This content type is full of IndieWeb post types, which are all content types which allow me to take greater ownership of my own data. These are likely unrelated to my blog posts. You can find a better breakdown by actual post kind below:
Go 1.24RC2 releasedGo 1.23.5 & 1.22.11 released🇺🇸 GopherCon, Aug 26-28 @ New York, New YorkCFS open through March 3Proposals🇺🇸 New: reduce error handling boilerplate using ?🥁 New: sync/v2 packageLightning round📼 VHS v0.9.0🤖 openai-go📦 Video: I tried to deploy to a VPS without Docker...
Kris Brandow & Matthew Sanabria from join Jerod to discuss tools we're switching to, whether or not Go is still a great systems programming language choice, user-centric documentation, the need for archivists & more.
My boss set up a Slack bot that sends me weekly reminders that I’m doing a good job and not getting fired. It may be the nicest thing any boss has ever done for me. 😅
Not my circus, not my monkeys: good luck with all that
My circus, my monkeys: I am running a successful monkey circus
Not my circus, my monkeys: I am running a successful monkey-rental service
My circus, not my monkeys: oh no, oh man
To instrumentalize what my sister is saying below: every time someone says DEI say “you mean civil rights?” Every time someone says they are against woke reply “oh so you’re a segregationist!” Words have meaning! Don’t allow that nonsense to stand.
[contains quote post or other embedded content]
For years we've been told that everyone needs to learn to code. As career software people, what are our thoughts on this? Should you learn to code? Is coding the right career for you? In this first episode of a two part series, the panel discusses how they learned to code, whether they think...
From the Carlana blog archive, Don't Write Code that Hurts People
I also have an intimidatingly large room to fill.
So if you'd like to see a guy with a beard who *isn't* a billionaire talking about embedding a culture of Open Source, please come along 😄
Right now as we grapple with a tsunami of changes to Ashley's work I'm grateful for every man in tech (you know who you are) who has ever taken a phone call or a zoom call to give me advice, share your strategies, and otherwise extend your information and access and privilege to our household.
Despite everything we face in tech the kindness and solidarity and community I have experienced light part of my way and help me understand what we can be to each other
There aren't a ton of video game industry CEOs as beloved as Insomniac's Ted Price, who announced his retirement today:
Attention furries, weebs, neckbeards, and other cringe enthusiasts of kubernetes: I've ordered more Uwubernetes stickers, and they should be here in time for FOSDEM.
Brilliant to see go the non-profit route with BridgyFed!
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Adding more beautiful error messages to Kitten. These should help make it easier to recover from common errors while authoring.
#Kitten #errorMessages #design #usability #authoring #SmallWeb #SmallTech #HTML #CSS #JavaScript #NodeJS #server #framework #platform #web #dev
There are about 4 labelers and none of them work 100% of the time. I'm subscribed to all 4 and STILL get pictures missing alt text.
Not sure if there's something that stops labelers from catching this properly or what, but it's something the app should have natively for accessibility anyway
DHH is a gigabrain fascist and everyone with any sense is long since tired of his shit. I hope the Rails community can wrestle it away from being that muppets fiefdom.
Logged on after a purposeful day of not watching the news, logging off now after seeing the trash fire it was always gonna be.
For the next 4 years, I'm going to try to focus on helping my local community and orgs. It's the best thing I can think to do in the face of... all of this.
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The annoying nerds who said you should install Linux, use decentralised social media, use Signal secure messenger were right.
Control of our own computing is a prerequisite for freedom.
The internet *is* real life.
A PR of mine was accepted into go-wasm-http-server ( that makes it #TinyGo compatible! Now your Go webservers can be built into tiny WASM blobs and run in ServiceWorkers 🥳