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A permanent reminder that former PMs still have duties, which is why there is government funding for the offices of former Prime Ministers.
British Alba (@BritishAlba)Sun, 13 Nov 2022 11:17 GMT
This content type is full of IndieWeb post types, which are all content types which allow me to take greater ownership of my own data. These are likely unrelated to my blog posts. You can find a better breakdown by actual post kind below:
A permanent reminder that former PMs still have duties, which is why there is government funding for the offices of former Prime Ministers.
British Alba (@BritishAlba)Sun, 13 Nov 2022 11:17 GMT
Watching Liz Truss at the cenotaph and it occurs she’s got like 50 years ahead of her attending state events as Former Prime Minister, a permanent reminder of the thing where she blew up her one shot at the top in 50 days flat. It’s like some kind of punishment from a Greek myth
Philip Sim (@BBCPhilipSim)Sun, 13 Nov 2022 10:59 GMT
Leaving this one gets harder and harder every single time. I had no idea the capacity for love I actually have ❤️ @jh3yy And I love to share it.Stephanie Stimac 🔮 Web Witch, DevTools PM (@seaotta)Sun, 13 Nov 2022 11:58 GMT
Submitting assignment at 11:59:59
Jasir Shahbaz (@LahoreMarquez)Sun, 13 Nov 2022 11:01 GMT
Nobody is forcing them to change. But we can put pressure on people and organisations who are supposedly LGBT allies/supporters to end their association with said country. Hope this helps.(Insert Name Here) (@davidaak1991)Sun, 13 Nov 2022 13:31 GMT
Today I finished the infrastructure migration for Mastodon instance! 🎉 All infra (except the database) now hosted on @CivoCloud who have very kindly offered to cover the running costs! (Thanks Civo! 💙)Marcus Noble (@Marcus_Noble_)Sun, 13 Nov 2022 12:23 GMT
Alex Muresianu (@ahardtospell)Sat, 12 Nov 2022 16:27 GMT
If you think that Twitter has moderation problems, just wait until large numbers of people are having conflict on Mastodon and they’re being adjudicated by a few volunteers who don’t have set guidelines or community to navigate differences with.
Chanda Prescod-Weinstein (@IBJIYONGI)Mon, 07 Nov 2022 14:40 GMT
beyond looking after the speakers who provide them with the content they’re selling, if speakers have to pay to speak in some capacity, it will limit the voices in the space to those who can afford to make themselves heard
Carol ⭐️ (@CarolSaysThings)Sun, 13 Nov 2022 13:24 GMT
The Croatan were a small Native American ethnic group living in the coastal areas of what is now North Carolina. Governor John White returned to Roanoke in 1590 to find the word "Croatoan" carved on a tree and all his people gone. (The Lost Colony) Lounsbury (@jlounsbury59)Sun, 13 Nov 2022 04:33 GMT
Hello everyone, I have successfully made a Regex which accepts valid JSON and rejects invalid JSON
Aly (@Fish_CTO)Sun, 13 Nov 2022 04:03 GMT
Your mommy and daddy give you a lemonade stand. And you buy lemons and sugar and sell lemonade. But next year (you’ll be 6) your table remains but no one has heard of or from you since last year and the only clue is the word Croatoan carved into the wood of your stand
Zach (@zach_ismyname)Sat, 12 Nov 2022 23:16 GMT
There’s animation, there’s great animation, and then there’s the bit in Disney’s Robin Hood where *a snake crosses his arms*.
thankvid bednar (@ykarps)Sat, 12 Nov 2022 17:57 GMT
Handed my dad my glass of whiskey for him to taste…he drank the whole thing in two swift gulps 😭🥃
Taylor Poindexter (@engineering_bae)Sun, 13 Nov 2022 01:11 GMT
you're my fave
Sophie Koonin (@type__error)Sun, 13 Nov 2022 12:21 GMT
Pretty sure I can be pissed off at all those things at the same time.
Daniel Holland🎗🏴 ॐ (@DannyDutch)Sun, 13 Nov 2022 13:11 GMT 🌈Joe Lycett (@joelycett)Sun, 13 Nov 2022 12:17 GMT
Cryptobros are basically speedrunning humanity's economical history from the start and they keep rediscovering the reasons why regulation of finance and business exists.
