Post details
i often wish i had the confidence of my fellow mediocre white dudes
This content type is full of IndieWeb post types, which are all content types which allow me to take greater ownership of my own data. These are likely unrelated to my blog posts. You can find a better breakdown by actual post kind below:
i often wish i had the confidence of my fellow mediocre white dudes
Attached: 1 image "The wrong Amazon is burning" Sticker spotted in Anchorage, Alaska
Attached: 1 image
My therapist just said I have a “skill issue” and then I had to explain why I was laughing and once again had to explain annoying gamer culture
Content warning: Domestic violence / suicide
OH: the collective noun for a group of software engineers is a “merge conflict”
Attached: 4 images You have to pay for the advanced version of Gemini, but they throw in the teachable moments for free.
Attached: 1 image Today in "Tell Me You're Neurodivergent without Telling Me You're Neurodivergent".
Oh so now I have to remember to use a whole NEW set of pronouns? What's next, memorizing everyone's individual name out the billions of possible names???
Attached: 2 images "RSS is dead" #rss
flight attendant: IS THERE AN ENGINEER ON BOARD engineer: i'm an engineer flight attendant: haha nerrrrrrd
Attached: 1 image How did we get to a point where it's okay to have a feature that has this disclaimer
Between and I took 5174 steps.
I get that white guys have absolutely no reason to have to understand that their experience is not everyone’s considering the entire planet is catered to their perspective, but it is 2024 and the rest of us are very tired.
I will be attending
Attached: 1 image (Plus the link has expired)
Try these simple swaps for practicing more direct communication ❌ “I don’t know about this” ❌ “I’m not sure about this” ❌ “I don’t love this” ✅ “I hate this” ❌ 👍🏻 ✅ “I hate you” Follow me for more top tips 🕶️
You wouldn’t put a mask on your face to protect yourselves but you will walk around with that ridiculous Apple headset 🤦🏼♀️
A blog about making culture. Since 1999.
Between and I took 8746 steps.
Massive thanks to our cohort of friendly, helpful and collaborative volunteers who made #SOOCon24 possible. Thanks for giving up your time to support the event 👏🏻
Content warning: asinine humour
Well, I'm home after a great couple of days at #StateOfOpenCon #SOOCon24, which has given me lots to think about. There were some great talks, some really interesting hallway track conversations, and nice to meet friends old and new.
First of all a huge thank you to the organisers - there were so many of you behind the scenes doing such great work to make the event a massive success. I've seen the effort that it can take to do a single track conference let alone 8 tracks(!!!) so it's a huge result, and I hope y'all are gonna have some well deserved rest!
I'd like to say in particular a bit thank you for the work that @andypiper has been doing in the lead up to the conference to support the speakers, being warm, super helpful and supportive, as well as seeing them busy over the conference helping ensure everything was going well
And a big thanks to @AmandaBrock for all her excellent work with OpenUK and State of Open Con 🙌
I'll definitely be making my way back next year 👀 And I'll be (re)watching talks as they pop up!
Why do you have a footer on a website that features never-ending pages that populate more and more information as you scroll?
What an amazing #soocon24 I'm utterly exhausted from meeting so many old and new friends. Thank you to all the volunteers, speakers, and attendees for making it such a fun and friendly space.
Our “what’s new in Go” correspondent, Carlana Johnson, joins Johnny & Ian to discuss what’s new with the latest iteration of Go in version 1.22.
Uh, social experiment? How about we do a socialism experiment instead
Attached: 1 image stop doing offices ... they have played us for absolute fools
Attached: 1 image stop doing offices ... they have played us for absolute fools
traditional: wedding and bedding
The episode of I recorded is out! Just in time for the release of #golang 1.22. :ablobcatattention:
I keep hearing about post-op girls who can't remember what it felt like to have a penis and I think "that sounds like a thing people say that's not real but everyone wants to be real." Like, we love our entire lives with these things, we're not gonna just *forget.* Let's be sensible. It's been 4 days since surgery and I legit cannot remember what it felt like to have a penis. I'm not even sure what it feels like to have a vagina yet, it's still filled with packing and sewn shut. I honestly don't know what hanging a vagina is like. But I have no memory of what having a penis I'd like. None. It almost feels like a part of my consciousness was removed with the penis.
#soocon24 is like open source conferences used to be. This is more of a compliment than it may sound like.
some days i wake up feeling low and then i remember that i am indirectly responsible for literally hundreds of thousands of orgasms
“He don’t miss!” — me, about myself, while reading my blog
Spent the last few days building a small site which will convert an OPML file of RSS subscriptions into an HTML list of links to their respective websites. I needed it for a blogroll I’m planning to add, but I figured this might be something others may find useful.
Subscribe to Eventbrite orgs via Apple Calendar, Google Calendar, or Microsoft Outlook.
If you're a girl and walk up to me in a bar or some social setting and start talking to me about a Fourier transformation or some other complex math shit please know that I will almost immediately stop listening to you. I don't mean to. It's just that my brain will be overloaded trying to figure out how you're supposed to keep talking about whatever random incomprehensible shit you're saying while my tongue is exploring your mouth.
Retired old people who aren't just ... busy being sick and dying give back to their communities in HUGE ways. We had someone's grandpa come to our robotics competition to cheer the team on. The old people in my building do all the serious political organizing and man the polls. I'm too busy working being in my 40s and all that. Raising retirement ages takes away more than just "retirement" ... it makes everything harder. Far as I'm concerned it should be 59.
"Environment issues are just incidents that happened to occur in a non-production environment"... so why do we treat them so differently?In this first episode of the 2024 season I reflect on how we handle incidents in non-prod environments.(Note: ...
Attached: 1 image Join us tomorrow afternoon at State of Open Con for a meetup of the Women of Open Source community! 2pm at the back of the delegate experience area, near the job board. See you there! #WomenOfOpenSource #WOOS #SOOCon #SOOCon24 #StateOfOpenCon
Attached: 1 image This is where I belong #SOOCon24 #OpenUK I am trying to get the #ubuntu LoCo back up and running. But I’d love to know how I can be more involved in #OpenSource UK adoption. I’ve found my home after years in the wilderness of yelling.
Between and I took 8833 steps.