IndieWeb post types

This content type is full of IndieWeb post types, which are all content types which allow me to take greater ownership of my own data. These are likely unrelated to my blog posts. You can find a better breakdown by actual post kind below:


Glad to hear, hope it's of use. We're looking at packaging some of it up so teams can be writing tests for regexes in their own repos, without needing to set up the whole framework themselves 🤞🏽

Oh no that's a typo! Will fix that now


Listened to Dependencies are dangerous (Go Time #321)
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Dependencies! We need them, but how do we use them effectively and safely? In this week’s episode Kris is joined by Ian and Johnny to discuss the supply chain attack, the history of dependency management and usage in Go, and the Go Proverb that “a little copying is better than a little dependency”. Of cours...


Reposted Adrian Cochrane (
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If there's one thing I've learned as a browser-engine dev: Everything is political! The most mundane things (e.g. how we answer "what time is it?") has the weight of historical politics behind it. Software freedom is a political project, you can't "leave politics out of it"! It makes a lot more sense to ask "how is this political?" than "is this political?". Because it is!


Reposted Aral Balkan (
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Technology is political. If your project or organisation has a “no politics” clause, you’re saying you’re happy to exclude people whose very existence is political in our societies. It’s only defensible if you’re coming from a place of privilege where the dominant politics are to your advantage so you can take them as given. There is no such thing as “no politics”; there is only “no politics other than the politics of the status quo that I benefit from, which I’ve internalised as normal.”


Liked Anders Eknert (
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While I’m ranting: how the fuck and when did “having to learn something new” become a thing generally accepted as a burden? Getting to learn shit *while getting paid for it* is an enormous fucking privilege of working in tech, and if you can’t recognize and appreciate that, please step aside for someone who does.


Liked Toby! (
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The funniest part of capitalist ideology is that someone managed to convince everyone that "freedom" meant like, the freedom to choose between 63 kinds of shampoo and not the freedom to quit a job you hate without the possibility of becoming homeless. #jobs #usa #capitalism #progressive #freedom #politics #anticapitalism


Liked clar fon (
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help, I am trying to budget software design, please help me understand why people don't like my software: UI redesigns: one million dollars performance fixes: zero dollars accessibility: zero dollars plus unpaid labour features people don't like: 100 dollars features people do like: 1 dollar