Pjohhi (@pjohhi)Sat, 12 Nov 2022 21:30 GMT
and then, everyone became very surprised that it was a scam company. am i still following
Rob DenBleyker (@RobDenBleyker)Sat, 12 Nov 2022 17:25 GMT
Joe Bankman 😭…Post details
BREAKING: Insiders claim that SBF is still in Nassau. The FTX HQ has been taken over by Royal Bahamian police in civilian clothing. Liquidators, SBF, and SBF's father Joe Bankman have all been meeting.
Autism Capital 🧩 (@AutismCapital)Sat, 12 Nov 2022 17:09 GMT
Rob DenBleyker (@RobDenBleyker)Sat, 12 Nov 2022 19:17 GMT
just to confirm i'm understanding the FTX collapse: over a million people put $1 billion in assets into a crypto company, founded in the bahamas, by a 28 year old. am I understanding this right.
Rob DenBleyker (@RobDenBleyker)Sat, 12 Nov 2022 17:25 GMT
RT @jenlooper The most impressive bon mot I heard this weekend was from a CS teacher giving a talk about playful learning via ScratchJr: "Coding should be a playground, not a playpen". This should be taken to ❤️ by every software engineer. You are working within a community, not in isolation.Carol ⭐️ (@CarolSaysThings)Sun, 13 Nov 2022 11:06 GMT
An error was encountered. What would you like to do? Type your answer: 1) Go North 2) Investigate the error 3) Ignore the error 4) Turn the error into a warning. (Requires Magic Level 10 or higher)Post details
This is happening more and more. Kind of like how a restaurant starts to get shabby and the sign outside starts to fade.
Kevin (@kevinkleinpdx)Sun, 13 Nov 2022 05:16 GMT
tim. (@denvercoder)Sun, 13 Nov 2022 09:02 GMT
waking up after a solid 8 hours, after days of drinks and bad sleep
Carol ⭐️ (@CarolSaysThings)Sun, 13 Nov 2022 08:24 GMT
I am sooooooo tirrrrreeddd of rubes thinking they're being cynical by intoning "If it's free, you are the product." If you pay $8, you're still the product, but you're now paying $8.
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Let's remember that @elonmusk charging $8 for premium Twitter experience means Twitter becomes the product again, instead of you. And if $8 is too much, you're free to remain as the product.Erik Voorhees (@ErikVoorhees)Tue, 01 Nov 2022 21:58 GMT
Kate Griffin (@griffinkate)Fri, 04 Nov 2022 14:05 GMT
Thanks to Harvard University, you can now virtually enter the Great Pyramid of Giza in 3D and 360º
Tansu YEĞEN (@TansuYegen)Fri, 11 Nov 2022 22:08 GMT
lmao Eli Lilly absolutely threatened to sue the shit out of Elon and he panic-simped for their insulin price gouging. Then his own site betrayed him.
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feature's absolutely getting nuked by monday
Ashley Feinberg (@ashleyfeinberg)Sat, 12 Nov 2022 04:50 GMT
Robert Evans (The Only Robert Evans) (@IwriteOK)Sat, 12 Nov 2022 05:46 GMT
feature's absolutely getting nuked by monday
Ashley Feinberg (@ashleyfeinberg)Sat, 12 Nov 2022 04:50 GMT
𝕃𝕦𝕔𝕒𝕧𝕚 🐱 (@lookabee83)Fri, 14 Oct 2022 15:19 +0000
One of my sons’ friends found me on twitter and he likes to mock me for being “twitter famous” pretty much every time he comes over the play with the boys. No matter how much I tell him I’m not. He insists on referring to me as “Matt Stratton of Twitter” constantly.Matty Stratton 🐀 (@mattstratton)Sun, 13 Nov 2022 04:17 GMT
people have this idea that being a niche internet microcelebrity means that we must think we're actually famous when in fact this has almost no affect on our real lives and mostly just makes some IRL interactions awkward
Kat Cosgrove (Rat Arc) 🐀 (@Dixie3Flatline)Sat, 12 Nov 2022 02:08 GMT
For those who don't know, that's my inside tech joke. Naive developers love to talk about how they could build Twitter in a weekend. It has become a meme. If this whole thing wasn't horrific, it would actually be hilarious in tech circles.
