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I like the way you thinkPost details
Elon chuckled. "You mean the apartheid emeralds?"…Cordula 🇵🇷 (@cordy_fox)Tue, 28 Jul 2020 15:47 +0000
Cordula 🇵🇷 (@cordy_fox)Mon, 08 Feb 2021 22:38 GMT
This content type is full of IndieWeb post types, which are all content types which allow me to take greater ownership of my own data. These are likely unrelated to my blog posts. You can find a better breakdown by actual post kind below:
I like the way you thinkPost details
Elon chuckled. "You mean the apartheid emeralds?"…Cordula 🇵🇷 (@cordy_fox)Tue, 28 Jul 2020 15:47 +0000
Cordula 🇵🇷 (@cordy_fox)Mon, 08 Feb 2021 22:38 GMT
Contribute to aidansteele/ development by creating an account on GitHub.
Heartwarming! This 2-year-old's family couldn't afford his $20,000 electric wheelchair, and their insurance didn't cover it. So, a high school robotics team burned down the insurer's headquarters
qntmyrrh (@qntm)Wed, 07 Oct 2020 15:11 +0000
the woke snow preventing me from driving my gran to the hospital. thanks corbyn
HK (@HKesvani)Mon, 12 Dec 2022 09:34 GMT
I don’t understand banking titles
Will Lawrence ✍️ (@will_lawrenceTO)Sun, 11 Dec 2022 22:17 GMT
Today I finally made the frontend for a project I did 80% of back in July. It's and it's a way to browse the contents of Docker images without needing to pull them to your computer. It works but has a bunch of bugs because I am not a full-stack dev. 1/5Aidan W Steele (@__steele)Mon, 12 Dec 2022 09:45 GMT
Shout to whoever started the Die Hard/Christmas debate. You have wasted a significant portion of my life.
Sam Strong 🧀 (@RapidOwl)Mon, 12 Dec 2022 10:09 GMT
This week we’re joined by Christina Warren, Senior Developer Advocate at GitHub, and a true tech and pop culture connoisseur. From her days at Mashable covering the intersections of entertainment and technology, to Gizmodo, to Microsoft, and now her current role at GitHub we talk with Christina about her journey from j...
Vaccinate your kids, i’m not running a fucking daycare down here
Satan (@s8nstan)Mon, 12 Dec 2022 01:41 GMT
tis the season to fantasize about living in kate winslet’s cottage in the holiday
keely flaherty (@keelyflaherty)Sat, 10 Dec 2022 22:46 GMT
there are two genders based on SCIENCE, also this cookie is a MAN and I’ll lose my shit if you tell me otherwise
Amy-Leigh Gemstone ( (@lolennui)Mon, 12 Dec 2022 03:50 GMT
there’s no funnier caricature of masculinity than the Him from “holiday gifts for him.” he doesn’t drink any liquid but whiskey. he’s got 20 watches on each wrist. if he saw a single texture other than leather he would throw one of his pocket knives at it.
the moon’s wife (@bookishseawitch)Sun, 11 Dec 2022 20:41 GMT
Between and I took 4578 steps.
I recently invited a friend to an event that takes place during the 10 days in 1582 that don’t actually exist due to a Papal edict modifying the calendar
Randall Munroe (@xkcd)Thu, 08 Dec 2022 03:14 GMT
Four and a half minutes ago, I did not realise that Sweden has a Christmas tradition of arson against an enormous hay goat, and now I am watching a 24-hour livestream of a wicker-man goat 900 miles away like my life depends on it. I will never know peace again.Dr Abigail Boucher (@DrAbbyBoucher)Tue, 06 Dec 2022 19:24 GMT
Happy Holidays
Safely Endangered (@EndangeredComic)Thu, 08 Dec 2022 16:24 GMT
Cory (@TheeDoombringer)Mon, 12 Dec 2022 05:19 GMT
“Forcing your pronouns upon others” - what the frack does this even mean? Nobody is forcing anything on anyone. Respecting people’s choice of pronouns is just a nice thing to do. It costs you nothing and shows respect for your fellow humans. Nobody is “ostracized” by this.Brandon Paddock (@BrandonLive)Mon, 12 Dec 2022 01:37 GMT
Hope everyone in the infosec field is updating their threat models to include potential future owners of the company
cliff kringle (@moonpolysoft)Sun, 11 Dec 2022 01:40 GMT
Society would be much better served if everyone was encouraged to be empathetic from childhood on. When everyone is only looking out for themselves, we allow too many to fall between the cracks.Katelyn Bowden (@medus4_cdc)Sun, 11 Dec 2022 20:15 GMT
we’re gonna see this a lot
moe (@lilyzmarshall)Sun, 11 Dec 2022 13:44 GMT
This is ruining my night is there a joke or is it nonsense (nonnenne)
Chuck Schick (@MetaChuckSchick)Sat, 10 Dec 2022 23:07 GMT
Thanks was not aware Lunduke became a transphobe.
eb✿ny muskrat (@vate_er8)Sat, 03 Dec 2022 18:16 GMT
Did Lunduke become "non-political" again? He stopped posting on his "Conservatives Nerds" substack in May. This is a weird decision even for him. Everyone knows that he's an idiot, so it doesn't make much sense.Bryan Lunduke's Fact Checker (@LundukeFacts)Fri, 16 Sep 2022 04:33 +0000
Pro Trump, anti vaxer, election fraud nonsense. The whole package.
