Querying JSON with SQLite

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I really like the fact that a lot of the database engines are allowing for native JSON querying, not least with SQLite, as I'm using it for various projects at the moment.

However, I can never seem to remember the incantation for how to actually perform the JSON query.

Let's say that we have the following schema and data:

  id integer PRIMARY KEY,
  json TEXT,
  array TEXT

INSERT INTO data (json, array) VALUES('
  "name": "go",
  "depTypes": [
  '[ "require", "indirect" ]'

INSERT INTO data (json, array) VALUES('
  "name": "ruby",
  "depTypes": [
  '[ "dev" ]'

If we wanted to parse our array type, we could query:

select data.id, arr.value from data, json_each(data.array) as arr;

And if we wanted to query a JSON field within json, we could query:

select id, json_extract(data.json, '$.name') name from data;

And to query the depTypes array within json:

select data.id, depType.value from data, json_each(json_extract(data.json, '$.depTypes')) depType;

Written by Jamie Tanna's profile image Jamie Tanna on , and last updated on .

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#blogumentation #sqlite #json.

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