Gotcha: SXHKD doesn't like comments (in bindings)
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I've written before about my usage of the BSPWM tiling window manager, which goes hand in hand with Simple X HotKey Daemon (SXHKD).
I noticed earlier that while trying to set a SXHKD binding, I suddenly stopped being able to trigger the creation of a window via the keybinding.
For instance, with the following binding:
super + shift + d
# Next float via
bspc rule -a '*' -o state=floating; kitty
I was finding that SXHKD silently didn't respond to the keypress, nor could I see anything when running the sxhkd
daemon interactively.
It appears that it was due to the location of the comment, and the following diff fixed it:
+# Next float via
super + shift + d
- # Next float via
bspc rule -a '*' -o state=floating; kitty
Once this was done, it was able to run correctly. This is another subtle reminder for me not to treat it as a shell script being executed!