IndieWeb post types

This content type is full of IndieWeb post types, which are all content types which allow me to take greater ownership of my own data. These are likely unrelated to my blog posts. You can find a better breakdown by actual post kind below:


Liked Aral Balkan (
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Ah, would you look at that, after a few days of respite following Halloween, the bellends with fireworks are back to scare the living shit out of pets like our puppy, folks with PTSD, etc. PS. Wanna hear a joke? Fireworks are illegal in Ireland. #ireland #fireworks #bellends #pets #ptsd


Listened to Building on Top of CHAOSS Software by CHAOSS Project 
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On this episode, our host Georg Link kicks off the discussion, introducing a stellar lineup of panelists including Sean Goggins, Yehui Wang, Mike Nolan, and Cali Dolfi. The topics discussed today are the CHAOSS software, Augur, and GrimoireLab, and the different applications built on top of this software. The panel members discuss the projects they are involved in, such as the Augur project, OSS Compass, and Project Aspen’s 8Knot. Then, we’ll delve into Mystic’s prototype software, aiming to transform how academic contributions are recognized and valued. The discussion dives deep into the role of CHAOSS software in open source and community health, talks about Augur and GrimoireLab projects, ecosystem-level analysis, and data visualization. Press download now to hear more!


Liked Aral Balkan (
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The GNU folks: Hehehe, we called it GIMP. And the main branch is called master. Because GIMP, get it?! We couldn’t possibly change it because *fart noises* Also GNU folks: Why does everyone think we’re three misogynistic 12-year-old boys in a neckbeard suit? There are so many low hanging fruits for you folks to embrace inclusivity and make a dedicated effort to clean up your act but you seem too bloody busy pissing all over the tree to mark your territory. #foss #fsf #inclusivity #gnu #gimp


Reposted Dgar (
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Dungeons and Dragons is a role-playing game that lets you live out such fantasies as: • Having money • Making close friends as an adult • Travelling the world without crippling debt • Being able to change the world • Getting better at something with practice • Getting 8 hours of sleep each night


Liked Jorge Peña (
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We do the writing. We do the editing. We do the reviewing. We do the formatting (we typeset everything in LaTeX). We do the proofreading. We correct the mistakes introduced by proofreaders. What do publishers do? They make us sign silly copyright forms, stamp their logo on our papers, and then proceed to charge *us* (either as authors or readers) ridiculous amounts. People think academics/scientists are clever. We might be. But we are also stupid. And vain. #openaccess


Reposted duckbunny (
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"You shouldn't project modern gender labels back onto historical figures" OK great! I will no longer be calling them "men" or "women". Those are modern, socially constructed categories of person, and using them uncritically encourages us to assume that past cultures shared our expectations for appropriate gender performance.