Between and I took 5213 steps.
IndieWeb post types
This content type is full of IndieWeb post types, which are all content types which allow me to take greater ownership of my own data. These are likely unrelated to my blog posts. You can find a better breakdown by actual post kind below:
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Attached: 2 images 🎶 Cause I’m just Ken Anywhere else I’d be admin Is it my destiny to live and die a life of prod fragility? I’m just Ken Where they see blips I see a trend What will it take for them to see the bro behind the Go And log for me? 🎶 #halloween wrote a few years back that may be of interest, in the IndieWeb community Aaron Parecki built and it's been really great for what we need (including being used outside of the IndieWeb community such as for
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Attached: 1 image Happy Halloween!
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Current status: hiding at the back of the house with the lights out wondering how many hints are enough that we don't do Halloween in this house 😂
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Attached: 1 image Be sure to check your kid's candy this year! I found a "be sure to check your kid's candy this year" meme in a chocolate bar
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Husband bought sweets for trick or treaters and of course we didn’t get any, so I’m sitting on the bed emotionally eating skittles. 1 skittle = 1 feeling
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You know what’s cooler than setting off fireworks? Not setting off fireworks. Shut the fuck up
Excited to have released oapi-codegen v2 🚀 A considerable improvement on our dependency tree, reducing the overall size of dependencies by 84%
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There are multiple definitions of “witch” across cultures over time. But on #Halloween, this a spooky reminder that throughout history, a witch often meant a woman with opinions and an independent life persecuted by the patriarchy for not fitting in.
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there are many reasons I personally use mostly FOSS but honestly a big part of it is just on the one hand there's software that doesn't have the feature because nobody's gotten around to implementing it yet and on the other hand there's software that doesn't have the feature anymore because someone intentionally decided to break it and coming into contact with the second one makes me feel super shitty!
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Attached: 1 image This line change in the google-chrome AUR repo is 💯 percent based.
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Attached: 1 image A discussion at work about HTTP status codes reminded me of this gem.
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Thanks to advise I wrote a post again! It's about trivial stuff, but what matters to me is that I wrote one again:
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Attached: 1 image He argued with his brother for days for the biggest pumpkin just to produce this.
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I started reading the newspapers early in life, mostly during mealtimes (a bad habit I picked up from my father). Eventually I started reading the business sections as well. One of things that always …
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Thomas talks about OSS Review Toolkit and the three important aspects of open-source software. Josep shares the importance of diversity in open-source projects, and the Plankton program at Aiven for people who want to do contributions in their free time.
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A good overview of all things #indieweb: both technical and philosphical:
Between and I took 3520 steps.
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Bumping this once more, I'm open to work (software engineering)! Both FTE or contract. Remote-friendly, I'm US-based. Rates, work history and more info at #FediHire #GetFediHired #jobs (
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Daniel and Manton talk about The Verge article on POSSE, which mentions and includes quotes from Manton. They discuss the value of speaking to press to get your message out, and the increasing appeal of cross-posting to multiple social networks. Then they wrap up with testing and the trend of personal automation tools — using computer assistance to create products that are more humane than they might have been otherwise.
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Ty Franck (one half of James S.A. Corey) and Wes Chatham ('Amos Burton' on The Expanse) finish off Kill Bill Vol 1 & 2 in epic fashion and rank their favorite Quentin Tarantino films.
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Attached: 1 image I had some amazing news over the weekend… I’m super excited to have been selected as one of the new #CNCF Cloud Native Ambassadors! 🎉 #CNCF #CNCFAmbassadors #CNCFAmbassadors23 #CNCFAmbassadorProgram #KubeCon #CloudNativeCon #CloudNativeAmbassador
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If a company involved in the provision of food, energy, and related necessities of living increases or even maintains its profits during a time of increases in the cost of living, that company has by definition committed an immoral act.
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Just had to tell a great company with a great role that I'm unable to complete their homework assignment due to my injuries. Jobs that require homework are unintentionally discriminating against a lot of people that have big challenges in their lives.
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Dating someone with ADHD is like microdosing on Wikipedia
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Attached: 1 image On Oct 27, 2023, the union of Code for America voted in favor of their first union contract! Learn more at #1u #union #labor
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Remember folks, if it doesn’t have an RSS feed, it’s not a blog, it’s just a sparkling personal website. 🌈 💫 #theMoreYouKnow
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No, I don't want to interview your CEO about new AI features in your product
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It's always amazing to me how wiped out I am after a week on call, even if I didn't get paged at all. Four hours left. NOBODY BREAK ANYTHING.
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Repeat after me: you’re not a burden because you need “reasonable” accommodations to function in your daily life.
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Ransomware: > I have installed an unlicensed copy of Oracle Database somewhere on your network. Give me five Bitcoins by the end of the week or I will inform Oracle's legal department.
Post details on the contrary i propose we start calling gamers who perform poorly in game "badly optimized"
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Didn't realize just how exhausted I was until today when I went out for lunch with a friend in order to "come up for air" for a bit, then when I got home decided I really needed to nap, and then promptly slept for three hours and it still isn't enough
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Attached: 1 image Protect your kids this Halloween
Hope it's mild 🤗
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Renovate documentation.
Between and I took 6121 steps.
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If your customer service system is constantly experiencing "a higher volume of requests than normal" your normal is wrong and you're understaffed
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Attached: 1 image Wasn't "infinidash" the joke AWS product that made up? AWS have adopted it for some of their internal training 😛
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What idiot called it "spiraling" or "obsessive thinking" instead of "riding the unhappy-go-round"???
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Open source is fundamentally about people. It's an important value to me to pay that forward and throw a few dollars when I can to these champions of our industry. I appreciate GitHub sponsorship & Open Collective for making it really easy to do so. In the corporate world, it's my belief that organizations have a duty as well to harness their vast resources and pay these same maintainers their dues since they benefit the most off that labour.