I will be attending
IndieWeb post types
This content type is full of IndieWeb post types, which are all content types which allow me to take greater ownership of my own data. These are likely unrelated to my blog posts. You can find a better breakdown by actual post kind below:
Between and I took 6043 steps.
Between and I took 5049 steps.
Between and I took 9642 steps.
Post details
Jacob Hoffman-Andrews, Senior Staff Technologist at the EFF and the lead developer of Let’s Encrypt, joined the show to talk about the history of SSL, the start of Let’s Encrypt, why it’s important to encrypt the web and what happens if we don’t, Certbot, and the impact Let’s Encrypt has had on securing the web.

Between and I took 8781 steps.
I will be attending
I will be attending
Between and I took 2303 steps.
Between and I took 4582 steps.
Between and I took 5865 steps.
Between and I took 846 steps.
I will be attending
Post details
Is your data ready for a complete disaster? We discuss why you should care about backing up your data and how to easily get started.

Between and I took 3310 steps.
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Seth Vargo, the Director of Technical Advocacy at HashiCorp, joined the show to talk about managing secrets with their open source product called Vault which lets you centrally secure, store, and tightly control access to secrets across distributed infrastructure and applications. We talked about Seth’s back story into...

Between and I took 4372 steps.
Between and I took 2615 steps.
I will be attending
I will be attending
Between and I took 1558 steps.
Between and I took 7590 steps.
Between and I took 7056 steps.
Between and I took 6842 steps.
Between and I took 6121 steps.
Post details
Play Podcast (mp3): Download (Duration: 1:14:22 — 51.4MB) New Linux hardware, a profane rant about the FSF, the Chrome OS desktop Linux question, exciting Solus news and loads more on LNL 02. News …
Between and I took 3607 steps.
Between and I took 3818 steps.
Between and I took 9045 steps.
Between and I took 7017 steps.
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Explore the largest community of artists, bands, podcasters and creators of music & audio
Between and I took 5491 steps.
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Felienne is always learning. In exploring her PhD dissertation and her public speaking experience it's clear that she has no intent on stopping! Most recently she's been exploring a large corpus of Scratch programs looking for Code Smells. How do children learn how to code, and when they do, does their code "smell?" Is there something we can do when teaching to promote cleaner, more maintainable code?

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Lee Atchison spent seven years at Amazon working in retail, software distribution, and Amazon Web Services. He then moved to New Relic, where he has spent four years scaling the company’s internal architecture. From his decade of experience at fast growing web technology companies, Lee has written the book Architecting for Scale, from O’Reilly. As

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This week LTS has a new meaning as we reflect on a couple of weeks with Ubuntu 16.04 & why we’re dumping it. We pick up the mood with some exclusive LinuxFest Northwest clips, projects updates & another clip that was never meant to air.

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Download News New TLDs http://arstechnica.com/business/2012/06/blog-lol-foo-google-amazon-dominate-global-tld-applications/ The ana...

Between and I took 7121 steps.
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Free as in Freedom is a bi-weekly oggcast about legal, policy and other issues in Free, Libre and Open Source Software
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Between and I took 8115 steps.
Between and I took 7590 steps.
Between and I took 2132 steps.
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Download We are sponsored by audible! http://www.audibletrial.com/programmingthrowdown We are on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/progr...

Between and I took 6964 steps.