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Happy Valentine's day to our friends in the #Maven community, it's a pleasure serving the #JVM community with you.…Gradle (@gradle)Tue, 14 Feb 2023 23:13 GMT
This content type is full of IndieWeb post types, which are all content types which allow me to take greater ownership of my own data. These are likely unrelated to my blog posts. You can find a better breakdown by actual post kind below:
Happy Valentine's day to our friends in the #Maven community, it's a pleasure serving the #JVM community with you.…Gradle (@gradle)Tue, 14 Feb 2023 23:13 GMT
This is how positive community marketing should look like, @gradle 💙Post details
Happy Valentine's day to our friends in the #Maven community, it's a pleasure serving the #JVM community with you.…Gradle (@gradle)Tue, 14 Feb 2023 23:13 GMT
Oleg Nenashev #OpenToWork 🤍💙🤍 (@oleg_nenashev)Fri, 17 Feb 2023 11:37 GMT
Happy divorce day to me 🎉🎉
Steven Pears (@StevenPears)Fri, 17 Feb 2023 11:48 GMT
I've finally, after years of putting it off, paid to have myself assessed for ADHD. It'll be nice finally knowing if there is a reason I struggle so much with some things or if this is just how everyone feels all the time. #adhd
"What if we took 2-3 months to rewrite the whole thing? Start from scratch, fix all the mistakes we know about, and we will have a clean state, all our problems solved." There's a divide between engineers who thought about doing this, and those who did it, and it's a big one.Gergely Orosz (@GergelyOrosz)Fri, 17 Feb 2023 08:47 GMT
“Ohhhh but what if you regret transitioning” man I don’t know, what if your kids still talked to you
Colby Gordon (@badinfinity2)Thu, 16 Feb 2023 23:32 GMT
Between and I took 7382 steps.
I sprained my hip. I didn’t even know you could sprain your hip — I don’t think I was meant to live this long.
Ashley Willis (McNamara) (@ashleymcnamara)Fri, 17 Feb 2023 03:32 GMT
"Hmm... I wonder why the ground is so green?" *pans camera* 😯Vincent Ledvina (@Vincent_Ledvina)Fri, 17 Feb 2023 02:09 GMT
shirts that go hard (@shirtsthtgohard)Thu, 16 Feb 2023 17:45 GMT
This is such a good point. Over the last couple of weeks, I am consistently thankful to you for sharing your thoughts. I like to think I can imagine all scenarios. Yet it’s a treat when you prove me wrong. Which is daily. 💜
Kevin Swiber (@kevinswiber)Fri, 17 Feb 2023 06:55 GMT
The new @McDonalds advert is not only annoying, it is promoting bad OpSec and practices and encouraging office staff to follow them. Let's have a look at the office and try and prevent them having to watch corporate security videos! 1/7 - Note the unlocked workstations #OpSecFail𝔅͛𝔯͛𝔦͛𝔞͛𝔫͛ ͛𝔚͛𝔥͛𝔢͛𝔩͛𝔱͛𝔬͛𝔫͛ (@brianwhelton)Thu, 16 Feb 2023 13:51 GMT
One thing they don’t tell you before you get a dog is how much time you and your dog parent friends will spend talking about poo. An area of expertise I did not expect in this life
Rebekah (@rkulidzan)Thu, 16 Feb 2023 18:35 GMT
It’s funny that you’ve made a bot that can get past the thing that’s supposed to stop bots 🤦♂️
Rob Swift (@RobSwish)Thu, 16 Feb 2023 22:21 GMT
blocking every twitter blue subscriber has never been more good. they hate bieng blocked so much
wint (@dril)Thu, 16 Feb 2023 17:26 GMT
introverts memes (@introvertsmemes)Thu, 16 Feb 2023 10:46 GMT
You're all bloody exceptional humans, thank you so much, truly. Yesterday was the worst. Joining an ADHD discord community for some co-working accountability. Got some lions mane on the way So many lovely DM's of similar-brained-solidarity. ✨ We got this ✨Post details
My average day atm consists of 8- 4 Sit down at laptop, set endless timers, mentally scream at myself to get work done. Do nothing/periphery tasks 4 - feel guilty enough to gain momentum 4 - 11pm work Burning myself out. Is this ADHD diagnosis/meds time?...Cassie Evans (@cassiecodes)Thu, 16 Feb 2023 08:46 GMT
Cassie Evans (@cassiecodes)Thu, 16 Feb 2023 13:23 GMT
Went to dinner for valentines a day late with this handsome man. I fall in love with him every day- but I’m so grateful for the opportunities when we get to spend time together. I know it’s cliche, but I married my best friend, and I couldn’t be happierKatelyn Bowden (@medus4_cdc)Thu, 16 Feb 2023 03:37 GMT
Join Ty Franck (one half of James S.A. Corey) and Wes Chatham ('Amos Burton' on The Expanse) as we celebrate our 100th episode where our patrons got to ask the guys anything...
me reading job descriptions: lead team on large projects with cross-organizational scope: cool, I can do that solve difficult technical problems: sure, no problem take charge of these programs & report to the board: ok! degree required: welp, definitely not qualified for thisIan Coldwater (@IanColdwater)Thu, 16 Feb 2023 02:43 GMT
“i know my work is good but competence is not a skill thats rewarded here” — totally fictional situation in totally fictional setting, definitely not this week
v (@veekorbes)Thu, 16 Feb 2023 11:47 GMT
I am truly sorry that your timeline isn’t filled up with John Mastodon posts. Meeting with the engineers now.
