How to Create and Unit Test Java Bean Validation Annotations

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Aside: I was originally going to name this article something fun like "fantastic beans and how to verify them", but couldn't find a good way of phrasing it that made sense.

While building uuid, a library for UUID validation in Java, I wanted to provide annotation-based validation for whether a String matched a UUID regular expression. Naturally, a good choice for this is using the Java Bean Validation standard.

I've done a little of this before, but one thing that I'd not really thought too much about was what the different options in @Target's ElementType actually meant:


I found that this StackOverflow answer on What do Java annotation ElementType constants mean? was super helpful, but there was still a jump from understanding how to use them, and the crux of the matter, which was "how do I use test-driven development and write tests for these annotations."

This article documents my understanding of the annotations' options, how we can use them, and most importantly how we can unit (integration) test them.

This article has a corresponding sample project on GitLab, and uses both javax-validation and jakarta-validation packages.

For each of the examples below, we will assume we have the ValidData annotation:

import java.lang.annotation.*;
import javax.validation.Constraint;
import javax.validation.Payload;

 // ...
@Constraint(validatedBy = DataClassValidator.class)
public @interface ValidData {

  String message() default "The DataClass was not validated correctly";

  Class<?>[] groups() default {};

  Class<? extends Payload>[] payload() default {};

Which validates the DataClass:

public class DataClass {
  private String nonNullValue;

  public DataClass() {}

  public DataClass(String nonNullValue) {
    this.nonNullValue = nonNullValue;

  public String getNonNullValue() {
    return nonNullValue;

  public void setNonNullValue(String nonNullValue) {
    this.nonNullValue = nonNullValue;

Using the following DataClassValidator:

import javax.validation.ConstraintValidator;
import javax.validation.ConstraintValidatorContext;

public class DataClassValidator implements ConstraintValidator<ValidData, DataClass> {
  public boolean isValid(DataClass value, ConstraintValidatorContext context) {
    return value.getNonNullValue() != null;

And the following test class setup:

class ValidDataTest {
  private final Validator validator = Validation.buildDefaultValidatorFactory().getValidator();
  private final ExecutableValidator executableValidator = validator.forExecutables();

  // ...

   * Helper method for working with {@link Set>}s, as there's no i.e. <code>.get(0)</code>.
   * @param set the set
   * @return the first element
  private ConstraintViolation<Object> first(Set<ConstraintViolation<Object>> set) {
    return set.iterator().next();


What is it?

Element.TYPE annotations are for annotations which can be added to the top-level of a Java class/enum/record/interface, for instance:

public class DataClass {}

public interface DataInterface {}

public enum DataEnum {}

public record DataRecord() {}

How do we use + test it?

On our annotation, we target TYPE:


Then, we can annotate i.e. a class:

public class DataClass {}

To test it we can trigger Validator#validate:

class TYPE_Validation {

  class WhenInvalid {
    void hasViolation() {
      DataClass dataClass = new DataClass();

      Set<ConstraintViolation<Object>> violations = validate(validator, dataClass);


    void hasMessage() {
      DataClass dataClass = new DataClass();

      Set<ConstraintViolation<Object>> violations = validate(validator, dataClass);

          .isEqualTo("The DataClass was not validated correctly");

  class WhenValid {
    void doesNotHaveViolations() {
      DataClass dataClass = new DataClass();

      Set<ConstraintViolation<Object>> violations = validate(validator, dataClass);


  private Set<ConstraintViolation<Object>> validate(Validator validator, DataClass dataClass) {
    Set<ConstraintViolation<Object>> violations = validator.validate(dataClass);
    return violations;


What is it?

ElementType.FIELD validation allows us to validate that a field in a class is set correctly.

This is likely to be useful when allowing the field to be @Autowired by Spring, but has other use cases, too.

How do we use + test it?

On our annotation, we target FIELD:


Then, in a class that utilises the DataClass, we can then annotate the field with @ValidData:

class ClassWithField {
  @ValidData private DataClass dataClass;

To test it we can trigger Validator#validate:

class FIELD_Validation {

  class WhenInvalid {
    void hasViolation() {
      ClassWithField classWithField = new ClassWithField();
      classWithField.dataClass = new DataClass();

      Set<ConstraintViolation<Object>> violations = validate(classWithField);


    void hasMessage() {
      ClassWithField classWithField = new ClassWithField();
      classWithField.dataClass = new DataClass();

      Set<ConstraintViolation<Object>> violations = validate(classWithField);

          .isEqualTo("The DataClass was not validated correctly");

  class WhenValid {
    void doesNotHaveViolations() {
      ClassWithField classWithField = new ClassWithField();
      classWithField.dataClass = new DataClass();

      Set<ConstraintViolation<Object>> violations = validate(classWithField);


  private Set<ConstraintViolation<Object>> validate(ClassWithField classWithField) {
    return validator.validate(classWithField);

  class ClassWithField {
    @ValidData private DataClass dataClass;


What is it?

