Between and I took 9601 steps.
IndieWeb post types
This content type is full of IndieWeb post types, which are all content types which allow me to take greater ownership of my own data. These are likely unrelated to my blog posts. You can find a better breakdown by actual post kind below:
Aside from some crappy commentary about "working by committee" and "cancel culture", there was some interesting bits in this
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(Includes expletives) David Heinemeier Hansson (DHH), creator of Ruby on Rails and co-owner of 37signals, joined the show to discuss this Rails moment and renewed excitement for Rails. We discuss hard opinions, developers being cooked too long in the JavaScript soup, finding developer joy, the pros and cons of the BDFL...
Bluesky Firehose
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The bluesky firehose visualised in 3D
Dr. Dawn Foster (

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Attached: 1 image I had a great time in Boston where I talked about my relicensing and forks research: And as a bonus, mom joined me so I got to hang out with her, too!

Between and I took 6752 steps.
da_667 (

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Practical Tracing for Go Apps with OpenTelemetry (Beginner's Guide) | Better Stack Community

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Learn how to use OpenTelemetry to instrument your Go applications for distributed tracing

Ricki Gray Area Witch Tarr (
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I wish when I became an adult the other adults in my life would have explained that you don't actually feel like a grown up, you just sort of feel like a kid pretending to be an adult, and hoping everything works out.
Aral Balkan (
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Hiding your face isn’t having privacy. Living in a society where you don’t have to hide your face is having privacy.
Between and I took 2812 steps.
Matt Brunt (
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Usually "unlimited holiday" is a red flag This year I'll have taken a total of 41 days of holiday (including the legally required minimum of 28 days here in the UK) It's nice to be able to actually use extra without being made to feel guilty or have it dangled like a carrot but never given
Between and I took 5032 steps.
GitHub - XSAM/otelsql: OpenTelemetry instrumentation for database/sql

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OpenTelemetry instrumentation for database/sql. Contribute to XSAM/otelsql development by creating an account on GitHub.
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TypeScript ESLint with Josh Goldberg - Software Engineering Daily

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TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that adds static typing with optional type annotations. It was created at Microsoft and first released in 2012. TypeScript ESLint enables ESLint and Prettier to run on TypeScript code. Josh Goldberg is a host for Software Engineering Daily, the author of Learning TypeScript by O’Reilly, and a Microsoft MVP.

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Crawl, walk & run your way to usable CLIs in Go with Wesley Beary from Anchor (Go Time #337)

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With the number of libraries available to Go developers these days, you'd think building a CLI app was now a trivial matter. But like many things in software development, it depends. In this episode, we explore the challenges that arose during one team's journey towards a production-ready CLI.
Between and I took 2478 steps.
randomwizard (
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My fellow human beings. Before joining Bluesky. You should read about Cory Doctorow's description of the Enshittification process. The first part of the process is vendors create high-quality offerings to attract users, even if it results in a loss of money. The idea is to get market share. I fear that mankind is trapped in an endless cycle with social media.
Drew 🏳️⚧️ (

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Attached: 1 image

evacide (
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I know what to do with all this anger. If I couldn't turn anger into action, I'd be in a different line of work. But I don't know what to do with all this grief for the things that I wanted to do and to build in the next few years that will never happen now.
jacoBOOian 👻 (

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Attached: 1 image I’m very tempted to make a “dropout without context” bot, starting with this #dropout #makesomenoise

kf (
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officially been at my job for 4 years! according to an internal app, that’s more than 91% of employees help I am so old
Flock of Cats 🐈 🐈 🐈 🦃 (
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“Wow Bluesky is getting popular! You should sign up!” “Interesting. Who are all the new users?” “People who stayed on X for 2 years” (-_-)
Aral Balkan (
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If there is a mind virus it’s not wokeness; it’s capitalism.
Cat Hicks (
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Our Thor-shaped gay neighbor going out of his way to check in on our two-small-queer-women household every single day is the thread keeping me going right now Never fucking apologizing for living where we're safe again, and that goes for online spaces too
Tristan Nitot✓ (

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Attaché : 1 image Volé sur Internet :

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Cup o' Go | 🎆 70,000 Go issues, and still going strong, Terraform for Factorio, and John Crickett on learning without LeetCode

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Go 1.23.3 and 1.22.9 releasedProposalsAccepted: 📂 Safer file open methodsLikely accept: Drop macOS 11 support for Go 1.25🎆 The Go project recently passed the 70,000 issues on GitHub, with net/http: short writes with FileServer on macos🇮🇹 GoLab tickets still available, Florence Italy, Nov...

