IndieWeb post types

This content type is full of IndieWeb post types, which are all content types which allow me to take greater ownership of my own data. These are likely unrelated to my blog posts. You can find a better breakdown by actual post kind below:


Liked Luna (
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In 2009, I join Twitter. I make friends there. I can see their posts. Twitter has a Nazi problem. I pre-emptively join Mastodon. But I don’t really use it yet. Elon Musk buys Twitter. My friends start leaving. I no longer see their posts. I want to see my friends’ posts. - I find my friends again on Mastodon. Now I have two apps to keep track of. But I can see my friends’ posts again. My instance admins get in a fight. Friends’ instances defederate from mine. I can no longer follow them, nor they me. I am told about this by a friend who noticed. There is no indication given by the software. I am not notified of the connections I’ve lost. I want to see my friends’ posts. - A friend invites me to their instance. I accept, and migrate my profile across. I re-follow missing friends I can remember. And I can see my friends’ posts again. A friend posts photos on her instance. But those photos are not visible on mine. Her profile appears, to me, devoid of images. My new instance seemingly media-blocks hers. There is no indication given by the software. - I just want to see my friends’ posts. Am I wrong to want that? -


Reposted Eugen Rochko (
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#Firefox is by far the best browser on desktop. Let me be clear, I am not saying that because I am ideologically opposed to using Google products. I use YouTube and Google Workspaces. Chrome genuinely has nothing to offer over Firefox. If your website doesn't work in Firefox then I'm not using your website.


Reposted vorlon (
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There's not a CEO in the world doing $7 million worth of work. Saying this is in line with exec compensation elsewhere is not a defense, it's an indictment. Nor is gender equity in pay an argument when ALL execs are overpaid and where pay equity is worst is at the entry level and among the precariat. Seriously, stop trying to justify a $7 million salary. Executive compensation is a PROBLEM, and while it's nothing specific to Mozilla, you can say this without pretending it's healthy. 2/2


Liked Josh Simmons (
Post details "It's almost like neuro-spicy folks like to hang out with each other..." Right?! 😂 Seems to happen on other dimensions of identity too! Like, genuinely shocking numbers of people I've formed strong ties with have ultimately been diagnosed as neurospicy, and/or with EDS, and/or come out as queer/trans. Love that we find each other even before we self-identify these ways. ( yea I'm definitely thinking a lot more about autism rn...)


Reposted Sasha 'feral' Göbbels (
Post details THIS is why I resent any type of "productivity measurement". If I as the person responsible for their (professional and sometimes very rarely personal) situation don't know how and what they feel and are working on, I should quit my job. I sometimes hear "but we need abstract measurements to hand up to executive management". No, you don't. Have a talk with them and tell them about the people you are working with. If they don't like this, this is not a good place to be. And regarding 'productivity': some people have a constant outfit of achievements or in software development tickets. That's productivity. But some people 'produce' less individual results, but removing them from the team would lower everyone's productivity. That's generativity. I don't know many colleagues taking this into account or even noticing it exists.


Reposted james BSc ADHD ASD (
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The cognitive dissonance of people eschewing Mozilla cos of AI and big salaries and a problematic CEO And suggesting people move to Brave The crypto browser that also does AI The browser who is available through Epic Games Store Taking some share of ad revenue for itself instead of giving it to who it’s supposed to Suggesting affiliate links in the address bar The browser that’s installing pay to use software on Windows machines without asking for consent Helmed by Brendan Eich You know, the JavaScript creator Oh but he’s also the guy ousted as Mozilla’s CEO for donating to anti lgtbq propositions the same guy who seems to hold Covid conspiracy theories in his head Please use a fucking search engine some time 🤡


Liked Anders Eknert (
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2023 was a decent year for me. With the kids now 1 and 3 I think I finally started to realize I’m a dad (!!) with all the responsibilities that come with that, and I started to adapt (way less travel, etc). Professionally, I’m really happy with what me and @charlieegan3 have accomplished during quite a turbulent year. And of course #Regal, the linter for #Rego that I started work on in January, and which now has a small community of users and contributors. Happy new year everyone! 🥂❤️


Reposted mhoye (
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As someone coming off a decade of working there, I can tell you with some confidence that “you should use Firefox despite Mozilla’s leadership” is far more true and has been true far longer than you realize. But you should also understand that original market-share vs ceo salary meme is a creation of Brendan Eich, presumably born of a grudge, and notably elided his tenure as CTO, during which the worst of that decline happened. You should still use Firefox though.