ElementType.METHOD is used to validate that the return value from a given method is deemed valid.

How do we use + test it?

Let's say that we have the following method:

public DataClass methodToCheck() {
  return null;

// alternatively
public @ValidData DataClass methodToCheck() {
  return null;

To test it, we need to use ExecutableValidator#validateReturnValue, which requires we use Reflection to get access to the method we're testing with, like so:

class METHOD_Validation {
  class WhenInvalid {
    void hasViolation() {
      DataClass dataClass = new DataClass();

      Set<ConstraintViolation<Object>> violations = validate(dataClass);


    void hasMessage() {
      DataClass dataClass = new DataClass();

      Set<ConstraintViolation<Object>> violations = validate(dataClass);

          .isEqualTo("The DataClass was not validated correctly");

  class WhenValid {
    void doesNotHaveViolations() {
      DataClass dataClass = new DataClass();

      Set<ConstraintViolation<Object>> violations = validate(dataClass);


  private Set<ConstraintViolation<Object>> validate(DataClass dataClass) {
    Method method;
    try {
      method = getClass().getMethod("methodToCheck");
    } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
      throw new IllegalStateException("Could not find Method", e);
    return executableValidator.validateReturnValue(this, method, dataClass);

  public DataClass methodToCheck() {
    return null; // in this example, it only needs to have the right type signature


What is it?

ElementType.PARAMETER is used to validate that objects passed into a method are valid, and can be used with both constructors and methods.

How do we use + test it?

On our annotation, we target PARAMETER:


Then, we can annotate methods, such as the below:

public void methodToCheck(@ValidData DataClass clazz) {}

Or also in a constructor:

class Another {
  public Another(@ValidData DataClass data) {}

To test it, we need to use ExecutableValidator#validateParameters, which requires we use Reflection to get access to the method we're testing with, like so:

class PARAMETER_Validation {
  class WhenInvalid {
    void hasViolation() {
      DataClass dataClass = new DataClass();

      Set<ConstraintViolation<Object>> violations = validate(dataClass);


    void hasMessage() {
      DataClass dataClass = new DataClass();

      Set<ConstraintViolation<Object>> violations = validate(dataClass);

          .isEqualTo("The DataClass was not validated correctly");

  class WhenValid {
    void doesNotHaveViolations() {
      DataClass dataClass = new DataClass();

      Set<ConstraintViolation<Object>> violations = validate(dataClass);


  private Set<ConstraintViolation<Object>> validate(DataClass dataClass) {
    Method method;
    try {
      method = getClass().getMethod("methodToCheck", DataClass.class);
    } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
      throw new IllegalStateException("Could not find Method", e);
    Object[] params = {dataClass};
    return executableValidator.validateParameters(this, method, params);

   * Only required to have the right type signature.
   * @param clazz the class that needs to be validated by the annotation
  public void methodToCheck(@ValidData DataClass clazz) {}


What is it?

ElementType.CONSTRUCTOR is used to validate that an object constructed via a constructor is deemed valid.

How do we use + test it?

On our annotation, we target CONSTRUCTOR:


Then, we annotate the method with @ValidData:

public DataClass() {}

public DataClass(String nonNullValue) {
  this.nonNullValue = nonNullValue;

To test it we can trigger ExecutableValidator#validateConstructorReturnValue:

class CONSTRUCTOR_Validation {
  class ZeroArgsConstructor {
     * Can only ever be invalid, as there's no way to set it as valid on the zero-args
     * constructor.
    class WhenInvalid {
      void hasViolation() {
        Set<ConstraintViolation<Object>> violations = validate();


      void hasMessage() {
        Set<ConstraintViolation<Object>> violations = validate();

            .isEqualTo("The DataClass was not validated correctly");

  class OneArgConstructor {
    class WhenInvalid {
      void hasViolation() {
        Set<ConstraintViolation<Object>> violations = validate();


      void hasMessage() {
        Set<ConstraintViolation<Object>> violations = validate();

