IndieWeb post types

This content type is full of IndieWeb post types, which are all content types which allow me to take greater ownership of my own data. These are likely unrelated to my blog posts. You can find a better breakdown by actual post kind below:


Reposted Mignon Fogarty (
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I love clever uses of incentives and tech: Cities are using traffic lights near schools that start red and turn green if an approaching car isn't speeding. If you're good, you get to keep driving. If you're bad, you have to stop and wait for the light to turn green. The average speed on the road almost immediately dropped to the speed limit as people learned the rules. Instead of punishing people with tickets after the fact, it creates the behavior the city wants.


Liked Anders Eknert (
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Attached: 1 video Before the holidays, we added a 'festive' output format to #Regal, which presents you with this glorious ASCII art animation when the linter has nothing to complain about. This is software relied on by banks, btw. It's OK to be silly — just make sure it's opt-in. Thanks to @charlieegan3 for working on that.


Reposted Asta [AMP] (@aud)
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I'd personally argue (and do argue, in fact!) that you should take the evidence of such agreements and facts to mean that you actually have nothing to lose by becoming... labor aware, let's say. Don't make my mistakes: reject ERGs, which are a way of tracking groups likely to unionize (hot tip: ERGs are for underrepresented groups, which are typically the groups most impacted by layoffs, so guess which groups are _probably_ a little more... labor aware?). Don't be quite so obviously pro-labor; they have enough lawyers and enough capital on hand to not give a single shit about whatever action you could potentially bring against them. But do form a union. Or a guild; there are too many companies owned by too few stockholders to _not_ also form agreements across company boundaries. And not one of those unions that's already waved the white flag to get their foot in the door, either. It's our best bet against the technological abuse we're seeing. RE: For anyone curious about this: if you formally disagree with the reason behind your layoff, congratulations! You're blacklisted. And if you follow up with compelling evidence of mistreatment, congratulations! You're DEFINITELY blacklisted and should probably follow that thread to whatever end it has for you. If you sign the settlement offer, which is probably what you're going to do because justice is about who has the most capital and they've cut off your funding, congrats, you're now _legally_ barred from working for any company they own ever again. It's standard language and they won't remove it. What's interesting, however, is much like a warlock pact, the only thing I'm _not_ barred from talking about is the specific agreement about what was considered a settlement. I can talk about literally everything else. I low-key suspect they do this so that particularly mouthy people (me) will discuss what happens when you try and face off against corporate and how even if you win, you lose. Why else let me freely talk about everything? RE: ...


Reposted Lincoln Russell (
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If I installed new server software that served websites 500% faster but also crashed sometimes, your first question would be "how frequent are the crashes?" and if I shrugged you'd back away slowly and start looking for my replacement. But with LLMs & hallucinations that's just normal operating conditions and you're a luddite if you ask too much about it.


Reposted Jamey Sharp (
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I just learned the phrase "circus factor" ("If you or someone on your team ran away to join the circus, how stressful would it be for the rest of the team?") and I like it much better than the widely-used phrase "bus factor".


Reposted DJ Sundog - from the toot-lab (
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new rule: if your company puts a LLM bot on the front lines of your customer support effort, your company should be legally bound to adhere to whatever the LLM bot states on your behalf. oh, you put a lying machine at the front door and it's telling people your product does things it doesn't actually do? and now you're stuck making your product do these things? maybe you'll think twice about deploying lying machines...


Only looking to self host, or would you be happy with something like Bitly? I assume self-host?


Liked fluffy 💜 (
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It's kind of funny to me how when I first discovered the furry fandom in the 90s it's because I believed myself to be an animal in a human body and most folks in the fandom were like "nah that isn't a thing" and since then I've come to accept that I'm human and fast forward 25 years and now there's a big and growing movement where it's like most furries seem to identify as nonhuman at a spiritual level and it's weird to be the outlier who *doesn't*