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Just got confirmation that Esther Crawford, chief executive of Twitter Payments, is out.
Zoë Schiffer (@ZoeSchiffer)Sun, 26 Feb 2023 18:52 GMT
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Just got confirmation that Esther Crawford, chief executive of Twitter Payments, is out.
Zoë Schiffer (@ZoeSchiffer)Sun, 26 Feb 2023 18:52 GMT
Six years ago she was making this sign, practicing her speech, and preparing to speak out for her rights in public for the first time. ➡️ Today, she got all dressed up and went to her school’s Sophomore Cotillion.
Jamie Bruesehoff (@jamiebruesehoff)Sun, 26 Feb 2023 01:31 GMT
Please don’t apply for a senior dev job unless your kitchen backsplash looks like this.
RH🐺 (@furrycodertrash)Sun, 26 Feb 2023 13:54 GMT
Unless you’re a founder of a company (and sometimes even if you are) please know that you’re very much expendable. Work long hours, nights and weekends if you’re personally motivated, but please don’t do so because of what others tweet. They have wildly different incentives.Cindy Sridharan (@copyconstruct)Sun, 26 Feb 2023 19:54 GMT
Please don’t apply for a senior dev job unless your bathroom backsplash looks like this.
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Please don’t apply for a senior dev job unless your kitchen backsplash looks like this.
RH🐺 (@furrycodertrash)Sun, 26 Feb 2023 13:54 GMT
Corinne Manon-Michael (@FullStackCorm)Sun, 26 Feb 2023 17:14 GMT
Please don’t apply for a senior dev job unless you plan to compete in the 10x developer championship in an arena that looks like this…Post details
Please don’t apply for a senior dev job unless your bathroom backsplash looks like this.…Corinne Manon-Michael (@FullStackCorm)Sun, 26 Feb 2023 17:14 GMT
Laurie (@laurieontech)Sun, 26 Feb 2023 20:51 GMT
Nat had a lot of really bad takes around then.
Rich Burroughs (@richburroughs)Sun, 26 Feb 2023 20:52 GMT
This was the woman who posted a picture of herself sleeping in the office to meet Elon’s deadlines. At the time, a lot of prominent people lauded this, saying “this is how the most impressive software is built”. Fast forward a couple of months and she’s fired.…Post details
Just got confirmation that Esther Crawford, chief executive of Twitter Payments, is out.
Zoë Schiffer (@ZoeSchiffer)Sun, 26 Feb 2023 18:52 GMT
Cindy Sridharan (@copyconstruct)Sun, 26 Feb 2023 19:50 GMT
It’s such a good show. I want S3 please. Could you put in a call or something to help expedite this?
Alex Hidalgo (@ahidalgosre)Sun, 26 Feb 2023 21:03 GMT
My favorite scene in Ted Lasso, one I think about a lot in the context of leadership vs management, is when Coach Beard called Ted out for not caring about whether the team wins -- because the TEAM cares about whether they win.
Senior Oops Engineer (@ReinH)Sun, 26 Feb 2023 20:47 GMT
5 ft 10 but you put 6 ft on tinder
ali is eating poutine in toronto (@endingwithali)Sun, 26 Feb 2023 21:16 GMT
Been listening to Phaeleh's Signature Sound: 100% Originals Mix a fair bit, and it's the usual awesome chilled mix of great music you can expect
Performatively sleeping at the office doesn't make the company love you back.…Post details
Just got confirmation that Esther Crawford, chief executive of Twitter Payments, is out.
Zoë Schiffer (@ZoeSchiffer)Sun, 26 Feb 2023 18:52 GMT
Ian Coldwater 📦💥 (@IanColdwater)Sun, 26 Feb 2023 18:53 GMT
It’s so embarrassing to be such a sycophant and still get let go. And all very publicly.
Rich Burroughs (@richburroughs)Sun, 26 Feb 2023 19:41 GMT
I'm the same, doesn't feel right being on my partner's side
Attached: 1 image My groceries watching me order Taco Bell
j (@silvergelpen)Sun, 26 Feb 2023 16:55 GMT
Programmed #LeadDevLondon from 100s of CFP proposals — the bar was extraordinarily high! Join us end of June for an amazing line up of speakers as well as workshops, #StaffPlus (for staff engineers and beyond) and #LeadingEng (for managers of managers) 4x💉“Exiled for Good of the Realm” Williams (@Geek_Manager)Sun, 26 Feb 2023 16:52 GMT
Rewatch it fairly regularly and love it each time. Soundtrack has been listened to many times over the years
I did! Love that movie.
Sarah Drasner (@sarah_edo)Sun, 26 Feb 2023 15:20 GMT
The soundtrack 😍
jhey 🔨🐻✨ (@jh3yy)Sun, 26 Feb 2023 15:24 GMT
if your idea for a solution to a problem seems obvious and easy, and the professionals haven't done it, and the only reason you can come up with for that is that they're stupid, you don't understand the problem
christina 死神 (@chhopsky)Sun, 26 Feb 2023 05:58 GMT
Attached: 1 image It’s nice when games make it extremely obvious who the bad guy is
Especially if most of their work has been done on internal projects, or, *gasp* on GitLab.
