Between and I took 6532 steps.
IndieWeb post types
This content type is full of IndieWeb post types, which are all content types which allow me to take greater ownership of my own data. These are likely unrelated to my blog posts. You can find a better breakdown by actual post kind below:
Between and I took 5584 steps.
Glad to hear, hope it's of use. We're looking at packaging some of it up so teams can be writing tests for regexes in their own repos, without needing to set up the whole framework themselves 🤞🏽
Oh no that's a typo! Will fix that now
Who reads my blog? Send me an email or comment if you do! « Robin's Blog

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Between and I took 5131 steps.
ThatSexToyGuy (

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Attached: 1 image oh god I should have revised for this test

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A different kind of rug pull (Changelog & Friends #51)

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Adam & Jerod discuss the news! But first, we discuss how you can keep up with the software world (good question, Tyler Boyd!) On the docket: Developer job postings trend, the Ladybird Browser Initiative, the Polyfill.js supply chain attack & is the future self-hosted?
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Cup o' Go | The Go release that was completely Expected, conferences, and cookies! 🍪🍪🍪

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Go 1.22.5 & 1.21.12 releasedConferences🇮🇱 GopherCon Israel, Sept 9 @ Tel AvivCFP open until Jul 15🇦🇺 GopherCon AU, NoCFP open until Sept 15🇮🇳 GopherCon India, Dec 1 @ JaipurNew proposal: include abandoned packages in list of deprecationsBlog post: gRPC: The Good Parts by Kevin McDonald🍪 New...

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Dependencies are dangerous (Go Time #321)

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Dependencies! We need them, but how do we use them effectively and safely? In this week’s episode Kris is joined by Ian and Johnny to discuss the supply chain attack, the history of dependency management and usage in Go, and the Go Proverb that “a little copying is better than a little dependency”. Of cours...
paul (

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Attached: 1 image @Alice

Between and I took 5500 steps.
Miguel de Icaza (

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Attached: 1 image Can not stop laughing at this

ThatSexToyGuy (

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Attached: 1 image the etymological resource is the most rambunctious website on the internet, exhibit A:

Bodil (
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Holding my breath as Ed Miliband is reported entering Downing Street. Is there chaos ahead?
Adrian Cochrane (
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If there's one thing I've learned as a browser-engine dev: Everything is political! The most mundane things (e.g. how we answer "what time is it?") has the weight of historical politics behind it. Software freedom is a political project, you can't "leave politics out of it"! It makes a lot more sense to ask "how is this political?" than "is this political?". Because it is!
Aral Balkan (
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Technology is political. If your project or organisation has a “no politics” clause, you’re saying you’re happy to exclude people whose very existence is political in our societies. It’s only defensible if you’re coming from a place of privilege where the dominant politics are to your advantage so you can take them as given. There is no such thing as “no politics”; there is only “no politics other than the politics of the status quo that I benefit from, which I’ve internalised as normal.”
An end to daily blogging
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Between and I took 12111 steps.
Locally patching dependencies in Go - Eli Bendersky's website

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Terence Eden (
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Attached: 1 image · Content warning: Rude!
Dan Hon (

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Attached: 4 images bang bang bang bang, happy independence from 14 years of tory rule day

Dan Hon (
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they should've leveled up more
How random are TOTP codes?
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David Thomas Jackson (

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Attached: 1 image

Dylan Beattie (

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Attached: 1 image A special message for anybody who was planning to vote Conservative today.

Ana Rodrigues (
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Today was the first time I was allowed to vote in the general election. I'm a bit emotional to be honest.
Anders Eknert (
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While I’m ranting: how the fuck and when did “having to learn something new” become a thing generally accepted as a burden? Getting to learn shit *while getting paid for it* is an enormous fucking privilege of working in tech, and if you can’t recognize and appreciate that, please step aside for someone who does.
Liam :fnord: (
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The British custom of lining candidates up to hear the results in public, so that the loser has to eat shit in front of a crowd, and they all have to take Dark Lord Wheelie Bin or whatever seriously, is good and cool #ukpol
Ariadne Conill 🐰:therian: (
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July 4th is just Pride Weekend but for the straights
@Test Rob Whitaker (
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I didn’t have time to think about appropriate snacks for election night, but I am looking forward to my “Chaos with Ed Miliband” bacon sandwich for breakfast.
ThatSexToyGuy (
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im not sure who to vote for, if only there was a candidate i could be absolutely certain had run through a field of wheat
Toby! (
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The funniest part of capitalist ideology is that someone managed to convince everyone that "freedom" meant like, the freedom to choose between 63 kinds of shampoo and not the freedom to quit a job you hate without the possibility of becoming homeless. #jobs #usa #capitalism #progressive #freedom #politics #anticapitalism
@Test Rob Whitaker (
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Happy treason day to all my friends in the United Colonies.
Dan Hon (
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Against Innovation Tokens

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The “innovation token” model for selecting technologies is bad, and here’s why.

Troed Sångberg (
Post details You're providing a free service. Calm down, enjoy your vacation, spend time on it when you can and want to :) /grateful bridge user
pieceofthepie :coffefied: (

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Attached: 1 image Doing his part (somebodies got to make this look good) #DogsAtPollingStations #UKGeneralElection #UKGE #SheridanTheCorgi #Corgi #WelshPembrokeCorgi #PembrokeWelshCorgi #DogsOfMastodon #Dogs #Dog #DogsOfFediverse

🗳️✅ Get the fuckers out of power
Between and I took 6855 steps.
We've received a letter about you
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clar fon (
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help, I am trying to budget software design, please help me understand why people don't like my software: UI redesigns: one million dollars performance fixes: zero dollars accessibility: zero dollars plus unpaid labour features people don't like: 100 dollars features people do like: 1 dollar
lenazun (

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Attached: 1 image got myself too annoyed to do anything at all

Janel Comeau (
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"we never used to have all these women in their 30s suddenly getting diagnosed with ADHD" listen, I wouldn't have even noticed I have ADHD if I lived in an era where my doctor could ask if I want to lose 5lbs and then hand me enough amphetamines to see the face of God
Between and I took 3275 steps.
Sam Sneddon 🏳️⚧️ (
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If you view changing documentation to use generic “they” instead of “he” text as too political to be acceptable, then I’m sorry but your project is deeply unserious. “The generic user is a man” is a deeply political statement, and hiding behind “we’re apolitical” is bullshit.
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MAJOR.SEMVER.PATCH with Predrag Gruevski & Chris Krycho (Changelog Interviews #597)

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Predrag Gruevski and Chris Krycho joined the show to talk about SemVer. We explore the challenges and the advantages of semantic versioning (aka SemVer), the need for improving the tooling around SemVer, where semantic versioning really shines and where it’s needed, Types and SemVer, whether or not there’s a better way...