IndieWeb post types

This content type is full of IndieWeb post types, which are all content types which allow me to take greater ownership of my own data. These are likely unrelated to my blog posts. You can find a better breakdown by actual post kind below:


Liked Anders Eknert (
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Wrote a new little tool to help determine the minimum OPA version needed to evaluate any provided Rego files. Published today as #mcov. I know *I* will use it extensively, but if it's helpful to anyone else, all the better. On that and some other projects I'm involved in my new "December hacks" blog.


Listened to Gleaming the KubeCon with Solomon Hykes, Tammer Saleh, James McShane, Steve Francis & Spencer Smith @ KubeCon 2023 (Changelog Interviews #568)
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This week weā€™re gleaming the KubeCon. Ok, some people say CubeCon, while others say KubeConā€¦we talk with Solomon Hykes about all things Dagger, Tammer Saleh and James McShane about going beyond cloud native with SuperOrbital, and Steve Francis and Spencer Smith about the state of Talos Linux and what theyā€™re working on...


Liked james (
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Okay assessment done I am fucking EXHAUSTED!!!! He says I get no autism points for my emotive facial expressions and gesticulation (Iā€™m the human emoji after all) but whilst not giving me a definitive diagnosis and I have to wait a week he says there are several areas that speak to an ADS diagnosis Probably the fact I spent the entire two and a half hours staring outside the window whilst waxing lyrical about ā€œI donā€™t knowā€ or when asked to define specific emotions or ā€œhappiness is a lack of sadness I guess?ā€ and ā€œno I find most people irritatingā€ and ā€œI donā€™t really feel anything at allā€ when asked to talk about family stuff And Iā€™m going to send him my report from my private assessor :) So fingers crossed I get declared autism Started to shut down at the end so glad thatā€™s over


Liked james (
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Assessment step one: arrive to find the reception is never ā€œmannedā€ and Iā€™m supposed to ā€œwait until Iā€™m calledā€ so naturally Iā€™m going more insane by the second wondering at what point should I wander the halls or go back downstairs to reception saying I havenā€™t been called but also if I leave then maybe they will call me when Iā€™m not there and then Iā€™ll miss my assessment and then Iā€™ll just DIE!!!!!!


Reposted Santa Claus (
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Wait, NORAD tracks my sleigh? In real-time?! This is outrageous! I never gave permission for this! Goodness gracious, all I want to do is break into your houses and leave gifts relative to how good I think youā€™ve been, which Iā€™ve been tracking meticulously in my book along with your constant whereabouts and sleeping patterns.


Liked Random Geek (
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Learning my way through AWS Lambda, Serverless Framework, and AWS Step Functions. On a totally unrelated note: remembering my aerospace class in high school where the teacher mentioned it was fun to watch the ultralight trend reimplement and reinvent established practices, and how we'd all probably see similar cycles a few times in our lives.


Listened to Cup o' Go | šŸ³šŸ’ DON'T PANIC! We have a bunch of good blogs for you, plus Sam Lown talks invoicing with Go
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AnnouncementsšŸ” Go 1.21.5 & 1.20.12 pre-announcementšŸ§Š Go 1.22 frozen, this time for realCommunityā˜•ļø Mattproud's great Reddit answer for Java developersšŸ Another good blog post from Preslav about Python vs GoRich Hickey's talk about a similar subjectšŸ¦Ŗ Ralf Steube developed a really cool tool for...


Very interesting, thanks for sharing! I've been planning on adding a "philosophy" page to dependency-management-data's docs for some time and I think this approach may work as a better option! But first, need to watch Bryan speak about it