Generating Equal methods for Go structs with goderive

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Sometimes you need to check the equality of two structs in Go, and depending on how complicated they are, you probably want to avoid hand-writing the Equal method if possible, and you want to avoid reflect.DeepEqual for performance reasons, at least in your production code.

If I were writing Java, I'd ask IntelliJ to generate an equals method for me, but wanted to find out if Go had a tool for this, because there usually is one. I asked around in the Go communities I'm part of, and my colleague Michal suggested looking at goderive, which worked out very nicely for what I needed.

Although goderive supports many methods being generated, I only needed an Equal method.

Let's say that we have a slightly complex struct setup which results in this set of types:

type ComplexStruct struct {
	Int      int
	MyStruct MyStruct
	Anon     Anon

type Anon struct {
	Nested Nested

type Nested struct {
	MyStruct MyStruct

type MyStruct struct {
	Int64     int64
	StringPtr *string

To create our own Equal method is OK for us to do, but we can instead use goderive to do the heavy lifting, by creating:

func (this *ComplexStruct) Equal(that *ComplexStruct) bool {
	return deriveEqualComplexStruct(this, that)

Note that there needs to be pointer receivers for goderive to generate the right equality method.

This will fail to compile - but that's OK, running goderive will then auto-generate the file derived.gen.go which contains the implementation we need:

// deriveEqualComplexStruct returns whether this and that are equal.
func deriveEqualComplexStruct(this, that *ComplexStruct) bool {
	return (this == nil && that == nil) ||
		this != nil && that != nil &&
			this.Int == that.Int &&
			deriveEqual(&this.MyStruct, &that.MyStruct) &&
			deriveEqual_(&this.Anon, &that.Anon)

// deriveEqual returns whether this and that are equal.
func deriveEqual(this, that *MyStruct) bool {
	return (this == nil && that == nil) ||
		this != nil && that != nil &&
			this.Int64 == that.Int64 &&
			((this.StringPtr == nil && that.StringPtr == nil) || (this.StringPtr != nil && that.StringPtr != nil && *(this.StringPtr) == *(that.StringPtr)))

// deriveEqual_ returns whether this and that are equal.
func deriveEqual_(this, that *Anon) bool {
	return (this == nil && that == nil) ||
		this != nil && that != nil &&
			deriveEqual_1(&this.Nested, &that.Nested)

// deriveEqual_1 returns whether this and that are equal.
func deriveEqual_1(this, that *Nested) bool {
	return (this == nil && that == nil) ||
		this != nil && that != nil &&
			deriveEqual(&this.MyStruct, &that.MyStruct)

This then generates a set of methods which check the equality for all the types involved - awesome πŸ‘

A sample project for this can be found on

Written by Jamie Tanna's profile image Jamie Tanna on , and last updated on .

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