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If Windows XP was released in 2024 (📎1)
This content type is full of IndieWeb post types, which are all content types which allow me to take greater ownership of my own data. These are likely unrelated to my blog posts. You can find a better breakdown by actual post kind below:
If Windows XP was released in 2024 (📎1)
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Light Cycles - ShockOne is a supremely underrated song 🎶
Also seems to be significant downtime at DuckDuckGo too 🤔
Between and I took 3376 steps.
Attached: 1 image #ADHD
Yup, having to !g
everything 😥
I'd like to be able to do this: git cherry-pick --interactive hash-0..hash-n-1 # fantasy command and obtain the same workflow as interactive rebase: an editor buffer comes up, containing: pick ...
Between and I took 4676 steps.
This week, we're sharing an extra special episode. It's no secret that the decision to buy or build isn't exactly a straightforward one. And the decision you make can be influenced by a ton of factors. But the fact is that in some instances, buying can make more sense than building, and in others, building can make more sense than buying. In this episode, you'll hear from John Paris, Principal Engineer at Skyscanner, to get the story behind their build versus buy journey. Joining him as the host for this episode is none other than the CPO of incident IO, Chris Evans. In their conversation, Chris and John discuss Skyscanner's setup before adopting, what life has been like after adopting the platform, and a whole lot more.
Attached: 1 image I went to the aquarium today and there was a guy in a wetsuit pushing a penguin around on a box, back and forth through the water someone asked why and he says, "yeah, she kinda just really likes riding on the box" I'm still not over it y'all
and talk about open source and autonomy. This is even related to some recent return to office news. The conversation weaves between a few threads, but fundamentally there's some questions about why do people do what they do, especially in the world of open source. This also is a problem we see in security, security people love to tell developers what to do. Developers don't like being told what to do. Show Notes
Between and I took 4424 steps.
Attached: 1 image We are trained to make excuses for the inexcusable.
There are a number in the #IndieWeb community, generally under - and in fact what pointed me to your post to reply to, all via Micropub and Webmentions 😁
"It's called X now,' bleats the World's Smartest Man®, for the first time in his life concerned about deadnaming.
Attached: 1 image Writing up my talk for #EMFcamp. If you'd like to get the inside story of how the UK's contact tracing app was open sourced, please come along.
Attached: 1 image Hello
Birk Jernström from Polar joins the show to tell us all about the creator platform for developers: why he built it, how it works, why it works how it works, what’s in store for the future & we even give Birk some super deep UX feedback on the funding flow.
Attached: 1 image #scrum #ScaledAgileFramework #StoryPoints #scrumteam #scrummaster #productowner #dev #qa #Meme #memes
Between and I took 4693 steps.
Reading that Remix is now React Router 7 and just… way to go throwing away all that independent brand power you got by merging yourself back into the Meta monopoly. I wonder if we can thank Shopify for this, shit little organisations buying Open Source projects is good actually /s Apparently the Remix team is here to stay though? “As for the Remix brand, it's not going anywhere. We are the Remix team, React Router is a Remix project, and we have really exciting plans beyond React Router we can't wait to talk about. The Remix packages are going to take a little nap. Right now the Remix team is going to be heads down shipping React Router v7 and delivering the smoothest upgrade process we possibly can.” Not confusing at all #frontend
Attached: 1 image LOL never trust the output of `openssl x509 -noout -text` You can stuff arbitrary printable ascii including newlines into random extensions as raw data and it'll just display it.
Attached: 1 image 🖼️
Attached: 1 image #AI
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Andrew Atkinson joins Autumn & Justin to tell them why folks should (and are) picking PostgreSQL as their database in 2024 and how to scale it.
Things I teach my kids: • “No” is a complete sentence. • If you’re not having a good time you can leave. • Never make yourself smaller just to make other people more comfortable. • It’s okay not to be okay. • Don’t take criticism from someone you wouldn’t take advice from. • Other people’s opinions of you are none of your business. • Speak as kindly to yourself as you would speak to others. • Be your own greatest cheerleader, always. It’s never too late to learn these things. #SelfCare
Between and I took 11043 steps.
So, I wanted to update y'all on a few things around my life and mental health because it's been a minute. So, first things first - my mental health is better than it's been in my adult life. I'm over 6 months past my last TMS session and it's safe
Alex Kretzschmar joins Adam to discuss their experiences with building the “perfect media server” and all the hardware and software involved to make it happen —,, Plex, Jellyfin, ZFS, mergerfs, TrueNAS, Docker Compose and so much more in this episode.
After watching execs talk about the #GoogleLayoffs, all I can really say is this: If you are in tech you need a strong union. If you are in tech you need a strong union. If you are in tech you need a strong #union. After seeing what happened at #twitter, after seeing yet another round of nonsense layoffs across so many good people at so many companies, we need unions and we need them yesterday. If you are in a union already, build strength. We are going to need it. #AWU #CodeCWA #CWA
Why share technical stuff online? You never know how they may become useful to others! 10 months ago I found a fix to an Eleventy issue I had. I documented it on my website in my /snacks section. Today, I noticed someone having the same issue on 11ty Discord and went to share it. And then I found out that Christopher had already shared my solution in the issue and it had helped them! Contributing to #opensource through docs and blogs is good!
We need unions. And we also need employee-owned collectives that reject eternal growth, increased production, and shareholder profit as the goals of our labor. The infinite growth model is destroying our world. We can build alternatives.
Upcoming conferences🇯🇵 June 8: Go Conference 2024 @ Tokyo, Japan🇩🇪 June 17-20: GopherCon EU @ Berlin, Germany🇳🇱 June 19-21: DevOps Days @ Amsterdam, Netherlands🇷🇺 June 24-25: Golang Conf 2024 @ St. Petersburg, RussiaProposals👍 Accepted: go telemetry subcommandPrevious discussion on Episode 62⛔...
Emily Fox has held multiple roles at household-name organizations in her 13-year IT career and is currently senior principal software engineer at Red Hat. Previously, she worked as an engineer at Apple, and DevOps Security Lead at the National Security Agency. She also serves as chair of the CNCF's technical oversight committee and is involved in a variety of open source communities and activities. From her unique vantage point, she addresses the delicate balance the CNCF must strike between enterprises, open source maintainers and open product companies; growing awareness about open source sustainability issues; and how all of that feeds into a general "crisis of conscience" going on in cybersecurity.
Between and I took 7355 steps.
So one of my first conference trips after focusing my research on software teams, I'd worked really hard & shared innovative science in a talk that was widely acclaimed. But what I remember most is I was crossing the street with a bunch of men in tech and a car pulled up on us really close to me and I jumped and they all laughed and mocked me for the next block and said it revealed my "real personality" Anyway that DID perfectly describe every day as a queer woman in tech 10/10 no notes
nothing like seeing a layoff done well to re-radicalize me about how horribly mine was done never forget finding out I was laid off from a github notification while I was on vacation (yes, I was totally reachable)
moore's law but it's the number of clowns in the clown car doubling every 18 months