Popular Posts
Below are some of the blog posts I've written that either received a lot of discussion at the time of posting, or still regularly get a lot of traffic:
- Go 1.24's `go tool` is one of the best additions to the ecosystem in years
- 89 things I know about Git commits
- Why I recommend Renovate over any other dependency update tools
- Quantifying your reliance on Open Source software (State of Open Con version)
- Why should you blog?
- Getting started with Dependency Management Data
- I don't think I want my next promotion (yet)
- Working out which Docker namespaces and images you most depend on
- Querying JSON with SQLite
- Cross-compiling a CGO project using Goreleaser
- Setting up default Renovate configuration while allowing overriding of that configuration
- Performing bulk changes across Git(Hub) Repos with Turbolift and Microplane
- What I learned rebuilding our CI/CD pipelines for Chef Cookbooks
- Getting diagnosed with ADHD
- Extracting the dependency tree from Renovate for given repositories
- Does the tech industry thrive on free work?
- Phew, that's a lot of traffic π What happens when a blog post goes viral?
- I've got ADHD
- Lessons learned since posting my salary history publicly
- Learning a new language, or how I gained familiarity with Go
- Building a Go RESTful API with design-first OpenAPI contracts
- Shipping services more quickly with design-first OpenAPI contracts
- Managing your Go tool versions with `go.mod` and a `tools.go`
- Lessons learned from modernising a lesser maintained (Spring Boot) service
- When should I use `env` to start a command with environment variables?
- Lessons learned from the recent job hunt
- I don't think you should be logging that? π³
- Lessons Learned from Running Java in Serverless Environments like AWS Lambda
- Why You Should Avoid using Client Secret Authentication for OAuth2 Client Credentials
- How to Undo a `git push --force`
- Lightweight and Powerful Dependency Injection for JVM-based Applications with Dagger
- Providing a Public Salary History Page
- Why I Actively Discourage Online Tooling like `jwt.io` and Online JSON Validators
- The IndieWeb Movement: Owning Your Data and Being the Change You Want to See in the Web
- Why I Have a Website and You Should Too
- Blogumentation - Writing Blog Posts as a Method of Documentation