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‘BLOCKBUSTER’ has been cancelled by Netflix after 1 season.
DiscussingFilm (@DiscussingFilm)Fri, 16 Dec 2022 21:08 GMT
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‘BLOCKBUSTER’ has been cancelled by Netflix after 1 season.
DiscussingFilm (@DiscussingFilm)Fri, 16 Dec 2022 21:08 GMT
Can’t believe this is the second time in history that Netflix put Blockbuster out of business.…Post details
‘BLOCKBUSTER’ has been cancelled by Netflix after 1 season.
DiscussingFilm (@DiscussingFilm)Fri, 16 Dec 2022 21:08 GMT
Richard Newby - Vote Blue and Save Yourselves (@RICHARDLNEWBY)Fri, 16 Dec 2022 22:34 GMT
Are we talking south-facing hill, or are we talking "I need a spinal-transplant"?
Martin Sundhaug ( (@sundhaug92)Sat, 17 Dec 2022 02:39 GMT
For those who don't know, 55 Tufton Street is the base of operations for a number of right-wing thinktanks, the ones that gave us Brexit, Truss and Kwarteng and much else.
Lee Hurley (@WeeMelter)Sat, 17 Dec 2022 12:18 GMT
Enjoyed doing pairing on Terraform today #clouddev , much better ghan admin and meetings 😛
Gotcha. But would we not want to make it so by default training is disallowed, and make it an allowlist to opt into? I'd personally like that for any of my stuff
There were a few in the mouthful so not sure which one did it, but it was a chonky peanut M&M
Between and I took 4107 steps.
Then you aren’t paying attention, Bob. They aren’t paying rent. They are refusing to pay the severance they promised. They shut down Twitter Spaces. Verification no longer works in Ukraine. Musk just suspended a number of journalists. You disappoint me, Bob. In every way.Grady Booch (@Grady_Booch)Fri, 16 Dec 2022 11:06 GMT
“Everyone is fine” is an opinion, not fact. Stop bullshitting Bob.Grady Booch (@Grady_Booch)Fri, 16 Dec 2022 05:24 GMT
I read it as you are trolling for attention. You are a person of some reputation, that for whatever reason people respect; for heaven sake, Bob, take a position.Grady Booch (@Grady_Booch)Fri, 16 Dec 2022 04:11 GMT
Why is uncle bob
Jen Looper 🫖🌸🍰 (@jenlooper)Fri, 16 Dec 2022 21:25 GMT
so you agree… you’re hindering freedom of speech?…Kylie Robison (@kyliebytes)Fri, 16 Dec 2022 21:31 GMT
When I was a kid, everyone told me that when I grew up and started seeing taxes being taken out of my check, I would get more conservative but the opposite has happened because I look at my paycheck and I’m like “I pay this much in taxes just for people to be unhoused and unfed?“
habitual line-stepper (@alaskastardust)Thu, 15 Dec 2022 14:55 GMT
nobody: a Tesla car sitting in someone’s…Cade Onder (@Cade_Onder)Fri, 16 Dec 2022 21:30 GMT
My therapist just told me, “If you’re ALWAYS having to be the bigger person, maybe you shouldn’t be around so many little people.”
Qadi (@BigQadi)Thu, 15 Dec 2022 04:42 GMT
He jokes about it with the guy who doxxed my family. And he’s all-in for the transphobe who’s already gotten people killed and will absolute target his own child. They’re such transparent fucking liars.
anildash (@anildash)Fri, 16 Dec 2022 21:42 GMT
He just let back on people who had me front page on a kill list…🗽Sydette Cosmic Dreaded Gorgon 🇬🇾 (@Blackamazon)Fri, 16 Dec 2022 20:43 GMT
Y'all can't even make a decent webpage ffs nah hard pass
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If this resonates, come work with us. Andere (@AlfredoAndere)Thu, 15 Dec 2022 22:03 GMT
Suffy (@drsuffy)Fri, 16 Dec 2022 20:26 GMT
This is what led me to burnout and made me question my decision to be in tech when I first started as a Junior. If you don’t listen to Anything else I say, please don’t sacrifice work/life balance. Don’t work for companies that don’t even give you the common decency of a break…Post details
If this resonates, come work with us. Andere (@AlfredoAndere)Thu, 15 Dec 2022 22:03 GMT
Tae’lur Alexis (@TaelurAlexis)Fri, 16 Dec 2022 20:37 GMT
This resonates with my list of places I'd never work.
Kurt Kemple (@theworstdev)Fri, 16 Dec 2022 20:01 GMT
no leadership? I don’t see this scaling well.
Unsubstantiated (@Unsubstantiated)Fri, 16 Dec 2022 04:42 GMT
Lol you can’t be serious right? You might want to go back to Berkeley and learn how to manage people. Fuck outta here with this nonsense.
Fuck You I Quit (@fuckyouiquit)Fri, 16 Dec 2022 14:30 GMT
Every year, like clockwork, I go on the @changelog podcast in the fall. This was the third year, and we talked with @adamstac and @jerodsanto about how the market for software engineers. And how things might not be as bad as they seem. The full episode: Orosz (@GergelyOrosz)Fri, 16 Dec 2022 10:30 GMT
I assume to have generative AI only train itself on things that explicitly allow it?