            .isEqualTo("The DataClass was not validated correctly");

    class WhenValid {
      void doesNotHaveViolations() {
        DataClass dataClass = new DataClass("not-null");

        Set<ConstraintViolation<Object>> violations = validate(dataClass);


  private Set<ConstraintViolation<Object>> validate() {
    return validate(new DataClass());

  private Set<ConstraintViolation<Object>> validate(DataClass created) {
    Constructor<DataClass> constructor;
    try {
      constructor = DataClass.class.getConstructor(String.class);
    } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
      throw new IllegalStateException("Could not find Constructor", e);

    return executableValidator.validateConstructorReturnValue(constructor, created);


What is it?

ElementType.LOCAL_VARIABLE is used to validate that a local variable is deemed valid.

Note that this can only be used at compile-time.

How do we use + test it?

I've not played around with testing this, as it's not something we can use for runtime, but we're able to get one set up up like so:

@Constraint(validatedBy = {})
public @interface ValidString {
  String message() default "Was not valid";

  Class<?>[] groups() default {};

  Class<? extends Payload>[] payload() default {};

And then we can use it when declaring local variables:

public void localMethod() {
  @ValidString String uuid;


What is it?

The ElementType.ANNOTATION_TYPE is for the case that we've got an annotation that we want to make composable with other annotations.

For instance, you may want to have an annotation such as @ValidPostCode that checks the postcode is @NotNull and @NotBlank as well as performing a @Pattern. In this case, @NotNull, @NotBlank and @Pattern will need to be targeting ElementType.ANNOTATION_TYPE.

How do we use + test it?

On our annotation, we target ANNOTATION_TYPE:


Then, we can annotate another annotation with ValidData:

@Target({ElementType.ANNOTATION_TYPE, ElementType.PARAMETER, ElementType.FIELD})
@Constraint(validatedBy = {})
private @interface MetaAnnotation {
  String message() default "This isn't used, as the @ValidData gets triggered instead";

  Class<?>[] groups() default {};

  Class<? extends Payload>[] payload() default {};

And then use this MetaAnnotation:

private class ClassWithMetaAnnotation {
  @MetaAnnotation DataClass dataClass = new DataClass();

To test it we can trigger Validator#validate:

class ANNOTATION_TYPE_Validation {
  class WhenInvalid {
    void hasViolation() {
      ClassWithMetaAnnotation clazz = new ClassWithMetaAnnotation();

      Set<ConstraintViolation<Object>> violations = validate(clazz);


    void hasMessage() {
      ClassWithMetaAnnotation clazz = new ClassWithMetaAnnotation();

      Set<ConstraintViolation<Object>> violations = validate(clazz);

          .isEqualTo("The DataClass was not validated correctly");

  class WhenValid {
    void doesNotHaveViolations() {
      ClassWithMetaAnnotation clazz = new ClassWithMetaAnnotation();
      clazz.dataClass = new DataClass();

      Set<ConstraintViolation<Object>> violations = validate(clazz);


  private Set<ConstraintViolation<Object>> validate(ClassWithMetaAnnotation clazz) {
    return validator.validate(clazz);

  private class ClassWithMetaAnnotation {
    @MetaAnnotation DataClass dataClass = new DataClass();

@Target({ElementType.ANNOTATION_TYPE, ElementType.PARAMETER, ElementType.FIELD})
@Constraint(validatedBy = {})
private @interface MetaAnnotation {
  String message() default "This isn't used, as the @ValidData gets triggered instead";

  Class<?>[] groups() default {};

  Class<? extends Payload>[] payload() default {};


What is it?

ElementType.PACKAGE is used to annotate a package, but is not possible to use for validation.

How do we use + test it?

This isn't possible to use for validation.

On our annotation, we target PACKAGE:


And then if we want to annotate the package me.jvt.hacking.annotations, we'd create the file src/main/java/me/jvt/hacking/annotations/ like so:

package me.jvt.hacking.annotations;

import me.jvt.hacking.ValidData;


What is it?

ElementType.TYPE_PARAMETER allows us to annotate the use of a parameterised type, such as when declaring a generic class.

It doesn't appear to be usable for validation.

How do we use + test it?

