Nested teams in GitHub don't give you the control you think they do

GitHub has the concept of nested teams to make it possible to say manage hierarchical access in your organisation.
This can be really useful for indicating cases where i.e. you would expect all of your engineering team to be able to access specific repositories, instead of providing read-only access to all organisational members, or to be able to say "all of the Platform organisation can write to this repository, and everyone else can read".
However, it comes with a number of rough edges, and using it for authorization in your repository settings is almost never actually what you want to do.
It's a conversation I've had before, including today at work, so I thought it was worthwhile recording the reasoning so I could more easily refer back to it in the future.
This can be useful for general access but this doesn't work for a few cases:
More granular authorization
This makes sense, but it's worth calling out that you'll then need to add any child teams with any elevated access separately
Even if everyone in the nested team has Write
access to the repository, you will not have a valid CODEOWNERS
file, as each individual team needs to be added as a collaborator, with Write
Requesting reviews
Similar to the above, you cannot request the review of a child team, unless that team is explicitly added as a collaborator, with Write