Gotcha: Using vCluster on Elastic Kubernetes Service requires a Container Storage Interface driver

I've recently been playing around with vcluster on an Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) cluster, but about two commands into getting set up on my cluster, I had the vcluster setup fail.
After failing to create the vcluster, I investigated the pods in the vcluster, and saw that etcd was in a CrashLoopBackOff
When I went to investigate the pod, I could see the following error in the events:
$ kubectl describe -n vcluster-test-vcluster pods/test-vcluster-etcd-0
Type Reason Age From Message
---- ------ ---- ---- -------
Warning FailedScheduling 3m36s (x3 over 23m) default-scheduler running PreBind plugin "VolumeBinding": binding volumes: timed out waiting for the condition
Searching around recommended that I dig into the PersistentVolumeClaim
s by running:
kubectl describe pvc -n vcluster-test-vcluster
Name: data-test-vcluster-etcd-0
Namespace: vcluster-test-vcluster
StorageClass: gp2
Status: Pending
Labels: app=vcluster-etcd
Annotations: ip-xxx-xxx-x-xxx.ec2.internal
Finalizers: []
Access Modes:
VolumeMode: Filesystem
Used By: test-vcluster-etcd-0
Type Reason Age From Message
---- ------ ---- ---- -------
Normal WaitForFirstConsumer 41s persistentvolume-controller waiting for first consumer to be created before binding
Normal ExternalProvisioning <invalid> (x8 over 41s) persistentvolume-controller waiting for a volume to be created, either by external provisioner "" or manually created by system administrator
This error led me to this StackOverflow answer, which indicated that I needed to make sure that I needed to set up my cluster to be able to provision Amazon Elastic Block Store with the steps mentioned. Once completed, my etcd was able to start correctly, and I could continue with my setup.