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Tfw you wish you had your own apartment so you can freely have this glass for wine based hacking depravity.
raging at injustice Abolish Qualified Immunity (@weems)Sat, 11 Feb 2023 03:31 GMT
This content type is full of IndieWeb post types, which are all content types which allow me to take greater ownership of my own data. These are likely unrelated to my blog posts. You can find a better breakdown by actual post kind below:
Tfw you wish you had your own apartment so you can freely have this glass for wine based hacking depravity.
raging at injustice Abolish Qualified Immunity (@weems)Sat, 11 Feb 2023 03:31 GMT
One nice thing about organising all of the at risk Deliveroo employees and getting them onto a separate slack workspace is I've gotten to speak to hundreds of new people over the past day. More than I can say I've spoken to in the 5 years I've been with the company. #layoffs #engineering
Attached: 1 image Asda embracing polyamory with their 3 for £3 Valentine’s Day card deal
the sluttiest thing a hero can do is show up at the villain’s doorstep, bloodied and bruised, and say “I didn’t know where else to go”
chai ⵣ🇲🇦 (@proyearner)Fri, 10 Feb 2023 18:06 GMT
i want to get invited to queer kink orgies but i don't want to go to a bunch of munches and that's super unfair to me
Aster Olsen (@AsterOlsen)Fri, 10 Feb 2023 22:36 GMT
super embarrassing for him
animals going goblin mode (@mischiefanimals)Fri, 10 Feb 2023 14:21 GMT
idk who needs to hear this but fanhouse is the only web and mobile subscription platform that has unique watermarks on content to prevent leaks AND trace back leakers, fine them, and permanently deactivate them, and a team that helps with DMCA takedowns and removal of content
jasminericegirl 🍚 (@jasminericegirl)Fri, 10 Feb 2023 17:14 GMT
🤔 Reddit Ask Me (AWS) Anything - Java on AWS Between now and Tue 14th of Feb AWS will be taking questions on Reddit. On Tuesday we'll answer as many as possible! Whether it's big or small, architecture, observability, performance or anything else. Please pass on the word!📢Mark Sailes (@MarkSailes3)Fri, 10 Feb 2023 09:49 GMT
Between and I took 5837 steps.
Struggling quite a bit this evening with things. Feeling stretched out like a dried-out washcloth.
Updated my personal site a bit today. Cleaned up the landing page a little, added a /now page like all the cool kids have. I’m very open to constructive criticism, I’m still miles away from being satisfied with it. Especially style-wise, I have a lot to fix in the CSS, particularly just moving away from the Publish basic template. Feels good to have done all this on an iPhone though. Working Copy and WorldWideWeb are really useful apps.
It's almost the weekend, don't forget to charge your vibrators. 😌
Lock Down Your Life (@lockdownurlife)Fri, 10 Feb 2023 21:03 GMT
A year on from my abortion, I'm accompanying my partner to his vasectomy. I thought I'd reshare my blogpost around why my abortion was in fact a "pro-life" choice…Tess Cooper 🏳️🌈 (@tessacooper5)Sat, 28 Jan 2023 16:06 GMT
Thanks Barry, really appreciate that, I've had my fingers crossed for you going through the process 🤞🏽 thanks for thinking of me, if it comes to it will definitely be up for a chat!
Elon Musk, some free advice: generally when asking for money for a product, the product should work better than — or at least as good as — when the product was free. Hope this helps!Keith Edwards (@keithedwards)Thu, 09 Feb 2023 04:47 GMT
Philip Potter (@philandstuff)Fri, 10 Feb 2023 17:34 GMT
Personal news: after 10 years, I'm leaving GDS. I've had a brilliant time here and am proud of what I and we have achieved. I'm planning to write a personal retrospective on my time here.
Philip Potter (@philandstuff)Thu, 05 Jan 2023 14:36 GMT
I have officially been promoted to Engineering Manager II at Spotify and I could not be more giddy. Here’s to the future 🥃💚Taylor Poindexter (@engineering_bae)Fri, 10 Feb 2023 17:07 GMT
In the meantime, I am looking for a new role. I'm an engineer with >10 years experience, with particular strengths in infrastructure and security engineering. I'm available from March onwards. Let me know what you have!
Philip Potter (@philandstuff)Thu, 05 Jan 2023 14:36 GMT
If you have ADHD, then yeah thats standard
Ant Stanley (@IamStan)Fri, 10 Feb 2023 17:38 GMT
As someone who like, consults on continuous delivery for a living, and who is watching with glee as Musk burns his own fortune, this is extremely funny to me.…Emily Gorcenski (@EmilyGorcenski)Fri, 10 Feb 2023 17:36 GMT
I've just gotten around to looking at the analytics data that I have on my personal website and it's pretty wild looking at how I increased my readership ~1500% since 2016.
I don't have a 🧵 for you, but if you're interested, check out my site in review posts.
