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This content type is full of IndieWeb post types, which are all content types which allow me to take greater ownership of my own data. These are likely unrelated to my blog posts. You can find a better breakdown by actual post kind below:
We gather around the Festivus pole this holiday season and before we get into the Airing of Grievances, we discuss our favorite tools.
Zeke Sikelianos joined the show to talk about GitHub’s Electron project and the future of web folks making cross platform desktop apps. We talked about the web revolution around native vs web app, where Electron is heading, who’s using it, and how cool it is to enable folks like Guillermo Rauch to build HyperTerm.
When you hear about massive data breaches like the recent ones from LinkedIn, MySpace, or Ashley Madison, how can you find out whether your own data was compromised? Troy Hunt created the website to answer this question. When a major data breach occurs, Troy acquires a copy of the stolen data and provides
Nadia Eghbal and Mikeal Rogers kick off Season 1 of Request For Commits with a two part conversation with Karl Fogel — a software developer who has been active in open source since its inception.
Seth Rogen (Freaks and Geeks, Knocked Up, Superbad) returns to the Nerdist to chat with Chris and Matt about doing improv in high school with Nathan Fielder, why Canadians are good... – Listen to Seth Rogen Returns by ID10T with Chris Hardwick instantly on your tablet, phone or browser - no downloads needed.
Richard Stallman, the founder of the FSF, and Tim O'Reilly who helped popularize the term 'Open Source' discuss the history of Open Source & Free Software.
In the early 1980's Richard Stallman founded the Free Software Foundation (FSF): a socio-technological movement that revolutionized the software world.
On today’s show Nadia and Mikeal are joined by Jan Lehnardt to discuss the value of building communities to reduce burden on maintainers and create sustainable projects, how communities help grow a project, and contributor models.
We talk about algorithms and puzzles and how you can use them to hone your programming skills. We also discuss steps to help you survive the coding interview.
We're interviewing Prof. Karlheinz Brandenburg - inventor of MP3, the popular format which was a critical innovation in Podcasting history.
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Between and I took 3934 steps.