Marco Rogers (@polotek)Sat, 12 Nov 2022 00:58 GMT
Ah, that old gatekeeping chestnut that's also wholly irrelevant.
eximius (@eximius)Sat, 12 Nov 2022 04:53 GMT
People are starting to say Elon Musk isn't actually a real engineer. But he definitely said "I don't know why people think Twitter is so complicated. I could fix it in like a weekend." And then proceeded to fuck everything up. That's exactly like an engineer.
Marco Rogers (@polotek)Sat, 12 Nov 2022 00:54 GMT
Multiple people who have tracked this data as a job have said this isn’t true
KING OF NEW ENGLAND (@calkins_colin)Sun, 13 Nov 2022 01:15 GMT
Mike Rhone (@mikerhoneTM)Sun, 13 Nov 2022 02:40 GMT
Elon stans who haven’t paid for his ridiculous checkmark cannot be trusted.
fakelawn (@fakelawn)Sun, 13 Nov 2022 02:12 GMT
😂 yes, I suppose I am interested in my own #golang course.Johnny Boursiquot (@jboursiquot)Sun, 13 Nov 2022 05:41 GMT
"The entire $16 billion fortune of FTX co-founder Sam Bankman-Fried has now been wiped out, one of history’s greatest-ever destructions of wealth."…Judd Legum (@JuddLegum)Fri, 11 Nov 2022 15:16 GMT
also didn't elon just lose like a hundred billion dollars
Senior Oops Engineer (@ReinH)Sun, 13 Nov 2022 05:49 GMT
get fuckin owned
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"The entire $16 billion fortune of FTX co-founder Sam Bankman-Fried has now been wiped out, one of history’s greatest-ever destructions of wealth."…Judd Legum (@JuddLegum)Fri, 11 Nov 2022 15:16 GMT
Senior Oops Engineer (@ReinH)Sun, 13 Nov 2022 05:47 GMT
I’m just saying, if I were a recently eliminated twitter engineer with untransferred knowledge, my consulting fee would start at $50k/hour for me to come back to work (@deniseyu21)Sun, 13 Nov 2022 06:01 GMT
“Terms of Service; Didn't Read” (short: ToS;DR) is a project started in June 2012 to help fix the “biggest lie on the web”: almost no one really reads the terms of service we agree to all the time.
You know this was back in the day because they had that credit card right up in the camera 😂…Post details
Sandra Bullock buying movie tickets on the net for the first time… for her movie THE NET
SPENCE, TODD (@Todd_Spence)Sat, 12 Nov 2022 00:23 GMT
Genie Lauren (@MoreAndAgain)Sun, 13 Nov 2022 05:52 GMT
I need to look at the org chart again because a few of them have been there a while because they're big ol' nerds.
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RT Here’s the good news: I think we have at least 6 months before your boss finds this place.…Jesse (@obra)Sun, 13 Nov 2022 05:30 GMT
brian wisti (@brianwisti)Sun, 13 Nov 2022 05:36 GMT
therapist? oh you mean my gossip doctor?
monika woods (@booksijustread)Fri, 11 Nov 2022 01:12 GMT
Sandra Bullock buying movie tickets on the net for the first time… for her movie THE NET
SPENCE, TODD (@Todd_Spence)Sat, 12 Nov 2022 00:23 GMT
I don’t even know how to quantify this but one of the weirder moments gotta be when dude live tweeted the osama bin laden raid without knowing it
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Enough talk about the good times on this website, let’s talk about the dumbest moments on this website. I’ll start: that time people thought there were two drils and the second one was much less funny
AK Lingus (@aklingus)Fri, 11 Nov 2022 13:06 GMT
ZuluHeavy (Parody) (@ZuluHeavy)Sat, 12 Nov 2022 18:23 GMT
Between and I took 9000 steps.
not feeling miserable anymore rules nature is healing
aubri (@aubrionna)Sun, 13 Nov 2022 06:27 GMT