Creating a /typography page

As you may have noticed - unless you're an RSS-only reader, in which case, you may want to click through to see this page - I recently revamped my site design.

As part of this, one of the things I needed to do was to make sure that the new design worked on the various pages and blog posts I have on my site. Given I've got well over 1000 blog posts, that's not a small undertaking, and so I needed to find a good subset of pages that each did something interesting.

(Aside: I do have an issue on my site's backlog to track down a list of "good blog posts" to review after a redesign, that would feed nicely into this, but I can't seem to find it)

This last week, on the Hacker News discussion of Go is my hammer, and everything is a nail, I'd seen that Markus was touting his new /typography page.

I really like this as a concept, especially from someone who's just tweaked a number of things and would find it good to have a single place to look, and am sure I've seen others do this, but can't seem to immediately find anything in the IndieWeb wiki as my first port of call. Do you know of other examples? Let me know!

While on the train down to London to GopherCon UK, I thought I'd have a stab at making my own /typography page, given for me, it's a case of "just" showing some common elements you'd want on a page, and is a nice throwback to all those NOT -> STP journies I used to make and hack on my site.

This is now live with my own /typography/ page πŸŽ‰

It's got some basic stuff in there, and will be useful for me in the future to test other human-facing changes, as and when I make changes.

While doing this, I've picked up on a couple of bugs:

  • I'd completely lost any styling for <blockquotes>
  • I'd not max-width'd the Asciicasts, so they displayed as a full width, full height embed which was generally rather large. They're now more manageable

Even if it's not interesting for y'all, it'll be useful for me in the future.

Written by Jamie Tanna's profile image Jamie Tanna on , and last updated on .

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