IndieWeb post types

This content type is full of IndieWeb post types, which are all content types which allow me to take greater ownership of my own data. These are likely unrelated to my blog posts. You can find a better breakdown by actual post kind below:


Listened to Not A News Channel
Post details
Listen to this episode from Rizamblings on Spotify. A deep dive into Project Function with special guest and fellow Co-Founder, Daryl Cecile. We ramble on orange juice, my issues with saying the word "water", and loads more on our Project Function journey (including a very exciting #PFAnnouncement!) Finally, for the first time, we have an ominous 3rd voice who goes by the name of Mary. Find our guests: Project Function -> @PFNotts 
Daryl Cecile -> @darylcecile 
Maryanne Parkinson -> @BoxOfQwert Don't forget to #RizambleAlong on Twitter, find me -> @rizbizkits


This is such a great way to find out just how much can be done for you.

I used to do competitive programming competitions (similar to HackerRank challenges) and learning the standard library was a huge driver to finding the best solution without reinventing the wheel.

But even in the day job, knowing what to use without pulling in a new dependency can make a big difference.

This can go a little further to learning common packages that your ecosystem uses, and how best to tackle problems with them.