Returning a Value, or a Default, From a Java Optional

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Java Optionals are great for giving you flexibility over interacting with values that may not be present, and include a means for more safely retrieving values from nullable types.

For instance, you may want to call a method on a maybe-null object passed into your method, or return a default value:

private static String getName(Principal nullable) {
  Optional<Principal> maybePrincipal = Optional.ofNullable(nullable);
  if (maybePrincipal.isPresent()) {
    return maybePrincipal.get().getName();
  } else {
    return "<unknown>";

This is fine, but doesn't follow the functional style that's possible with the Optional class.

What you may want to do instead is the following (linebreaks added for visibility):

private static String getName(Principal nullable) {
  Optional<Principal> maybePrincipal = Optional.ofNullable(nullable);
  return maybePrincipal

Written by Jamie Tanna's profile image Jamie Tanna on , and last updated on .

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