IndieWeb post types

This content type is full of IndieWeb post types, which are all content types which allow me to take greater ownership of my own data. These are likely unrelated to my blog posts. You can find a better breakdown by actual post kind below:


Liked Tane Piper ⁂ (
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The irony of all the Americans on Red Note is that it's the best propaganda for the Chinese government inside China. When you live in an oppressive regime, but you can afford groceries and rent and not worry you might die because you can't afford it - the other oppressive regime looks less appealing.


Liked Dare Obasanjo (
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It used to be that I’d see LinkedIn notifications celebrating people being at the same big tech for 5, 10 or 15 years and roll my eyes. Why celebrate someone staying in their comfort zone and getting paid well? Now I think “Congrats on surviving so many rounds of layoffs” 🫡


Liked Urzl (
Post details You hire an army of senior developers to audit the AI results *or* you don't do AI. One of those is more expensive, the other is what you did before AI. It should be very clear that there's no "keep the AI but make it cheap and effective" path available.


Listened to Fallthrough | The Gems & Warts of Go
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Gems are the things we love, and warts are the things we don't. On today's episode, Kris is joined by the hosting panel of Ian, Matt, and Dylan and they are talking about the gems and warts of Go. From defer, to net/http, to vanity URLs, to modules, we cover around 30 topics! To prevent our...


This was a great meetup, I'm sad for folks who weren't able to make it!

Quoted OpenUK (
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Join us for OpenUK Digital Meetup to discuss "Self-hosting: open source tools for every day" from 12 to 1 PM, hosted by Lorna Mitchell and, joined by; Adam Bramley; and Fabrice Mous of Next Cloud.


Liked OpenUK (
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Attached: 1 image State of Open Con 25 speaker Jamie Slome of Citi will be in our SOOCon25 Finance and Openness track! 🎤Join to hear about GitProxy: Get code out of your org quicker, easier & securely. 💡🌐 📆 Check out the full schedule on 4 and 5 February in London. Get your ticket now, #opensource #finance #stateofopencon #soocon25 #opensourcelondon #openuk


Reposted OpenUK (
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Attached: 1 image State of Open Con 25 speaker of will be in our SOOCon25 Open Source Software and Security track! 🎤 Join to hear about I inherited this project, and all I got was all these angry users. 💡🌐 📆 Check out the full schedule on 4 and 5 February in London. Get your ticket now, #opensource #opensourcesoftware #stateofopencon #soocon25 #opensourcelondon #openuk


Reposted Wendy Nather (
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I want to see that masculine energy doing the dishes. Meeting with the kids’ teachers. Washing and folding the laundry without being reminded five times. Caring for the sick. Speaking up for women’s rights. De-escalating conflicts. Defending against toxic and violent speech. Promoting equality. Building a better world for people who are suffering. Learning from young and old, all genders and ethnicities. Being kind. That’s the masculine energy I want to see.