Pretty Printing JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) on the Command Line using Ruby

Let's say you're starting to work with JWTs, and to confirm that their payload is correct, you want to introspect their contents. However, you may be aware that JWTs can contain sensitive information such as the hostname of a server, personally identifiable information, or could be used as a bearer token to access a service, so you shouldn't really be introspecting it in some public space such as
This has put you in a difficult position, but no more - decoding a JWT is really easy, and in this example I'll show you how to do it using Ruby.
Update 2019-10-22: This previous version did not work very helpfully when trying to introspect an encrypted JWT (JWE). I have updated the code below to support encrypted and non-encrypted JWTs.
Let us use the following JWT in example.jwt
, via
As well as the following encrypted JWT (JWE) from RFC7516: JSON Web Encryption (JWE):
We don't care about looking at the signature, only the header and payload.
As per Pretty Printing JSON with Ruby on the CLI, we can take the core of the commandline to perform the pretty printing of ARGF
, but have two choices as to how to proceed:
We can also use Kernel.jj
as a shorter way to pretty-print an object as JSON.
Using Ruby's Standard Library
For a purely dependency-less method to decode our JWT, we can use Ruby's built in libraries to decode and pretty-print the result. Because JWTs are Base64 and URL encoded, we need to correctly decode the JWT fields.
The more readable version of the code looks like:
require 'base64'
require 'json'
jwt =
jwt.split('.')[0,2].each_with_index do |f, i|
# Base64 + URL decode it
decoded = Base64.urlsafe_decode64(f)
# read the resulting string as a Ruby hash
json = JSON.parse(decoded)
# output a pretty-printed JSON object
jj json
# don't decode further if this is an encrypted JWT (JWE)
break if && json.key?('enc')
Which we can turn into a barely-readable oneliner:
ruby -rjson -rbase64 -e "'.')[0,2].each_with_index { |f, i| j = JSON.parse(Base64.urlsafe_decode64(f)); jj j; break if && j.key?('enc')}" example.jwt
ruby -rjson -rbase64 -e "'.')[0,2].each_with_index { |f, i| j = JSON.parse(Base64.urlsafe_decode64(f)); jj j; break if && j.key?('enc')}" example.jwe
You can see the asciicast in action:
Using ruby-jwt
NOTE: As of 2019-10-22, ruby-jwt
does not support JWEs so you will need to use the above version if you wish to pretty-print JWEs.
If you're willing to pull in some external dependencies, or have them already got them installed i.e. in the ChefDK, you can update your script to use the ruby-jwt
require 'json'
require 'jwt'
jwt =
# decode the JWT without verifying signature
decoded_jwt = JWT.decode(jwt, nil, false)
# reverse as the header is in location [1]
decoded_jwt.reverse.each do |json|
# output a pretty-printed JSON object
puts JSON.pretty_generate(json)
This can be converted to another nasty one-liner:
ruby -rjson -rjwt -e "JWT.decode(, nil, false).reverse.each { |j| jj j }" example.jwt
You can see the asciicast in action: