Post details
bad week for drake, huh?
This content type is full of IndieWeb post types, which are all content types which allow me to take greater ownership of my own data. These are likely unrelated to my blog posts. You can find a better breakdown by actual post kind below:
bad week for drake, huh?
Between and I took 7238 steps.
Attached: 1 image My name is Chris and no one bought me LEGO as a kid. This Super Mario LEGO gear is really cool and I have no shame in playing with it. #LEGO #Nintendo #SuperMario
jesus christ i'm not letting my notes backlog grow that much again 🫠
This website plays a Wilhelm scream every time BBC News reports another Tory loss
Tired: my lesbian farmer gf Wired: my crop top
I'm interested in attending
I will attend MenderCon 2024—a remote conf for people who deal with legacy codebases 📅 May 16 📍 Remote 🎫 Pay what you want (suggested $5) There will be open-space sessions: you can bring up a topic you want to discuss Interested? Join us 😉 Details & registration:
protip: drawing a hilariously bad artwork in MS Paint with a mouse is a much stronger quality signal that you care about the blog post than attaching an obvious AI generation
Attached: 1 image May the 4th be with you.
Remarkably consistent pattern as to who still masks, at least in the anglo countries I've been in over the last two years: Mostly people of color, older folks, and when it's young white people usually disability is involved. Common thread, I suspect, is that these are the folks who stand to lose more if they get sick. I would that there were a greater showing of solidarity, but rugged individualism and all that 🤷🏻
Attached: 1 image May the 4th be with you.
On the one hand, I am feeling very crispy. On the other hand, after a year of mostly unemployment I had worried I had lost my ability to be productive for the length of a normal working day, and it would seem I have not.
Unbelievably, it’s been 5 years, and I am now a permanent resident of the Netherlands!
Attached: 1 image From a friend's discord #infosec #starWars
I threw away my speech, dissociated and said some stuff and it appears that my speech was the best and I can’t move around the room without someone saying it was amazing, seven five star reviews so far. So, I’m feeling pretty fucking good right now.
my partner went for a shower but it left the video call running so i could watch her cats sleeping, i love all of them so much
handing every lesbian a copy of ISO8601 so they can tell what is and isn’t a date
Attached: 1 image Did you know that Open Tech Fund has a NEW grant program just for FOSS projects? You can apply through May 17th! Join me,, Laura Cunningham, and Susan Kennedy on May 7th to learn more about the FOSS-maintenance-focused fund and how to apply: Please help spread the word about this great initiative!
(the correct answer to "what is the plural of kubernetes" is "clinical depression", by the way)
"free software is about writing code, keep everything else out of it" statements dreamed up by the utterly deranged
Some people think scalability is the biggest challenge in tech. Some think it’s data privacy. I think the biggest challenge in tech is the constant internal battle between ideals and a fat pay check.
Okay so I was HEAVILY involved in that wedding ceremony. Sit here, do this, present the rings, sign the blah blah. “James will now do XYZ” I keep being taken away by a photographer to do personal shots with bride and groom. I guess like, I’m important to the Bride? Like… really important? And it took “present the rings to me and the guy who is gonna be my husband in three minutes time, in front of 50 of our friends and family” for my autistic ass to begin to comprehend.
Security and reliability successfully ends up becoming job #1 when you start promoting people for their work on security and reliability.
Attached: 1 image
a lot of people don't get this but software rots. Just like a physical piece of wood or machine, software rusts, software rots. It's content doesn't change, sure, but the world around it does. The same database you release today, wont work 10 years later perfectly. It'll rust. It won't handle new formats, old formats will introduce new features that will confuse and break your databases algorithm software rusts and rots. The only way to keep software from rusting, just like a good metallic tool, is polishing it, maintaining it, making sure it's nice and working
Grateful that Kendrick Lamar has no idea who I am
Attached: 1 image this shit is hilarious dawg. mfs doing ESPIONAGE
Attached: 1 image Every politician should read the Onion every day so their absurdity can be reflected back.
Attached: 1 image #FreePalestine
Between and I took 5260 steps.
I will be attending
I will be attending
.This week on The Business of Open Source, I spoke with Brian Fox, co-founder and CTO of Sonatype. In addition to having a really interesting discussion about the usual topic of how to build a business around open source software, we also had a good conversation about security — it was hard to...
This week I talk about the impact of SaaS-first technology strategies on the work of an SRE. I pose questions about observability, ownership, on-call, and how much control we have over reliability.You can find the Bleeding Tech blog on Medium: htt...
Between and I took 9726 steps.
🎶 duh duh duh duh fuck the tories duh duh duh duh fuck the tories 🎶
Attached: 1 image i opened a GitHub issue on Brogue (a modern version of the game Rogue) and it’s the only good issue i’ve ever opened
Content warning: kink mention
hearing my partner’s cat chirping loudly through the phone, my heart 😭 love that fluffball so much 💕
Attached: 1 image My test account on AWS is called "shitposting," as that's its globally unique account alias. I also federate into the console via the use of Granted. Which means that whenever I fire up the web console from my terminal, this is how it launches:
OK, so you know the so-called "source code leak" from Rabbit for the #r1 last week? It wasn't a real leak, but what it showed was different than what I was expecting. So Rabbit Hole, the way you configure your R1 -- it only works on desktops, which I thought was rather odd. And then I went to manage my connection and I figured out why. This whole thing is a fucking VNC session in the web browser served as if it is a modal login
Content warning: uspol, protests, biden, cops, violence, guns
An open-source project isn’t something that should be rushed or executed haphazardly. It requires careful planning and strategizing, as well as clear communication between all stakeholders. In this episode of The Business of Cloud Native, host Emily Omier speaks with Tobie Langel who is...
Peter Zaitzev, the founder of Percona, is an expert on open source strategy and database optimization. With his level of experience in the world of open source, Peter enjoys challenging himself and going against the grain in order to come out on top.On this episode of The Business of Open Source,...
From software engineer to leading developer products at Facebook, Ron Efroni was familiar with the challenges facing developers. His co-founder recognized the power of Nix to remove the boundaries of development, and together they started Flox to reduce the barriers to the adoption of Nix.In our...