release 0.2.0: Adding h-feed

In August I announced a Microformats API for
to act as a translation layer between the silo and the IndieWeb.
I've been using this as a core part of my own workflow for RSVPing to events, but that's usually when I see the event actually on and then manually RSVP from my website.
To make it so I could discover new events from my Indie reader, it would be really nice to have an h-feed
With the v0.2.0 release (now in production!) this is now available for usage, which you can do with the following request to get the upcoming events for a given group:
"items": [
"children": [
"type": [
"properties": {
"name": [
"Tech Nottingham January 2020 - Ethics In Advertising And High Performance Teams"
"description": [
"<p>Full event description: <a href=\"\" class=\"linkified\"></a></p>..."
"start": [
"end": [
"url": [
"location": [
"type": [
"properties": {
"locality": [
"street-address": [
"Antenna, Beck Street"
"country-name": [
"United Kingdom"
"published": [
"updated": [
"type": [
"properties": {
"name": [
"Tech Nottingham"
"url": [
Because this exposes an Microformats2 JSON feed, it should be possible to subscribe to a given group.
Note: If you're trying to use it with Aperture, there's a PR that needs to be merged before it'll work. This is now works with Aperture!
Another thing to note is that this will only show upcoming events for a given group - hopefully that's all you need, but feel free to use the issue tracker if you want the option.