Paul (@paul_64_)Sat, 03 Dec 2022 18:53 GMT
If this was my car, I’d be so upset. Not stealing someone’s life in my name. I’m sad that the victim in this case felt that their property was equally valued with a child’s whole adult life. But more slaves for Angola prison, am I right?Public Defendering (@fodderyfodder)Sat, 10 Dec 2022 02:43 GMT
A 15 year old got 55 years for a carjacking and I haven’t been able to think about much else.
Public Defendering (@fodderyfodder)Sat, 10 Dec 2022 02:37 GMT
¿Conocéis "The Artifact"? Una peli casi desconocida de los años 70 que no se estrenó en ningún cine. Se creía perdida, pero unos frikis encontraron una copia y la remasterizaron, descubriendo a su vez un enigma aún sin resolver. Quiero contaros los misterios que la rodean 🧵👇Javi López ⛩️ (@javilop)Sun, 11 Dec 2022 11:00 GMT
Every time someone tells me “this area is really rough be careful” I get to the area and it’s literally fine. Sometimes people are just afraid of poor people or color lol
Skatune Network (They/Them) (@Skatunenetwork)Sat, 10 Dec 2022 20:12 GMT
I hope that @jack and the Twitter Board understand what they’ve done.Sherrilyn Ifill (@SIfill_)Sun, 11 Dec 2022 13:25 GMT
This is some serious FOX News Grandpa Benghazi shit, but at least you bought the biggest global stage upon which to loudly, publicly shatter the myth of meritocracy, in a one-man show of bottomless cringe
Rob Sheridan (Parody) (@rob_sheridan)Sun, 11 Dec 2022 11:31 GMT
Feel free to try too! It's a pretty complete IndieWeb <=> ActivityPub bridge.
Ryan Barrett (@schnarfed)Sun, 11 Dec 2022 17:13 GMT
Therapist: are you having a breakdown Pisces: no this is just my vibeAstro Poets (@poetastrologers)Sun, 11 Dec 2022 17:05 GMT
It’s one banana Michael, what could it cost, 80 pokedollars?
Joe Hart 🏳️🌈 (@JoeHart)Sun, 11 Dec 2022 10:04 GMT
Brain fog Every comic posted to date is now available as a T-Shirt!👇… I'm still working on some of the other products but I'd love to know what you guys think!Distracted Dino (@ADHDinos)Sun, 11 Dec 2022 10:30 GMT
Christmas 2022
Irena Buzarewicz (@IrenaBuzarewicz)Sun, 11 Dec 2022 07:21 GMT
there's another popular-ish tech figure the same last name as you (Bell) and I didn't realize you were different people until that person showed up in my timeline again because of algorithms. lmaoo whomst 👁️👄👁️maisie 💖 (@maisieccino)Sun, 11 Dec 2022 12:56 GMT
Any advise for Developers wanting to get into big tech? Like getting through the crazy interviews. i was dysphoric, closeted and miserable when i was interviewing for 🍎 lol, so i don’t remember too well. i think i mainly revised on stuff they said they’d interview me on??maisie 💖 (@maisieccino)Sun, 11 Dec 2022 11:43 GMT
this is not the gotcha you think it is, bud
Ian Coldwater (@IanColdwater)Sun, 11 Dec 2022 11:54 GMT
if you're going to go do crimes? sure, leave your phone at home If you're going to a regular degular demonstration and you need your phone on you because kid is at school or something? dude, you're probably fineIan Coldwater (@IanColdwater)Sun, 11 Dec 2022 04:50 GMT
I really don't think that "leave your phone at home when you go to a protest" is practicable advice for most people and I wish we would stop recommending it without qualification
Ian Coldwater (@IanColdwater)Sun, 11 Dec 2022 04:47 GMT
So TIL, there's photographic evidence of the _first_ ever talk I gave back in 2013 @ HackSoc Nottingham It was a talk about the start-up I was working for and how we were releasing a dev SDK to integrate with it for Hackathons Of course, never released it 😂💀Post details
@edgeorge92 giving a talk, not about Ed George designs.HackSoc Nottingham (@hacksocnotts)Fri, 04 Oct 2013 17:08 +0000
Ed Holloway-George 🍝 (@Sp4ghettiCode)Sun, 11 Dec 2022 12:02 GMT
Show/Hide Transcript I’m bringing TWITIWAE back! It’s the audio edition for This Week in the IndieWeb for December 3rd - 9th, 2022. You can find all of my audio editions and subscribe with your …
Thanks, it seems to be so far - mostly Flu for the first day and a bit, and now just a bit of a cold
Thanks for the great work over the years! Sorry you weren't able to find maintainer support for this after quite some time of asking
We've archived the Gorilla Toolkit, a set of Go HTTP libraries & tools originally created back in Oct 2022. We never found a sticky maintainer and/or folks that were consistently contributing. You can read more here:…Matt Silverlock 🐀 (@elithrar)Fri, 09 Dec 2022 16:07 GMT
A coworker has flagged this by me a few months back, implying “archived is bad” but I tried to tell them, there’s inherently nothing bad about using a library like gorilla/mux as long as you don’t find any bugs with it. The negative connotation of “archived” is unfortunate.ahmetb (@ahmetb)Fri, 09 Dec 2022 21:07 GMT
Well crap. Now what? I use mux and websockets extensively.
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We've archived the Gorilla Toolkit, a set of Go HTTP libraries & tools originally created back in Oct 2022. We never found a sticky maintainer and/or folks that were consistently contributing. You can read more here:…Matt Silverlock 🐀 (@elithrar)Fri, 09 Dec 2022 16:07 GMT
Darren Shepherd (@ibuildthecloud)Sun, 11 Dec 2022 06:35 GMT