Post details
My blog, where i attempt to collect my thoughts and share the occasional interesting topic with others
This content type is full of IndieWeb post types, which are all content types which allow me to take greater ownership of my own data. These are likely unrelated to my blog posts. You can find a better breakdown by actual post kind below:
My blog, where i attempt to collect my thoughts and share the occasional interesting topic with others
Learning about the #indieweb movement has been one of the most interesting byproducts of joining Mastodon earlier this year. I particularly liked this talk transcript by Jamie Tanna as an introduction to the topic:
Dependency Management Data - Jamie Tanna: Simon Willison's description: HackerNews:
Attached: 1 image In 6 months to 30 April number of people whos code was accepted into open source projects (committers) from the UK increase increased by 1,600 compared to 1,700 in the previous 12 months. Read the OpenUK report to understand OpenUK's plan to build more contributors to open source projects from the UK and our Skills ask of the government. #opensource #theopenmanifesto #openuk
When running Kubernetes on a cloud provider, rather than locally using minikube, it’s useful to know which node a pod is running on. The normal command to list pods doesn’t contain this information: $ kubectl get pod NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE neo4j-core-0 1/1 Running 0 6m neo4j-core-1 1/1 Running 0 6m neo4j-core-2 1/1 Running 0 2m I spent a while searching for a command that I could use before I came across Ta-Ching Chen’s blog post while looking for something else.
Content warning: US pol
Also, quick note for crowdstrike execs: everyone can see you looking over at that bus, considering your options, limbering up your throwing arm... Just a note that the people you probably want to hire are watching reeeally closely how you're going to handle this, and are taking notes. The shareholders may be into human sacrifices, but the people you need to run your business aren't. Choose wisely.
No one is getting fired over this, right? Correct. HR systems are down too.
Benn Stancil's weekly Substack on data and technology provides a fascinating perspective on the modern data stack & the industry building it. On this episode, Benn joins Jerod to dissect a few of his essays, discuss opportunities he sees during this slowdown & explain why he thinks maybe we should disband the analytics... Don't shorten links. Links were not meant to be shortened. They have played us for absolute fools.
I once ran my own personal URL shortener but eventually killed it because it wasn't that useful, but I kept the links working, and in fact they still work _to this day_ because I converted them from a dynamic PHP web application to a little list of nginx URL redirects. Google have comparatively infinite budget and can't figure out how to be a respectful web citizen.
You wouldn't get this problem with Linux 😊 You would of course, get many other problems 🙃
Jealous of people who work on Windows PCs today that get an extra day off.
Happy Y2K everyone!
Between and I took 3394 steps.
This week on The Business of Open Source, I spoke with Vinoth Chandar, the founder and CEO of Onehouse and the creator of Apache Hudi. We took a pretty deep dive into the relationship between Onehouse and Hudi, a topic that for me is at the heart of building a company on top of an open source...
Back in May 2014 Joyent accidentally rebooted an entire datacenter (not just the handful of node as intended!). That incident--traumatic was it was--informed many aspects of the Oxide product. Bryan and Adam were joined by members of that former Joyent team to discuss, commiserate,...
Between and I took 5922 steps.
Between and I took 6028 steps.
Tracy & Ashley discuss open source funding issues, misaligned incentives, regulatory awareness, and advocacy for contributors.
<p>Actor, writer, and director Rashida Jones feels blank about being Conan O’Brien’s friend.</p><p>Rashida sits down with Conan to talk about tracing her family genealogy, the unanticipated success of Parks and Recreation, and confronting grief in her new Apple TV+ series Sunny. Plus, Conan considers taking his act to Vegas.</p><p>For Conan videos, tour dates and more visit <a href=""></a>.</p><p>Got a question for Conan? Call our voicemail: (669) 587-2847.</p>
Make your tools work better for you.
It's so interesting how when you're a female leader you're never technical enough until you are and then you're too rigorous and inflexible. Love this labyrinth with no exit for us.
Brian Fox is Co-founder and Chief Technology Officer at Sonatype, bringing over 28 years of hands-on experience driving software development for organizations of all sizes, from startups to large enterprises. A recognized figure in the Apache...
and talk about a pretty big bug found in CocoPods ownership. We also touch on a paper that discusses the technical debt that open source should have. We discuss what the long term sustainability of open source. There aren't any good solutions for open source today, but talking about these problems is important, we have to start to understand what's going on before we can plausibly discuss solutions. If you're an open source project that needs to put things on pause, or even walk way, that's OK. Show Notes
Between and I took 2818 steps.
Ahh huge congrats!! I'd meant to wish you happy wedding day, but obviously missed it. Hope you had a lovely time 🥰
Monzo asking me if I want to split my weekly shop with someone like yeah man I’m trying
I have no interest in furry porn, but a website with no furry porn is like an ecosystem with no bees.
Off topic random thought about pain. Just remembered something I read once, where a mom gave advice to another mom to give their kid “toddler sedative” and the other mom was “wait what?” and the first mom went “You know, Tylenol” the second goes “that’s not a sedative” first says “works for me, when my kid gets all fussy and cries all the time it knocks him right out” And I’m: … 🙈 madam, if your kid cries a lot and settles right down when they get a painkiller… THEY’RE IN PAIN Why don’t we talk about that more? Just because someone doesn’t have language, and can’t tell you what hurts, doesn’t mean they don’t experience pain. Heard it happen to a lot of autistic folks too, and then people say things like “they have a higher pain threshold” Dude. Just because someone doesn’t have the same pain reaction as you, doesn’t mean their experience is any different.
Attached: 1 image coworking
Shawn “swyx” Wang is back to talk with us about the state of DevRel according to ZIRP (the Zero Interest Rate Phenomenon), the data that backs up the rise and fall of job openings, whether or not DevRel is dead or dying, speculation of the near-term arrival of AGI, AI Engineering as the last job standing, the innovatio...
A neat thing about having your own blog is there's no rule saying you can't backfill the archives... yesterday I added this page for a talk I gave back in 2017, just to have it show up in the archives in the right place
Between and I took 8913 steps.
Good luck to the Lionesses men's team this evening #EURO2024
This is the 22nd talk I've published in the annotated format - here's my full collection I wrote about the tools I use to put these together here:
It's interesting that people keep talking about the Trump incident as a "shocking act" when it really wasn't shocking at all if you've been paying attention to American gun violence and the Republicans' constant calls for political violence and death threats against Democratic politicians and journalists (though these are mainly targeting female, Black and queer journalists and a lot of the targets are women in politics, so maybe straight White male journalists aren't being subjected to nearly as much of this and just don't believe their colleagues). I wish one journalist would just honestly say 'in a not unexpected act of political violence in our landscape of constant gun violence" or something that acknowledged reality. This kind of gun violence is now terribly mundane in the US and Trump and the GOP helped make it mundane.
If I were England I would simply score more goals than Spain.
jfc, is there some kind of football going on today? There are roars coming from the English outside like they've cornered an immigrant or something.
Dependency Management Data vv0.101.0 is out 🚀 Check out the release notes at
Attached: 1 image #AaronSwartz killed himself because he scraped research data and they aggressively prosecuted him. Now #AI companies say they should scrape our data for free.
Welcome to the first issue in a several-part series on building a command-line interface (CLI) tool for an internal platform. This is something I've been...
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If you have a personal website, which I assume you do if you're following me here, you should add yourself to the Internet Phonebook while the call for websites is still open! They even have an "indie …