IndieWeb post types

This content type is full of IndieWeb post types, which are all content types which allow me to take greater ownership of my own data. These are likely unrelated to my blog posts. You can find a better breakdown by actual post kind below:


Listened to Cup o' Go | ⏲️ ⚡️ That feeling when your timer returns the wrong time & new 🌩️ lightning round!
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Conferences & CFPs🇮🇱 GopherCon Israel, Sept 9 @ Tel AvivCFP open until Jul 15🇦🇺 GopherCon AU, NoCFP open until Sept 15🇮🇳 GopherCon India, Dec 1 @ Jaipur🇩🇪 Fyne Conf, Sept 20 @ BerlinCFP open until Aug 16🇸🇬 GopherCon Singapore, October TBDCFP open until Aug 19Go 1.23 draft release notes⏲️ Blog:...


Listened to Open Source DevRel by Major League Hacking 
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Join us for an insightful discussion on the intricacies of Developer Relations in the open source world. Our panel of experts will delve into key differences between open and closed source platforms, the unique challenges and opportunities in open source DevRel, and the impact of AI tools on the community. Gain practical insights and hear success stories from industry leaders.


Liked Using S3 as a container registry
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For the last four months I’ve been developing a custom container image builder, collaborating with Outerbounds1. The technical details of the builder itself might be the topic of a future article, but there’s something surprising I wanted to share already: you can use S3 as a container registry! You heard it right. All it takes is to expose an S3 bucket through HTTP and to upload the image’s files to specific paths.


Liked Bimbo (
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Now we're cool with genocide in the west (thanks so much exposure therapy!) How long until we see nerve agents and mustard gas being deployed by the big western powers? How long until that advances to using tactical nuclear weapons in foreign lands? How long before this madness consumes every living thing that remains?


Reposted OpenUK (
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Attached: 1 image 10 July - Second OpenUK Digital Meet-up! Join Dr Dawn Foster, James Humphries and host Jamie Tanna, in their talks on high-profile forks, their impacts and the challenges of launching a fork. Register #openuk #digitalmeetup #opensourcelondon


Listened to Open Source Security Podcast: Episode 435 - - open source is too big to fix
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and talk about the latest mess. Apparently someone took over a very popular project and started to serve malware. First XZ, now this. What does it mean for open source? We don't have any answers, and it's hard to even talk about this problem because it's so big. The thing is though, even if we can't fix open source, it's here to stay. Show Notes


Glad to hear, hope it's of use. We're looking at packaging some of it up so teams can be writing tests for regexes in their own repos, without needing to set up the whole framework themselves 🤞🏽

Oh no that's a typo! Will fix that now


Listened to Dependencies are dangerous (Go Time #321)
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Dependencies! We need them, but how do we use them effectively and safely? In this week’s episode Kris is joined by Ian and Johnny to discuss the supply chain attack, the history of dependency management and usage in Go, and the Go Proverb that “a little copying is better than a little dependency”. Of cours...