IndieWeb post types

This content type is full of IndieWeb post types, which are all content types which allow me to take greater ownership of my own data. These are likely unrelated to my blog posts. You can find a better breakdown by actual post kind below:


Listened to Knative, Sigstore & swag (KubeCon EU 2022) with Matt Moore, founder & CTO of Chainguard (Ship It! #54)
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This is the post-KubeCon CloudNativeCon EU 2022 week. Gerhard is talking to Matt Moore, founder & CTO of Chainguard about all things Knative and Sigstore. The most important topic is swag, because none has better stickers than Chainguard. The other topic is the equivalent of Let’s Encrypt for securing software.


Listened to Stacked diffs for fast-moving code review with Graphite co-founders Tomas Reimers & Greg Foster (The Changelog #491)
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This week we’re peeking into the future again — this time we’re looking at the future of modern code review and workflows around pull requests. Jerod and Adam were joined by two of the co-founders of Graphite — Tomas Reimers and Greg Foster. Graphite is an open-source CLI and code review dashboard built for engineers w...


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