I hear the phrase “those people need therapy" and then see people point to their political opponents. And its prob true they do need therapy. But so do all of us. Especially right now in this world full of uncertainty and pain. There is NOTHING wrong with needing to heal.Jesse Zook Mann (@zookmann)Fri, 16 Dec 2022 21:55 GMT
Remember Megan Thee Stallion may never see your tweets but your friends who are DV survivors definitely do. We see yall.
#EPCOMINGSOON (@ImSydneyA)Wed, 14 Dec 2022 19:02 GMT
“i showed u my internal docs pls respond”
Adrian Patiño (@cito171)Fri, 16 Dec 2022 21:11 GMT
Whoops, the recording of the Space where @elonmusk was embarrassed by journalists somehow accidentally doesn’t exist anymore! What a bummer, given that the call itself abruptly stopped while people were talking! Weird how these things happen!Post details
Huh, appears the recording of this Space is strangely not available, funny that! Thanks to everyone who tuned in! Let’s do it again sometime
Katie Notopoulos (@katienotopoulos)Fri, 16 Dec 2022 05:34 GMT
Twіtter API (not parody) instagram: fake_api (@fake_api)Fri, 16 Dec 2022 20:10 GMT
Me and @operaqueenie just passed our 10 year anniversary in September. We have both largely graduated to "here is a list of gifts I would like. Choose 1 or 2 of these."Post details
MEN! Every list says you want beard oil, a pocket knife, or something leather. WHAT DO YOU ACTUALLY WANT?
Rosie Card (@RosemaryCard)Thu, 15 Dec 2022 06:29 GMT
Marco Rogers (@polotek)Fri, 16 Dec 2022 19:57 GMT
Elon Musk is making a great case for why we need to tax the HELL out of billionaires.
Jack Cocchiarella (@JDCocchiarella)Fri, 16 Dec 2022 03:43 GMT
Twitter Adds ‘Context’ Label To Clarify When Tweets Make Elon Musk Sad Onion (@TheOnion)Fri, 16 Dec 2022 17:52 GMT
The decision to take Spaces offline may have been driven by personal motivations instead of strictly bring a business decision but it’s a HUGE flaw that Spaces allowed suspended Twitter users the ability to speak and last night that loophole got a lot of visibility.
Monica@snowcalhost:3000 ❄️ (@indigitalcolor)Fri, 16 Dec 2022 18:00 GMT
I guess they were banned for revealing the location of where all the Twitter users are going.
Jason Goldman (@goldman)Thu, 15 Dec 2022 23:44 GMT
whomever tweeted "fragile narcissist buys criticism factory" I want u to know I remember these words and laugh every day
Millennial Falcon (@falcennial)Fri, 18 Nov 2022 12:18 GMT
Cut the top of my mouth while eating an M&M, AMA
hard to believe there was once a time where they’d send a big yellow book to everyone’s house listing yours and everyone else’s assassination coordinates
Sal Gentile (@salgentile)Fri, 16 Dec 2022 03:48 GMT
why can i only focus more that 4 seconds when i have headphones on what is the science(
Pudding Pantry? 👀
Holy Shit. Elon Musk just popped into a Twitter Spaces chat with a bunch of journalists. He was called out by journalist Drew Harrell, who he banned, for lying about posting links to his private information, then leaves almost immediately after being pressed. Here is the exchange
Bradley Eversley (@ForeverEversley)Fri, 16 Dec 2022 04:47 GMT
Between and I took 3202 steps.
Alt text button like:
Kelly Ellis (@justkelly_ok)Fri, 16 Dec 2022 07:40 GMT
Currently trying to work out a way to reliably take down our staging environment in work to simulate an incident you would experience on production. We are working towards Gamedays so people can practise being oncall without actually being thrown into the deep end. The problem I'm facing today is someone has already accidentally broken the staging environment so I can't intentionally break it 🙃
This is my Spotify Wrapped! Thanks @Netlify for another incredible year of development! #netlifriend My loyalty to @nuxt_js cannot be questioned.…Lee Martin (@leemartin)Thu, 15 Dec 2022 18:40 GMT
It is 🚫NOT OK🚫 to show where a plane belonging to a person is lest a nogoodnik with a surface-to-air missile exploit that information. It is 👍JUST FINE👍 to insinuate that people you don’t like are maybe into pedophilia.Philip Bump (@pbump)Wed, 14 Dec 2022 23:10 GMT
It's that time of year where I post this one
Kris Wilson (@_KrisWilson_)Wed, 14 Dec 2022 17:43 GMT
Credit scores were created in 1989. We can live without them.Nina Turner (@ninaturner)Thu, 15 Dec 2022 01:39 GMT
If I’m being honest, as someone who lives with depression & is often depressed, seeing people tweet “you never know what people are going thru” every fucking time is really triggering for me? Bc a lot folk *do* know but avoid you, act like you’re being negative, etc. 🫤
Nneka M. Okona 🇳🇬 (@afrosypaella)Thu, 15 Dec 2022 01:07 GMT
It isn't illegal and is publicly available information.
Angus Sawyer (@aardgoose)Thu, 15 Dec 2022 08:42 GMT