On our annotation, we target TYPE_PARAMETER:


Then, we can annotate the use of a generic with the annotation:


Then, we could add our annotation to a generic method/class:

public <@Entity T extends DataClass> void methodToCheck(T t) {}

class ParameterisedTypeClass<@Entity T extends DataClass> {
  private final T t;

  public ParameterisedTypeClass(T t) {
    this.t = t;

  T get() {
    return t;


What is it?

ElementType.TYPE_USE allows us to annotate any use of a type, which overlaps with other annotation types, but also includes the ability to annotate when casting variables, or when using generics in parameterised types.

How do we use + test it?

On our annotation, we target TYPE_USE:


Then, we can annotate the use of a generic with the annotation:

private class ClassWithContainer {
  private List<@ValidData DataClass> dataClasses;

To test it we can trigger Validator#validate:

class TYPE_USE_Validation {

  class WhenInvalid {
    void hasViolation() {
      ClassWithContainer clazz = new ClassWithContainer();
      DataClass dataClass = new DataClass();
      clazz.dataClasses = Collections.singletonList(dataClass);

      Set<ConstraintViolation<Object>> violations = validate(clazz);


    void hasMessage() {
      ClassWithContainer clazz = new ClassWithContainer();
      DataClass dataClass = new DataClass();
      clazz.dataClasses = Collections.singletonList(dataClass);

      Set<ConstraintViolation<Object>> violations = validate(clazz);

          .isEqualTo("The DataClass was not validated correctly");

  class WhenValid {
    void doesNotHaveViolations() {
      ClassWithContainer clazz = new ClassWithContainer();
      DataClass dataClass = new DataClass();
      dataClass.setNonNullValue("No nulls here");
      clazz.dataClasses = Collections.singletonList(dataClass);

      Set<ConstraintViolation<Object>> violations = validate(clazz);


  private Set<ConstraintViolation<Object>> validate(ClassWithContainer clazz) {
    return validator.validate(clazz);

  private class ClassWithContainer {
    private List<@ValidData DataClass> dataClasses;


What is it?

ElementType.MODULE is used to annotate a module, but is not possible to use for validation.

How do we use + test it?

This isn't possible to use for validation.

On our annotation, we target MODULE:


And then if we want to annotate the package me.jvt.hacking, we'd create the file src/main/java/me/jvt/hacking/ like so:

import me.jvt.hacking.ValidData;

module bean.validation.tdd.javax.main {


What is it?

ElementType.RECORD_COMPONENT is used to validate that individual components in the record, that is, each variable that is passed into our record, are deemed valid.

How do we use + test it?

On our annotation, we target RECORD_COMPONENT and PARAMETER (this is important both are added, otherwise validation won't be triggered):

@Target({ElementType.RECORD_COMPONENT, ElementType.PARAMETER})

Then, we can annotate the components (parameters passed to the constructor):

public record RecordDataClass(@ValidId String id) {}

To test it we can trigger ExecutableValidator#validateConstructorParameters:

class RECORD_COMPONENT_Validation {

  class WhenInvalid {
    void hasViolation() {
      Set<ConstraintViolation<Object>> violations = validate(null);


    void hasMessage() {
      Set<ConstraintViolation<Object>> violations = validate(null);

      assertThat(first(violations).getMessage()).isEqualTo("The ID should be non-null");

  class WhenValid {
    void doesNotHaveViolations() {
      Set<ConstraintViolation<Object>> violations = validate("foo");


  @Target({ElementType.RECORD_COMPONENT, ElementType.PARAMETER})
  @Constraint(validatedBy = {})
  @interface ValidId {
    String message() default "The ID should be non-null";

    Class<?>[] groups() default {};

    Class<? extends Payload>[] payload() default {};

  public record RecordDataClass(@ValidId String id) {}

  private Set<ConstraintViolation<Object>> validate(String id) {
    Constructor<RecordDataClass> constructor;
    try {
      // or `.getDeclaredConstructor` if `private`/package-private `record` class
      constructor = RecordDataClass.class.getConstructor(String.class);
    } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
      throw new IllegalStateException("Could not find Constructor", e);

    Object[] args = {id};
    return executableValidator.validateConstructorParameters(constructor, args);

How do we use + test it?

Other notes

I've found that, while writing UUID that I'd recommend writing abstract tests as there's a lot of duplicated code, and often the most that's duplicated is the actual setup / means to verify the data class under test.

Written by Jamie Tanna's profile image Jamie Tanna on , and last updated on .

Content for this article is shared under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike 4.0 International, and code is shared under the Apache License 2.0.

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