Between and I took 4843 steps.
IndieWeb post types
This content type is full of IndieWeb post types, which are all content types which allow me to take greater ownership of my own data. These are likely unrelated to my blog posts. You can find a better breakdown by actual post kind below:
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As Threads rolls out support for ActivityPub, Meta’s approach is to require each Threads user to manually enable fediverse integration. This was demoed yesterday at FediForum. It’s a perfectly …
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@manton But imagine the outrage if they automatically opted everyone in? 😬
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It’s Long COVID Awareness Day. An estimated 65 million people suffer from it globally. Remember that the risk of long-term health issues in multiple organs increases after each infection, even if your …
Got a link to the thread? May have missed it but sounds very interesting 👀
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There's been a thread about dependencies lately and the challenge of convincing developers to look at the full dependency chain. I once maintained a C++ binary that included a PostScript interpreter, a JPEG decoder, a JavaScript interpreter, and a number of other utterly irrelevant pieces causing a huge factor increase in the size of the binary. The culprit: A single logging statement that invoked a general-purpose printer that could print web stuff. Switching to sprintf fixed it.
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me, sexy voice: baby im gonna take you to pound land her: do you mean pound town? me, holding a bag of off-brand wine gums, a wireless phone charger, and a tin of pedigree chum: nope
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Thought for the day: Billionaires are a symptom of poverty. (Paraphrasing Iain Banks on money, but more specific to our times because we still need some way to allocate scarce resources, just: not like that.)
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"Billionaires are a symptom of poverty." Every once in a while I'm reminded that my "wasting time" on this site is not wasting time, because it's how I can incredible ideas or articulations like this.
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This week on The Business of Open Source I talked to Heather Meeker, General Partner of OSS Capital and author of From Project to Profit, How to Build a Business around your Open Source Project. We talked about some things that I entirely agree with, and then there were some points I challenged...

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Seems to be massive disconnect between the #AI hype pushed in the #KubeCon key notes vs. what the audience actually cares about. I don’t think I ever heard this many people complaining about them in the past.
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Attached: 1 image Unrelated to anything else going on today, but this was a rather nice feature in #DuckDuckGo I wasn't aware of before.

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I love RSS, but one thing I don't like is that readers typically homogenize the appearance of posts from different sources, which is fine that's how aggregators work. But I miss seeing the flair of individual websites so I often find myself clicking thru entries to see their site designs. I kind of want a stylesheet element in the RSS feeds and feed readers could have a toggle where you can view each feed's entries with their custom styles. I understand how that could break things though.
Between and I took 11363 steps.
Very excited to be speaking at the @TheLeadDev webinar Does your org need platform engineering? in a few weeks! Hope to share some of my experiences with #PlatformEngineering and #DeveloperExperience
I will be attending
I will be attending
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I’m a strong believer in automated tests - and a moderately disciplined author of them. Software engineering is exceptionally hard to get functionally correct, and even harder to avoid regressing later. As my wise teammate Dave says, “Legacy code is any code that doesn’t have a test.”

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Exciting times as we hike the W, and visit Torres del Paine.
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Management's role isn't necessarily to break unions but to keep workers compliant with company objectives. If the company is open to a union, they'll only impede it (and keep lower management out of the loop) so much so to make it a burden for workers to manage. If they're more offensive, they'll do what Apple, Trader Joe's, GM, Microsoft, Walmart and other conventional businesses do: take a complete about-face from whatever purported values the company is about and use their own legal prowess to weaken the constitutional rights workers have (it's only a crime if you're tried and sentenced when it comes to companies weakening unions).
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the small child in front of me peeked through the chairs and asked me why I was wearing a mask, has this kid never seen a mask before on a plane?
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me: i'll have the house wine please waiter: sorry we've only got techno wine *techno wine marches in coked off its face* techno wine: WHISTLE CREW MAKE SOME NOOOOIIIIISE
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I'm sorry I referred to my jizz as 'streaming content'
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Ran past a man walking 3 pugs today. As I overtook, the pugs thought I was racing them and ran after me, which made me think I was being chased by angry pugs. It was an arms race in which everyone involved was stupid
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Attached: 1 image Ok I’m doin the thread I said I wanted to do last week. (feel free to mute unless you enjoy a little second-hand drama as a Monday morning treat) Attn #devrel people! Are you job hunting? Does this pic of search results look familiar? Have you ever seen a bunch of job postings like this from Canonical and thought “gee I should apply to one of these”? I’m here to tell you: IT’S A TRAP! 🧵

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Hot take: if I can say "they just tested positive" and you don't have to ask "for what?" then the pandemic isn't over.
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Attached: 1 image

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The greatest lie ever told in work: “I just have a quick question”
So I think go get -u ./...
should get you most of the way? I'd usually reach for Renovate and would create a config file that allows grouping all the dependencies in a single branch, then you can check tests etc pass before merging. But you can also apply those changes purely locally - am travelling today but can shoot over an example tomorrow?
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Attached: 1 image Putting framed quotes meant for the kitchen in the bathroom.

Not Lukáš, but wondering what the use case is? Are you looking to get a way to easily bump dependencies? Trying to work out where you may be able to go mod tidy
down duplicates/unnecessary deps?
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How it often works is DevEx & Marketing push out some half-baked thing as a free service driving to drive adoption and generate interest. Generally there aren't many Engineering or Ops resources assigned to these things. Monitoring is next to nothing. No one even thought to consider fraud prevention measures. Many times InfoSec isn't informed at all. When a free service that allows arbitrary hosting, or arbitrary email/SMS content goes out, the first ones to adopt it are often criminals. The end result is you're playing catch-up for months to years to get the proper level of resourcing dedicated to closing the exploitable holes. No one wants to do that for a product that isn't directly generating revenue. The thing is, if you can't afford to assign resources, you should never deploy it. If it's connected to the Internet and connected to your brand, you're going to suffer reputation loss when it's abused, and it WILL be abused. Once I got a free service (temporarily) shut down because I showed our CMO how many complaints we were getting about it from people targeted by abuse. You'll have a hard time convincing random PMs or DevEx folks to limit the project they're working on for their quarterly goals/promotion opportunity. Marketing and Legal leaders will definitely care about reputation damage if you can make a strong, evidence-backed case.
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Attached: 1 image My wife sent me this screenshot today from her Facebook feed. It depicts a "remember 17 years ago" flashback featuring a friend of hers. The "then" image shows his face while the "now" side is blank... Because he died a decade ago. "Technically Wrong" came out in 2017, filled with numerous accounts of similar situations. This isn't new, but tech giants still continue to roll out this kind of half baked crap with no care for how it might impact the people using their products.

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nasa employee: oh hey u guys are back early astronaut: moon's horny nasa employee: what? astronaut: *grabbing condoms and getting back on the rocket-ship* moon's horny
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Content warning: uspol, if you wanna defend any politician in my mentions then how the hell did you even see this post
Between and I took 15758 steps.
Post details I described that in my thread? blocks of contrasting colours to break up the flat plain. not just white text on a very dark background
beware that MDN is also a text on plain flat background criminal
What should they be doing instead?
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I have a picture of giving bedroom eyes and it is too powerful to release to the masses
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My parents cut part of my dick off when I was a baby and now I tuck it between my legs voluntarily to wear certain pants and that’s a HUGE issue for them. Very normal
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Datasette authentication using IndieAuth and RelMeAuth - simonw/datasette-indieauth
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Everything you need to know about securing the software supply chain.

I may be attending