
GitHub relaxing the requirement of the construction of the GitHub App's JWT (under private_key_jwt) is interesting, especially if now you don't need to know the installation ID to auth.

Presumably this also means that on GitHub's side they're still limiting access to repos that an installation has access to, but I'd have assumed that by doing it by installation ID you'd get additional checks

(I'd been lazy in the past and would rarely persist the installation ID, needing me to then go in and find it through the GitHub UI ๐Ÿ˜…)


Reposted Josh Collinsworth (
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The question of whether CSS is a programming language serves only one purpose: to demote those who write it. There is no confusion that needs to be clarified, and no other purpose in asking, beyond the most trivial kind of pedantry. The debate itself is an act of gatekeeping, whether intentional or not. Its only significant effect is to elevate some work over other work, despite their essentially identical nature. The only meaningful function of the question is segregation. #css


Reposted Josh Simmons (
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Remarkably consistent pattern as to who still masks, at least in the anglo countries I've been in over the last two years: Mostly people of color, older folks, and when it's young white people usually disability is involved. Common thread, I suspect, is that these are the folks who stand to lose more if they get sick. I would that there were a greater showing of solidarity, but rugged individualism and all that ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿป


Reposted Kara Sowles Deloss (
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Attached: 1 image Did you know that Open Tech Fund has a NEW grant program just for FOSS projects? You can apply through May 17th! Join me,, Laura Cunningham, and Susan Kennedy on May 7th to learn more about the FOSS-maintenance-focused fund and how to apply: Please help spread the word about this great initiative!


Reposted Jolene (eepy moder) :heart_trans: (
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a lot of people don't get this but software rots. Just like a physical piece of wood or machine, software rusts, software rots. It's content doesn't change, sure, but the world around it does. The same database you release today, wont work 10 years later perfectly. It'll rust. It won't handle new formats, old formats will introduce new features that will confuse and break your databases algorithm software rusts and rots. The only way to keep software from rusting, just like a good metallic tool, is polishing it, maintaining it, making sure it's nice and working


Listened to What to Say to a New Developer with Dan Moore | Ep. 19
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Dan Moore is the head of developer relations at FusionAuth, a startup simplifying authentication and user management for developers, as well as the author of Letters to a New Developer. Dive into topics such as what is developer relations, how to grow a tech community, how does one even publish a book, what should you say to a new developer and much more. Hosted by Perry Tiu.