Maybe I'll talk more about what I've done for it - but it's not like I've done that much to try and boost engagement and readership, although colleagues and friends will disagree, as I'm quite openly trying to point people to my blog, as seen when I got promoted at Capital One.
These stats don't include anything around my Week Notes, as I don't count them as "blog posts" per se, and they'd definitely boost the numbers of posts for the years I've been doing them.
Thanks Luke, appreciate it!
Contrary to popular belief, my name is actually not pronounced "I'm not even going to try with that one"!
Sudarshan Krishnamurthy (@sudkrish)Wed, 08 Feb 2023 22:50 GMT
Thanks Katie 💜 20th March is the big date when I'll know if I've made the cut so a nice 5 weeks to wait🤞🏽
£65,738 -MP salary in 2010 £86,584 -MP salary in 2023 If rail, teachers, nurses, firemen, ambulance staff, bus drivers, had the same rate of increase, there would be no strikes.Farrukh (@implausibleblog)Thu, 09 Feb 2023 17:58 GMT
men only want one thing and it's API access
Partiful (@partiful)Wed, 08 Feb 2023 16:39 GMT
men only want one thing and it's API access
Partiful (@partiful)Wed, 08 Feb 2023 16:39 GMT
After many recommendations over the years by Terence Eden ive finally joined Prospect 👏🏽
Between and I took 6086 steps.
sorry to hear that Jamie, if you're interested in coming back we're still hiring
bird on a plane (@santarelli)Fri, 10 Feb 2023 06:30 GMT
The progression of a software engineer's salary. (@PredictSalary)Fri, 10 Feb 2023 03:21 GMT
Was told by my eng manager that I’m now without a doubt an upper mid-level engineer! Which is great considering I was promoted less than a year ago 🥹blank (@kefimochi)Thu, 09 Feb 2023 22:34 GMT
Also was complimented by 2 people today on my ability to get other engineers excited about upcoming work thanks to my leadership 🥰 And feedback on how my approach “we face unknowns together as a team” on a project has been working out well!blank (@kefimochi)Thu, 09 Feb 2023 22:34 GMT
For those that may or may not have seen the news that Deliveroo are going through redundancies, I'm unfortunately one of the roles at risk.
Although I'm not looking for a change - redundancy process permitting 🤞🏽 - I'd be happy to hear if there are roles that you think I may be interested in.
Looking for Senior level roles for similar compensation to now and working on and with Go, Open Source, OpenAPI, Renovate, Dependency Management and distributed systems.
Check out my CV for a bit more info
Hey 👋🏽 I've got various posts from over the years detailing the evolving setup but right now the TL;DR is:
Back to the front page of Hacker News with my salary history 🤓
I got banned from tiktok for a week for posting a video version of the picture I took yesterday.
Katelyn Bowden (@medus4_cdc)Thu, 09 Feb 2023 00:22 GMT
I will try this video again in a week, with a different shirt.
Katelyn Bowden (@medus4_cdc)Thu, 09 Feb 2023 02:12 GMT
In the first installment of our new column about the tech workforce, Jennifer Riggins asks if we really need all those standups and status updates. Is there a better way? #management #scrum #engineeringmanagement #ITmanagement
CEO says workforce is too big for its business amid cost of living downturn
Mrs ADHD returns to join Alex and James for an episode on use/overuse/addiction to smartphones in ADHD. As usual, the episode includes brain-numbingly dull psycho-education delivered by Alex, personal reflections from all three ADHD adults abou...
What we learned from COVID? That oil is worthless in a society without consumption. That healthcare has to be public because health is public. That 50% of jobs can be done from home while the other 50% deserve more than they're being paid. That we live in a society not an economy
Mohamad Safa (@mhdksafa)Thu, 09 Feb 2023 15:14 GMT
i thought i was being a silly goose but it turns out i'm an alcoholic
jody (@wnbagirlfriend)Wed, 08 Feb 2023 02:05 GMT
SCOOP: Elon has emailed staff following the Twitter outage. “Please pause for now on new feature development in favor of maximizing system stability and robustness, especially with the Super Bowl coming up.”Kylie Robison (@kyliebytes)Wed, 08 Feb 2023 23:08 GMT
Petition to disambiguate nonprofit from charitable nonprofit.
julia ferraioli (@juliaferraioli)Thu, 09 Feb 2023 04:14 GMT
AWP is one of the greatest features ever created on Android
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In an era where so many of us find out difficult to disconnect, I'm grateful for my @MSIntune powered Android that turns off ALL WORK APPS with a single click. #familytime #roadtripMayunk Jain (@mayunkj)Wed, 08 Feb 2023 18:25 GMT
tim cappasskey (@timcappalli)Thu, 09 Feb 2023 05:15 GMT
If the only thing you accomplish today is not using, that’s a day to be proud of.
Cher Scarlett (@cherthedev)Tue, 01 Feb 2022 13:31 GMT
Between and I took 6085 steps.