Between and I took 3771 steps.
Patricia Aas (
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My middle name is Monica, I’m named after an Argentinian sex worker who helped my father escape when it became known the police were looking for him. He was studying medicine and was secretly an errand boy for an underground newspaper. By the time it was clear he had to leave, he had no options left. I don’t know anything about her except that I wouldn’t be here if she hadn’t helped him.
luna, only carbon now (
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oh, I see, so it’s fine when SummoningSalt posts a video about a hotly-contested game speedrun, but when *I’m* the one getting beaten repeatedly for fun suddenly that’s “violating YouTube’s community guidelines”?
luna, only carbon now (
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god forbid a woman have kinks
Terence Eden (
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The journey to #FOSDEM begins with a single Pull Request. Hopefully that'll help people travelling to the event.
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Cup o' Go | 🌳 Roots & Trees: OpenRoot, and Cedar to the rescue for access control

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🪜 The Go Remote Meetup is looking for a new organizer. Step up!Interview with Wilken Rivera of the Go Developer Network, Episode 32ProposalsAccepted: add slog.DiscardHandlerPrevious discussion in Episode 80Accepted: enable GOCACHEPROG by defaultPrevious discussion in Episode 85📂 Likely accept:...

Between and I took 4387 steps.
David Buchanan (
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Saleem (
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The people who still mask in 2024 are some of the realest motherfuckers out there. 🫡
Why yes, on Wednesday I was presenting a very high-profile meeting at work - why do you ask?
(Sorry that FitBit doesn't make it easier to export a graph more nicely)
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Infosec & OpenTelemetry with Austin Parker (Ship It! #128)

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Maybe Jira for your kids' chores is a good idea... Probably not.
Radley Balko (

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“You must give your money to people you find abhorrent or we will put you in prison” is a banger of a free speech policy. Fuck these people.
Psycodepath (

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Attached: 1 image @ThePlant

Dare Obasanjo (

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Attached: 1 image Block which renamed itself from Square to rebrand itself as a blockchain platform is winding down its blockchain platform efforts. It’s now clear that there is little value in blockchains and crypto as a technology platform. Crypto has found a niche as a form of speculative assets for financial risk takers and a tool for moving money around while avoiding regulation (e.g. ransomware payments, foreign remittances, etc).

Akhilesh Thite (
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At 14, he helped create RSS. At 16, he contributed to Creative Commons. At 17, he co-created Markdown. At 18, he co-founded Reddit. The web would be different if he were alive. #AaronSwartzDay
Thom, Lord of Itanium™ (
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I'm not going to lie - I've always wanted darker, more troubling Lego sets that explore the less pleasant sides of humanity. Red Light districts, military stuff, disaster sets, and so on. The world isn't all sunshine and rainbows, and I wish Lego would sometimes reflect that. Wild that AliExpress comes to the fucking rescue.
Pelle Wessman (
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Banning or not banning Working from Home is so indicative of the black and white days we are living in. Working from Home is great for some, awful for some and Working from Office is great for some, awful for some. As with everything: Don’t outright ban or require it. Make **mindful decisions** that’s perceptive to the needs of your employees and which makes them perform optimally both individually and collectively 🙏
Star Trek Minus Context (

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Attached: 1 image #StarTrek

Dare Obasanjo (

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Attached: 1 image Marvel fans after seeing the trailers for Thunderbolts and Captain America:,Brave New World.

Paul (
Post details If there is a session you really want to see, possibly go to the session before it so you can get a seat. Be careful with backpacks in the corridors, turn with care. On the Friday night, Delirium is very much the place to be. For those that drink alcohol, Delirium Tremens is a really nice 8% ale. (Happy to be corrected) I think it is the number 75 bus that gets you from the city centre to the university.
Terence Eden (
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I have been incredibly organised and booked my #FOSDEM travel and hotel. My first time going (!) so grateful for any tips, advice, warnings, memes, in-jokes, and suggestions from regular attendees.
danielle 🏳️🌈 (
Post details nah lunnyduke is drilling up drama bc we stopped letting asshats win by default
danielle 🏳️🌈 (
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Attached: 1 image I love being an open source maintainer, we get the best email from only the most delightful people. 🙃 . (maybe i should just switch to macOS and stop caring about linux 🙃 )