24 GMT
Something something "highly available," something something "massively multiplayer..."
Corey Quinn / (@QuinnyPig)Tue, 28 Feb 2023 17:36 GMT
stephanie robbed….
Evan Mock (@HAMlLFOX)Mon, 27 Feb 2023 01:57 GMT
Easier to accept layoffs when this is my third time. Less surreal, for sure Still wrapping my head around it though, will be creating “Looking for work” posting soon 👏blank (@kefimochi)Mon, 27 Feb 2023 18:28 GMT
Mine's at and something I like about it is that I've got a print stylesheet so I can put loads of content for web, but if I want to submit it places, it reduces the verbosity of some of the points 😁
A huge thanks to Sourcegraph and @jdorfman for funding their >1K dependencies with the click of a button.
Yep, using it for quite a few IndieWeb tools, as well as managing auth for personal services
since 2018 my advice to anyone who wants to be a critic or culture writer is: make your own name, write your own shit, create your own voice and dont tie your name to any of these publications cuz theyll lay you off or sell to a private equity firm, better to build your own brand
ashley ray (@theashleyray)Tue, 28 Feb 2023 15:45 GMT
So many Black women and non-binary on this tech lead call! I'm loving this.
Josie (@javavvitch)Tue, 28 Feb 2023 18:21 GMT
Sahn Lam details Stack Overflow’s monolith/on-prem architecture, Hillel Wayne asks the Lobsters community for killer libraries, Linux 6.2 is ready to run on M1 Macs thanks to Asahi Linux, Johan Halse writes up what to expect from your web framework & Eli Bendersky on using GoatCounter for blog analytics.
Bored of scrolling long privacy agreements, etc.? ✅ Provide an elevator for your users' cursor 👍😅 (That elevator music is stuck in my head! 🤪) ⚒️ @greensock 💻… via @CodePenjhey 🔨🐻✨ (@jh3yy)Sat, 27 Jun 2020 20:30 +0000
Attached: 1 image Chrome's in-page search does not have toggles for matching by case and by whole word??? Is this even a fully featured browser??? Used by SIXTY percent of the world?!
Finally getting to start HRT soon! Doctor just approved me for treatment. I'm so happy I could cry! I've been trying to access healthcare for.. a long time. (So long my doctor had to double check)
Attached: 1 image i love this industry
Lol. Lmao.
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Will Sebag-Montefiore (@wsebag)Mon, 27 Feb 2023 22:37 GMT
Sheps (@the_sheps)Tue, 28 Feb 2023 07:25 GMT
After 10 (calendar) years at @github, it's time for something new: I'm joining some ex-@github coworkers as a CTO and Cofounder at @raisedevs building something new. Stay tuned...Mike McQuaid (@MikeMcQuaid)Tue, 28 Feb 2023 10:04 GMT
Shay is out this week, so Jonathan is holding down the fort on his own, in this shortest ever episode of Cup o' Go!Gin v1.9.0 releasedLabstack Echo v4.10.2 releasedDeclined proposal: don't reformat single line if statementsNew proposal: use a zero for third digit for major release, such as...
It’s shocking how far SA had to go before this happened. It’s not like he was not majorly problematic before.
Leo McKay Jr. (@LeoMcKayJr)Mon, 27 Feb 2023 15:41 GMT
You’re telling me I didn’t get the senior dev role?
ali is cooking (@endingwithali)Mon, 27 Feb 2023 23:26 GMT
I'll admit, when I sent them an email telling them to drop Dilbert and encouraged others to do the same, I thought it was going to be a fruitless gesture. I view my political activism mostly as banging my head against a wall. Because eventually, it's the wall that falls down.Post details
Andrews McMeel Syndicate just "severed our relationship" with Dilbert. The strip will no longer be distributed. It's vanished from the GoComics site. This is the publisher of all his books and swag, too. Dude just lost millions.Derf Backderf (@DerfBackderf)Mon, 27 Feb 2023 15:35 GMT (@AlSweigart)Tue, 28 Feb 2023 04:37 GMT
I don't wanna get involved here. It's not my business really. But I feel like people forget that they can have a grown up party that's wild with no kids and it doesn't have to be a wedding.
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My controversial opinion is that when you pay tens of thousands of dollars for the maybe one day you will get in your life that is all about you, you can make whatever rules you want and if other people don’t like it then they don’t have to go.…Sara (@saraaaaajean)Tue, 28 Feb 2023 04:15 GMT
Marco Rogers (@polotek)Tue, 28 Feb 2023 05:04 GMT
I'm just saying. You don't have to save up all of your self-centered feelings for one specific day. You can spread it out. Judging by how people are wilding out at the meer thought of kids at their wedding? Might be a little healthier too.
Marco Rogers (@polotek)Tue, 28 Feb 2023 05:08 GMT
And now I have this line from Futurama stuck in my head.
Bobbi Elle 🏳️⚧️🏳️🌈🐀 (@sayhibobbi)Tue, 28 Feb 2023 07:33 GMT
Panu Oksala (@PanuOksala)Tue, 28 Feb 2023 06:37 GMT
I would love to have equity in some big loans, where do I sign up?…Post details
NEW: Elon Musk just announced Twitter will be making significant performance-based stock and compensation awards for remaining employees.
Zoë Schiffer (@ZoeSchiffer)Mon, 27 Feb 2023 15:23 GMT
Rich Burroughs (@richburroughs)Mon, 27 Feb 2023 22:15 GMT
Between and I took 8308 steps.
Most guys do.
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Interesting. I have always thought you are a male.
highdiver at 🇸🇬 aka Little Red Dot (@highdiver_2000)Mon, 27 Feb 2023 04:24 GMT
Ian Coldwater 📦💥 (@IanColdwater)Mon, 27 Feb 2023 15:04 GMT
malice ghoulpus (@alicegoldfuss)Mon, 27 Feb 2023 18:52 GMT
Ian Coldwater 📦💥 (@IanColdwater)Mon, 27 Feb 2023 19:23 GMT