Jeremy, The Patronizing Saint of DevOps 🇺🇲🇺🇦 (@IAmJerdog)Sat, 25 Feb 2023 22:24 GMT
I spent 19 years writing video games and it was all in private version control. Don’t judge the seniority of software engineers by their public GitHub contributions.
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Please don't apply for a Senior dev position if your Github looks like this...
Manuel Frigerio (@manuel_frigerio)Fri, 24 Feb 2023 10:05 GMT
Marc Littlemore 👋🏻 (@MarcLittlemore)Sat, 25 Feb 2023 23:41 GMT
This guy losing his entire career in one fell swoop is funnier than any Dilbert cartoon. Which is to say, it's actually funny…Holly Brockwell (@holly)Sun, 26 Feb 2023 08:04 GMT
I’d you like #golang and silly giggling schoolboys, this is the listen for you.…Post details
💥 New episode of Go Time 💥 💡 What's new in Go 1.20 😎 featuring @carlmjohnson 🎤 with @jboursiquot & @matryer 💚 #golangGo Time ⏰ (@GoTimeFM)Thu, 16 Feb 2023 23:01 GMT
Mat Ryer (@matryer)Sun, 26 Feb 2023 08:31 GMT
Where does "Use contractors to deliver major government technology initiatives because we cannot pay market rates for permanent staff and wouldn't be able to manage them anyway" fit in?
Russell Howe (@rhowe212)Mon, 13 Feb 2023 09:50 GMT
"Enter your email address to keep reading. This is not a paywall." I beg to differ: it is a paywall. Just not one where the currency is cash. You're paying with your attention, your identity, and …
Tired: The Boss Baby Wired: The Girlboss Baby
Between and I took 5832 steps.
"write A LOT of code" is not something a Senior Dev generally does, they're more likely to manage a team of developers doing that, and the code they do write wouldn't likely go to public GitHub repos -- I don't think you understand the position you're actually trying to fill.
Ryan Rockwell (@lamborghinibank)Sat, 25 Feb 2023 22:27 GMT
YOU are trying to gatekeep? Be Real.
Gerard (@TheGerardTaylor)Sun, 26 Feb 2023 00:13 GMT
Yup, they’ve wasted their time applying to work with someone who is totally incapable of judging a developers skill set and relies on an irrelevant metric. Looks like they’ve dodged a bullet here.
Jim Bennett (@jimbobbennett)Sun, 26 Feb 2023 04:36 GMT
I used to maintain rack. Before March last year I had been working for about 5 years on an operating system with repositories in Gerrit. My GitHub looked almost that empty. Your hiring criteria is a good way to grow a monoculture that feeds risk.
James Tucker (@raggi)Sun, 26 Feb 2023 00:34 GMT
most senior engineers I know have a profile like that
Kirill Shevchenko (@kirill_shevch)Fri, 24 Feb 2023 14:24 GMT
I’m confused. Henry Kissinger is looking at a revolution and not trying to bomb it??
Kevin is pro abortion (@Anusien)Sat, 25 Feb 2023 20:08 GMT
I cannot handle reality anymore. Do we have a save point we can go back to and start over maybe?
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hahaha fuck yes let’s gooooo
Jathan Sadowski (@jathansadowski)Sat, 25 Feb 2023 05:36 GMT
Alex Hidalgo (@ahidalgosre)Sun, 26 Feb 2023 05:59 GMT
Cyd Harrell (@cydharrell)Sat, 25 Feb 2023 05:44 GMT
of course i wasn’t i was playing mario kart on my new nintendo 3ds i was busy why would i need to be any of these things…Post details
Depression: famously just a new fangled thing no one's every suffered from before 2012.
Laura Shortridge-Scott 🐈💙🏴 (@DiscordianKitty)Sat, 25 Feb 2023 07:00 GMT
clip studio pain (@freezydorito)Sat, 25 Feb 2023 21:49 GMT
What an incredible image from the @KyivPost One year of warSophy Ridge (@SophyRidgeSky)Sat, 25 Feb 2023 20:52 GMT
War-Weary Americans Not Sure How Much Longer They Can Occasionally Glance At Headlines About Ukraine Onion (@TheOnion)Fri, 24 Feb 2023 21:00 GMT
I mean I have a very busy-looking Github graph (if you include private repos) because I use GH as a synchronization tool for my notes. Not much code in there. The code repo host is on my Pi. Just agreeing that yeah pretty colors are a measure of nothing but pretty colors.brian wisti (@brianwisti)Sat, 25 Feb 2023 22:18 GMT
Oh they eatin' him UP
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Also please don’t apply to senior roles with $120k salaries. It hurts the profession 😔
James Garrett (@jamesgarrettjr)Sat, 25 Feb 2023 12:58 GMT
Josie (@javavvitch)Sat, 25 Feb 2023 22:10 GMT
Victor Noguera (@nvictorme)Sat, 25 Feb 2023 21:16 GMT
Dude you are giving someone applying with this a load of shit but you don't even know how the graph works? 🙄
Rutger Storm (@Rutix)Sat, 25 Feb 2023 10:45 GMT
It's because his contribution graph looks like this
yawkat (@yawkat)Sat, 25 Feb 2023 13:20 GMT
as someone who’s done a lot of open source, this is an extremely bad and unhealthy take.
tierney cyren (parody) (@bitandbang)Sat, 25 Feb 2023 21:17 GMT