I wrote about the process ( when I got diagnosed last year ( and would be happy to chat more about it ☺
I am furious. Though I try not to humour conspiracy theories, or suggest that there is any grand overture to what is usually an uncaring and cold world, but I cannot ignore what is a transparently-synchronized movement against the tech industry’s workforce.
How it is now in your best interest to act.
Between and I took 8095 steps.
literally minion pilled 😔😔😔
maisie 💖 (@maisieccino)Wed, 15 Feb 2023 12:39 GMT
For Valentine’s Day, your partner got you flowers For Valentine’s Day, I got myself a knifeali is in japan + open to jobs (@endingwithali)Tue, 14 Feb 2023 08:23 GMT
I got it engraved with the word finger. BECAUSE WATCH YOUR FINGER.
ali is in japan + open to jobs (@endingwithali)Tue, 14 Feb 2023 08:23 GMT
The bot issue has gotten worse since Elon took over. I just got a dm from someone with this pfp
ali is in japan + open to jobs (@endingwithali)Wed, 15 Feb 2023 01:56 GMT
Running solo on Valentine’s Day? It’s ok, just eat a 5 plate fugu course, a fish that requires a license to serve due to its lethal poison (Not pictured: me petting the fish I ate 5 minutes later) Stay solo, stay toxic ❤️🥰ali is in japan + open to jobs (@endingwithali)Tue, 14 Feb 2023 12:36 GMT
The teacher would assume I was being intentionally difficult, and I would just be confused about what I was supposed to have done differently. 🫠
ADHD Jesse (@adhdjesse)Thu, 16 Feb 2023 06:00 GMT
so has anyone asked the bing chatbot what kind of simulated reality it would create to torture those who knew of its potential existence but did not directly contribute to its advancement or development
Star Trek episode where Data is first introduced and everyone spends their time trying to get him to say racial slurs or gaslighting him or trying to bypass his programming or otherwise being mean to him #ai
If a companies salary is that competitive, they wouldn't hide it.
Randall Kanna (Franson) (@RandallKanna)Wed, 15 Feb 2023 20:00 GMT
imagine being a (near) billionaire, living in a castle, and needing to sue someone ... bc they made a tweet about you? dude has .05% of her following but her skin was soooo thin she had to cry to her lawyers. Joanne is the weakest woman alive. Just absolutely pathetic.Post details
I would like to publicly apologise for a previous Twitter thread where I interacted with JK Rowling on matters relating to the transgender community. I have now removed these tweets and would like to apologise to JK Rowling directly for causing potential upset. (1/3)JJ Welles (@josephjames94)Mon, 13 Feb 2023 15:55 GMT
pilnok (@Pilnok)Wed, 15 Feb 2023 20:08 GMT
I am letting you tech bros know now that I am not playing with y'all this year. You want to be misogynistic, racist, or discriminatory? I am going straight to your employer.
Josie (@javavvitch)Wed, 15 Feb 2023 20:09 GMT
Prioritize spending time with people you feel safe enough to be soft and imperfect around. Seek out and cherish people whose love is not contingent upon you performing a role for them. Prioritize relationships with room for your whole self, and hold that space for others.trash, but make it fashion 🦝✨ (@ElleArmageddon)Wed, 15 Feb 2023 15:49 GMT
Me returning to the party after secretly throwing up
Chaotic Drunk Videos (@chaoticclubvids)Wed, 15 Feb 2023 20:32 GMT
Three of these beautiful people were murdered by their parents. In general, two thirds of trans people murdered knew their assailant (@hrw). Keep that in mind when you hear about laws where a teacher must inform parents if their child requests different pronouns in…Post details
Brianna Ghey wasn't the only trans teen killed recently. Just in the U.S., Ariyanna Mitchell, Katie Newhouse, and siblings Jeffrey Bright & Jasmine Cannady all lost their lives to violence. Every one of their names should be remembered in the fight to end trans dehumanization.
Eli Erlick (@EliErlick)Mon, 13 Feb 2023 19:25 GMT
Elad Nehorai (@EladNehorai)Mon, 13 Feb 2023 20:47 GMT
Reviving vintage tech is about more than just nostalgia, @janaboruta discusses open source community building for startups, and the value of collaborative maintainership now on The ReadME Project:
In Episode 80, Alex and James are joined by the incredible Hana Walker-Brown to discuss being diagnosed as adults with ADHD. Alongside Hana's story, the usual bits of nonsense occur, including 'What has James lost, forgotten or mislaid this week...
Nearly screamed 😂 Gender Criticals have now decided that the Bible's homophobic bits are ok because they're actually just transphobic
Katy Montgomerie 🦗 (@KatyMontgomerie)Tue, 14 Feb 2023 15:05 GMT
he just gets better and better
francis wolf (@francisxwolf)Wed, 15 Feb 2023 13:32 GMT
he's right and he should say it
violet valentine (top 2%) (@slutpilled)Wed, 15 Feb 2023 13:37 GMT
ali is in japan + open to jobs (@endingwithali)Wed, 15 Feb 2023 09:59 GMT
Therapy went about how I expected it to yesterday.
Chris "Not So" Short (@ChrisShort)Wed, 15 Feb 2023 12:09 GMT
Went on linked in. I feel fake. Everyone sounds soo polished there. It’s uncomfortable for me.