Pretty Printing JSON with Ruby

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If you're debugging your Ruby code, you may be used to printing out variables to the console to see what they contain, such as:

hash = {
  abc: [
# print the variable
puts hash
# print the internal representation of the variable
p hash
# pretty-print using the `pp` gem
require 'pp'
pp hash
puts JSON.pretty_generate(hash)

Which would give you the following representations:

  "abc": [

However, you may not be aware of Kernel.jj which is a nice wrapper around the latter option:

hash = {
  abc: [
jj hash

And generates a nicely pretty-printed JSON representation of our i.e. Hash:

  "abc": [

This makes debugging nicer, as then we can see nice JSON representations.

Written by Jamie Tanna's profile image Jamie Tanna on , and last updated on .

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#blogumentation #ruby #json #pretty-print.

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