IndieWeb post types

This content type is full of IndieWeb post types, which are all content types which allow me to take greater ownership of my own data. These are likely unrelated to my blog posts. You can find a better breakdown by actual post kind below:


Liked Terra The Unhinged Autist (
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Here are other ways to frame what Substack's CEO is saying: "But if we don't pay the Nazis who will?" "But if we don't pay the Nazis, everyone else loses!" "But if we don't pay the Nazis, the Nazis have already won!" "But if we don't pay the Nazis, we wont make shit tons of money and they're a fucking goldmine that we want to make bank off and fuck everyone who dies we never liked them anyway BECAUSE WE ARE ALSO FUCKING NAZIS!!!"


Reposted Ryan 🧜‍♀️🏳️‍⚧️ (
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TLDR; “Yes, if you let Nazis get on stage, there will be less Nazis. We’ll simply out talk them. That definitely works every time! Anyway, here’s a pile of money someone unspecified gave me.” Fuck Substack and fuck every “moderate” bagging for “civil discourse” with genocidal maniacs.


Reposted NowWeAreAllTom (
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YOUR 2023 CALENDAR WRAPPED You spent 31 DAYS in each of the months of August, March, July, January, October, and May. That’s a six way tie. Guess you’re the type who can’t be satisfied by just one month! 😎 Your longest day was NOVEMBER 5, a whopping 25 hours. Falling back like a champ! 🍂 This year was the 10 YEAR ANNIVERSARY OF 2013. Here’s to another 10 more! 🥳 You’ve had 51 MONDAYS so far this year. Yikes! We won’t tell Garfield if you won’t. 🐈


Something cool newer #git versions are doing - you'll now see Reapply instead of Revert Revert ... in commit messages, if you're reverting a revert.

In an older version of Git (i.e. with 2.34.x) you would see:

Revert "Revert "Commit title here""
Revert "Commit title here"
Commit title here

However, in newer versions (i.e. with 2.43.x) you now see:

Reapply "Commit title here"
Revert "Commit title here"
Commit title here

Which makes it a little bit cleaner in your Git log