Building dynamic jobs with BuildKite
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If you're using Buildkite for your builds, you may want to reduce duplication in your job's configuration by looping over certain variables, for instance "for each of these 5 environments, deploy the application".
Although you could use a shell script / loop through them in the actual pipeline's configuration, BuildKite's got some great functionality to dynamically define a pipeline.
However, while reading through this, I didn't find it clear as to whether you could only define the dynamic logic when you're defining the job's steps in the UI/via the API, for instance:
- command: ".buildkite/ | buildkite-agent pipeline upload"
Fortunately that's not the case, and we can see below that - as long as buildkite-agent
is available in the executing environment - you can call buildkite-agent pipeline upload
to dynamically insert whatever pipeline you'd like into the build!
For instance, if we have our job's steps defined as:
- command: buildkite-agent pipeline upload .buildkite/pipeline.yml
Then we can define .buildkite/pipeline.yml
- label: ":go: Build"
command: "echo go build -o list-environments"
- wait
- label: ":aws: Determine environments to deploy to"
# if this was a built binary, not a shell script, we'd use `buildkite-agent artifact download` here
- ./list-environments | .buildkite/ | buildkite-agent pipeline upload
In this case, we would see the following resulting result:
This can be found as an example project on