Programatically Comparing Versions Using Chef's Versioning Schemes

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Chef's got some pretty great ways of definining version constraints of its dependencies, which can be used across cookbook dependencies, gem dependencies and supported platforms.

Today, I wanted to write some code that checked whether a cookbook supports RHEL7, but not RHEL8.

To do this, we would have our metadata.rb:

# not great
supports 'redhat', '< 8'
# better
supports 'redhat', '~> 7.0'

But how do we then determine this programatically? We can use Chef::VersionConstraint::Platform to parse the supported value, like so, and then compare it against a specific version:

require 'chef'

m =
m.from_file 'metadata.rb'
constraint = m.platforms['redhat']
puts constraint.include? '6'
# => true
puts constraint.include? '7'
# => true
puts constraint.include? '7.5'
# => true
puts constraint.include? '7.5.0'
# => true
puts constraint.include? '8'
# => false

If you're comparing cookbook versions, you can just use

Written by Jamie Tanna's profile image Jamie Tanna on , and last updated on .

Content for this article is shared under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike 4.0 International, and code is shared under the Apache License 2.0.

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