Post details
Have been learning loads about CI/CD optimisations and decide to write about them! Have a look if you're interested
This content type is full of IndieWeb post types, which are all content types which allow me to take greater ownership of my own data. These are likely unrelated to my blog posts. You can find a better breakdown by actual post kind below:
Have been learning loads about CI/CD optimisations and decide to write about them! Have a look if you're interested
Between and I took 3637 steps.
Anyone recommend a good graphic designer or artist who'd be up for a (paid) commission to create a logo for an Open Source project of mine?
Attached: 1 image But I thought they had to raise prices to combat revenue loss due to inflation and wage increases. Does this mean—wait, no, but maybe corporations are lying to us?
Thank you! Yes someone had mentioned it 🙌🏽
I'm open to being wrong, but for my money, "identify as"/"identifies as" is almost always a useless phrase. "She identifies as a woman" => "She is a woman." "They identify as Catholic." => "They are Catholic." And so forth. The only utility I can see is to distance the act of identification from actual belonging (as in the classic journalistic twist, "Name Lastname, who identifies as non-binary, [proceeds to misgender them]"), or to discuss the fallibility of survey results ("well, 50% of the cohort identified as sanitation workers, but it's possibly because you said 'garbage people' instead"). In my opinion, it's just not a phrase you should use, unless you can articulate why a simple "is" or "are" doesn't work.
Very little has given me the “Stop the world I want to get off” feeling like a far-right racist politician coming 3rd place in a TV popularity competition.
For a long time I had trouble with the concept of unionizing programmers, because it felt like we're already so privileged compared to blue-collar workers. What I realize now is that all that privilege vanishes like a mirage the moment people start talking about unionization. Or the moment interest rates go up.
Attached: 1 image Newsflash: Workers have never been motivated by making money for shareholders. This is what motivates CEOs and senior executives.
You know what they say: Mostly words, usually in sentences Sounds great! I'll keep an eye on that; looks like we're in the same space, there. [Syscat]( is my baby. Its source is on Codeberg ( and I finally remembered to make sure my contact details are on the main site. I've just added a ticket on Codeberg, to remind myself to come back to this after my current batch of work.
Without the police, who would find your son dead, not tell you, and then give him less respect than they would a dog?
I think about this quote from a lot: ‘P.S if you think “no one will want to read my posts”, you’re wrong, because I do.’ It’s just a sweet sentiment. It’s important to remember—someone will read your website. A tweet is dead on the vine. No one is gonna read your old Facebook note from years ago. But your website is timeless and someone will eventually read it. Making your own website is rewarding in a way that a corporate social media profile never will be.
Attached: 1 image I hate this song with the fiery passion of a million suns and this is the first and only thing that has made me consider it in a new and exciting way. I still despise it, but I will now supplant this reality atop it whenever I hear that cursed song. #WonderfulChristmastime #ITrulyDoHateItTheMostOutOfEveryXmasSong #CursedChristmas #Christmas #Song #Satanic #ThisSongMadeMeHatePaulMcCartney #horror #Witches #MotherSuspiriasMorningMeme
Would deffo be up for keeping in touch around this, I'm looking at doing something similar for a project I've been working on 👀
A simple, powerful library for forms and prompts in the terminal 🤷🏻♀️ - GitHub - charmbracelet/huh: A simple, powerful library for forms and prompts in the terminal 🤷🏻♀️
lol a blog for developers without RSS support. Only Google would think of something this insane:
Between and I took 3548 steps.
I agree whistler as ashford has a rugged prettiness to him
listen i know marco inaros from the expanse sucks complete and utter ass on a cosmic scale that said he is sadly very sexy
Attached: 1 image 3 minutes after waking up every day:
Attached: 1 image Why did I wake up with this in my brain #trans
Despite not seeking it out, I wake up to hate speech, I stumble upon hate speech all day, I go to bed after looking at hate speech that I’m too exhausted to process. Then I have a nightmare. Every day. Over and over. When I tell people this, their advice is that I should exclude myself from things and spaces and pretend it’s not happening. I should “just” get a different job. This is not good advice and only further isolates me from even the people who aren’t spewing outright hatred about us.
He'll hurt you by stepping on YOU.
Father and daughter, conference speakers
Autism: it is 9.27pm I must go to bed in 33 minutes ADHD: it’s 11.53pm and you have no memory of the last two and half hours
Attached: 1 image Plenty. #comics #funny #cartoon
"You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch" : On Property, Consumption, and the Construction of Whoness
Attached: 1 image (In Vinny Barbarino heavy NYC accent) “Yo, Robot!”
Attached: 1 image Me, looking at a new code base.
Attached: 1 image I mean, that is one way to find out 🤔
If a person directly affected tells you directly that someone is being racist, or sexist, or genderist, or ableist, or colonialist, or ageist, or sizeist, or displaying some other form of bias or bigotry, or that something is problematic along those lines and you "don't see it", two things are probably true. 1) you probably aren't looking carefully enough at the situation the person's telling you about 2) the person cares enough to tell you, this time, but will probably never trust you again with that feedback about that topic. So if you don't actively engage, learn, and make amends, they will probably never talk to you again about it. Not because they've given up. What they've done is give up on _you_. If that doesn't bother you, then honestly, I don't want to know you.
Let me be clear, the data you put online is as much a part of you as your physical being. It is a construct, but it IS YOU. Why should anyone own you but you? For profit social media is nothing but a perversely incentivized version of serfdom at best, but somehow permissible because your intellectual construct is believed to be somehow less valuable than your physical being. Both the physical and intellectual versions of you, are you. Deny them.
Between and I took 5613 steps.
Someone defended the Plagiarism Machine to me the other day by saying that the people who are going to use it weren't going to pay artists in the first place, they were just going to go to the second page of Image Search and steal something from there anyway. But the categorical difference is that in the old way, there was a non-zero chance of getting caught. The Plagiarism Machine makes that impossible because it is a copyright laundry.
@Daojoan you had me at give up
Attached: 1 image Is anyone aware of a #markup #language for #InteriorDesign? I read this great article ( on writing technical documentation for your house, and I'm building a #Hugo template for just this. I'd love to also document my home's room dimensions, where the outlets are, etc. so I can (a) make simple 3D models (b) create a clickable SVG (c) extract dimensions easily (for determining if new furniture/wallhangings will fit). Any ideas? I'll probably end up bodging my own together…
Attached: 2 images Given we now know governments are spying on people using encrypted messaging through #notifications (to get data or metadata, based on what the specific service sends), the “turn on notifications” prompt in #Signal not having a “no” option but stating “we’ll remind you again later” and continuing to prompt you at regular intervals is now less of a dark pattern to increase usage and more of a #security issue that should be fixed right away. CC
Attached: 1 image This is simultaneously the best and worst answer to a question I’ve ever seen. 😂
Attached: 1 image happy stylish but illegal ikea monkey day to those who celebrate
Attached: 1 image
A little unconventional #coding #tip: Always copy and paste code. At least at first. Don’t overthink it. And: Don’t start refactoring right away. Why? Because you might think you’re creating almost similar behaviour but you don’t know that really until you actually customise what you pasted. Refractoring based on the assumption of redundancy instead of the fact of it is premature refactoring. Once you’ve specialised your pasted code, then look for redundancy and then refactor. #dev
As someone with Palestinian and Jewish friends of varying political persuasions, right now I see that all of them are hurting. They are traumatized by historical, recent, and ongoing violence, and at the same time they are coping with a rising tide of bigotry. I'm not sure I've got the right takes, and indeed I am constantly evolving in my understanding and views. But I promise I will never stand idly by when you and your community are suffering injustice. A blog post: